What makes the average modern zoomer cry?

what makes the average modern zoomer cry?

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silence lasting longer than 30 seconds, waiting in line without a phone or tv to stare at, preparing their own food

fortnite downtime maintenance

trump, guns, refugees and climate change

Just words, any words.

>waiting in line without a phone or tv to stare at, preparing their own food
to be fair it's not like any of us would be ok with this either

finding out they ate something that isnt vegan

I would, you low attention-span cuck

totally fine with this, i dont even own a mobile phone and i always prepare my own food

If you dare to question the superiority of women and/or their beloved poc.

Racism, sexism, homophobia, poverty wages, mass shootings, student debt

Imagine this girl as a average modern zoomer on her way to concentration camp detention for months.

same here, once you stop using a phone you notice how much other people use them

I mean I suppose I don't really use my phone either but that's pretty much because I'm on my laptop all day. if I didn't have that I'd cry, and I'm not sure if there's anything intrinsic to a laptop that makes crying over it better than crying over no phone. also preparing food is gay. what do you eat?

I eat a lot of steak, chicken + rice, pasta dishes, some mince dishes. Just easy shit like nice sandwiches / burgers too etc

even worse, a boomer that adopted a zoomers attention span.

>preparing food is gay.
No its cheap, nutritious, and heterosexual. Try it sometime fatty.

Lack of internet. It's been around for basically our entire lives so it's kinda like a power outage for us.

As an almost-30 boomer I get the shakes without internet or a phone but I always make it a point to not be on my phone in a social situation. For older people being on their phone with company is seen as rude, and the older someone is the worse it comes off. Meanwhile zoomers seem more comfortable living as internet-cyborgs. Always being glued to a phone is more natural to them, and interacting with them is less jarring than internet addicts from other generations.

insects and other crawlies no matter how harmless.

>what makes the average modern zoomer cry?
don't know, i'm not average
can't remember the last time i cried over something and find it hard to imagine doing so