Get a practice GR, he said

When I was 16 I was depressed, sad, and lonely. I was skinny as a rail, had acne, had never had girls do more than sneer at me, and wanted a change, badly. My older chad cousin pulled me aside at a party where I was obviously crushed by all my cousins having gfs and said
'Work on the acne and get a practice girlfriend; a girl to build your confidence.'
So all summer I worked hard on my skin and when school started back up I looked for a girl to be a practice gf.
There was a girl, call her Ellen. She was heavy but had a nice rack, had a 6/10 face, too, but was odd. She had almost been forced to repeat freshman year because of mental health issues (i.e., she was locked up in a mental ward for a week here and a week there all year). People avoided her because she had just burst out screaming a few times in 8th grade.
Turned out we had a creative writing class together, so I used that as an excuse to talk to her, then started sitting with her at lunch to 'continue our talks'.
She always sat alone, before that.
After a few weeks of this she relaxed a little. I hinted at us getting food after school, but she had to have her parents' permission. I just said,
"Can I meet them? I would love to meet your parents. Can I come over this eekend to meet them?"
She was obviously shocked, but the next day said it was OK

Attached: at her best.jpg (500x375, 23K)

Saturday I drove over in dad's car and meet her folks. They were very nice, very quiet, and obviously super happy a boy was visiting. I had thought Ellen was an only child, but her older (8 years!) sister had committed suicide years before because of schizophrenia. They were super religious and super nice.
We had a nice lunch then they left us to sit in the living room while they went to the family room.
I reached out and held her hand. When I did that she put her head down and I realized she was almost crying. I just kept talking about silly things and talking about how nice her parents were.
She relaxed after a while and we had a quiet evening. After an hour I said goodbye and asked her parents if I could come back in a week to see Ellen. They were beaming as they said yes.
This went on for a while - most Saturdays I would go over, help set the table, have dinner with her family, help pick up, talk to her dad while she helped with the dishes, then we would hold hands and talk while her parents were in the next room. The third weekend I kissed her. She had tears in her eyes when she kissed me back, later.
After a month I asked her to visit my house. My dad had died (he fell asleep while driving) when I was 14 and mom drank some, but it was nice. Mom shot me an odd look when she first say Ellen and her weight, but was nice enough.
Not too long after the 'talking in the living room' was really a mild groping session with a lot of kissing and a lot of hands over clothes, but fun. And Ellen was already startng to change; better clothes, and losing weight.

Her parents dislike halloween but I told them we were having a birthday party for my kid brother, born the 30th, and they let her go out with me that weekend. I told her and her parents the party started at 3 on Saturday; it started at 6. I took her to my house and we went to the granny suite over the garage. She immediately knew what was going on and we started making out. After about 20 minutes I started undressing her. OK, she was fat, but those massive tits made that mean nothing. Huge, still surprisingly firm, and with massive nipples. I lost my virginity and took hers at the same time. I came about a gallon and she came 4 times!
We cleaned up and when my parents and brother got home we were waiting for them.
After that? She was very enthusiastic. We soon had a routine. almost. Her parents had approved, so I would pick her up in the morning to drive to school; we'd leave a little arly and she'd blow me in a tractor turnaround on the way, swallowing it all. On the drive back after school we'd stop there again and I'd fuck herSaturdays we'd go to the gym and she'd tit fuck me on the way (she showered before and after) and on Sundays I would take her to her church and we'd fuck on the way there and back
At school I was holding her hand as we walked between classes, giving her a little kiss before we left, etc. Being as romantic as I could. The guys were confused, but the other girls in school seemed to eat it up. I even heard one ask her jock bf,
'Why can't you be sweet and romantic like user?'
And things seemed to be getting better!

Ellen was eating a ton better and no longer sad eating (as she called it). I was bbulking up at the gym and she was on the bikes and such all the time; her parents even got her an exercise bike for the house. She was losing weight, getting tones, and looking really fucking good.
Her parents either trusted us more or didn't care, but we already had more time alone; I was getting a blowie or a titfuck every morning and fucking her at least once a day.
But it wasn't perfect. She was legit a little crazy. Very odd reactions; sudden mood swings; once she just slapped herself, fucking HARD, three times to 'get a grip'. After that one (she had a bruised face!) I told her parents; they were legit terrified. That is how it had started with her sister. I looked up the symptoms of schizo and realized she had a few.
But I was getting laid constantly, she adored me, and the girls at school wished their bfs were more romantic, like me. I was feeling great right up until 3 weeks before Summer started.
Ellen was getting dressed after a quick fuck when she said,
"I can't wait! Next year we're seniors, then we graduate, and then we get married before university!"
I *said* 'Yeah, the future is perfect' but I *thought* 'What the fuck? Married?!'. With her hyper-religious parents and her half-crazy?! I had to think of something, and I did

Summer started and I got a small job, earning OK money. I had ben buying little gifts for Ellen (again, making the other girls jealous) and I kept that up, and I kept up the hand-holding, the little notes, and whispring sweet things to her.
But I also started adding things.
I'd kiss her, lean in and say 'I love you' and immediately whisper 'you filthy whore' then continue in a normal tone 'want to watch a movie?'. Of we'd sit on the couch and out of the blue I'd whisper 'whore'. I always did my best so she couldn't see my mouth, I'd whisper, and I'd deny everything.
I built up very slowly all through the summer. At the same time I when we were fucking when she was looking at me it was all,
'Oh, my beautiful angel. You are so pretty and perfect. I love you with all my heart'
When she was eyes down or I was fucking her from behind I would add in, whispering, 'take it like the pig you are; fuck like a whore; fucking is all you're good for, fatty' etc. Again, very little at first but slowly building up with as much deniability as I could.
After just a month I told her parents I was worried; I thought she might be hearing voices.
They were already worried; she had been talking to herself in her room, mainly about me.
'I hear him say it! I know he did! Or did I? Am I crazy?' stuff like that.
After that I tossed in playing recordings of her mother saying things when we were out at dinner, or her dad's voice while we were fucking, then claiming I heard nothing.

As Summer wound down I added more to it,
'I'll love you forever, no matter what'
'Maybe... maybee you need to see a doctor?'
I was calling her parents after every 'episode' by then, and they were forcing her to see the doctor by the time our senior year started.
She was crying a lot, by then, and clinging to me. We were still having a lot of sex, but she often would cum and then cry, hard.
School started and I kept holding her hand, kissing her, giving her little gifts on Thursday, and whispering 'I love you' but the whispers continued from me.
The third Thursday we were in the lunchroom and I gave her the gift, a little necklace, and told her,
"this is for you, my love" and as I leaned in to put it on her whispered 'cumwhore' and she FREAKED OUT!
She just shrieked, a full-throated scream until her air ran out, then she thrashed around, pulling her own hair out and ripping at her clothes, gasping for aitr until she fell on the ground, her feet kicking. Her shirt was torn open, she had a clump of her own hair in one hand, and she was just screaming and babbling,
"I'm a whore, God hates me, I can hear him! I can hear him tell me I'm a whore! Why won't the voices stop?!?!? Why do the voices hate me?!?!? Please just let me die! I want to die so I can't hear the voices!"

Teachers and nurses held her down and an ambulance came, and they took her away. I was there with her, telling her I loved her and she'd be ok. they wouldn't let me ride with her.
I moped around, then asked to leave. Called her parents, they were at the hospital, admitting her to the psych ward. I called in sick Friday and visited her parents.
The doctors said I couldn't see her for a while, she was 'fixated' on me. They had her on anti-psychotics and under suicide watch because she had tried to kill herself. I got a nice picture her parents had had taken of her and I by a professional and put it in my locker so everyone could see it when I was in getting stuff.
Soon the hottest girls in school were there for me, asking what happened,
"Schizophrenia, like her sister. Committed. Might never get out. Doctors say only the happiness she had with me kept her sane as long as she was. I am heartbroken' etc., really playing it up.
When it came out she *was* committed indefinately boom! I was fucking a cheerleader that night as she tried to "cheer me up". It was so romantic, and so tragic I was fucking a different 9/10 popular girl every 2-3 weeks all year.
When I got to university I made sure to put that picutre in a frame in my room, visible, right away
"Her? My highschool sweetheart. We were sure we were going to marry, but..."
BAM! fucking another hot girl who thought it was so romantic and tragic.

I called her parents every month to check on her. My junior year in university I visited them. They thanked me for loving her, said I had brought her her only joy. And they told me they loved me, too, but I should move on. She would never be better.
The year I graduated I visited her at the place she was being treated. She looked great - had kept the wight off, her face had matured (still barely a 6/10) still the same massive tits. Her eyes were glazed from the drugs, though.
Told her I thought of her and kept our picture on my desk. She said they were letting her get a GED. She asked me not to visit, she didn't want me to see her that way.
that was 2 years ago.
My cousin was right, a practice gf was just what I needed.

There's your mistake, you ass. Women on the edge like that don't want to be treated like shit.

I was afraid she'd never lose it!

Obvious larp but you should still kys op.

nice fiction i had a good time reading that

if you had the mental fortitude you could do it, too

It was more fun to live it

So is this some creative writing thing for you?

You'd have pics if it was real.

>Stop being anonymous about using a girl as a sex toy

Some sort of psychopath fantasy? Pathetic impotent weakling.

is pic related actually her?

OK, here are two
Our first date

Attached: ellen first date.jpg (242x215, 10K)

and after she slimmed way down, just four weeks before she lost it

Attached: Ellen dance.jpg (170x335, 11K)

She looks 40 she's no highschooler

much different to top pic

shows what you know

you still fapping to trannies?
>of course you are

sucker for girls that look homely like this, reminds me of that brit bbw model

OK well the tits don't look that big or firm so I'm not really bothered anymore

damn i aint read the fuckin tragic backstory but that girl got some fat titties tho

it kinda makes sense. that roastie logic of fucking you because she was institutionalized.

You're an evil person

alright, i lol'd

They're diiferent pics user, the noses are completely different.

I hope you get in love OP and she crush your heart you fucking piece of shit.
Karma is a bitch