Be me

>be me
>people call me pretty
>wanna make an insta
>too insecure and embarssed and have a lot of anxieties that discourage me from trying
>same with discord server
im such an actual failure it's sad
>post 2000s birth and still can't use social media

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>Wanna be an e-thot
>too ugly for it
Useless whore

I don't want to thot and idek if I'm too ugly for it
anyone I dm pictures of me is normally positive and whatever
I just start feeling insecure when they're posted publicly
I generally delete any pics I post of myself in 2.2 secs after posting anyway

Jow Forums is not your blog please go kill your self in Minecraft irl.

R9k has no topic and most posts are blog posts or bait

hope this is a larp

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choose one:
low quality bait


i feel you :( us zoomers who cant use SM are really fucked socially. y do you wanna make an insta?

Laughing out loud hoes mad;^)

Are you haircut girl?

no one cares about pictures that your orbiters call cute. either make an insta or don't, but stop whining about "m-muh insecurities" as a desperate plea for attention

>>im so ugly guys
>>please tell me im pretty


I wish this was bait I'm just not functional
I wanna make one bc a few people I've sent pictures too said I should and because I'd like to meet people since I'm bad at doing that desu
if you didn't grasp sm growing up as a zoomer your doomed during your teen years
yes I am
not a desperate plea for attention just complaining I'm too autistic to graso social media
yeah bad self image is like that

What do you want to accomplish by making an insta or joining random discords?

so you basically want to make one bc
1) validation
2) meeting peeps

if thats the case, have some friends take/pick out some pics they think look good, and force yourself to upload them. if you want to overcome you anxiety, you have to push yourself

Athisanon tl;dr'd it
I guess that's probably the best plan
I'm not sure what to do after posting pics either desu
I feel lost

im not the best to ask since, you know, im also an angsty teen who doesnt like posting pics of themselves, but just like, answer any question that pops up in the comments i guess. post once every other day until you get the hang of it, then post more

Why ask Jow Forums?
A place where we despise social media?
The only reason i use what social shit i have is to eventually maintain that extremely slim chance of finding a girlfriend online, else i'd just limit myself to small voip server with friends and telegram group.

If you have people you trust enough to send pics of yourself to, then you're far from autistic
What's worse, they even tell you you're pretty
And you're a girl
And you're a zoomer
At least yours are just made up insecurities, you just want to wallow in self pity and play victim for attention

The absolute state

I will do my best to do this I guess thank you for the advice
because image boards unlike social media I can use pretty comfortably without anxiety
Im not intentionally making myself hate how I look I wish I was confident and didn't care.

Why ask Jow Forums then?
Put the gf on the table or leave to

hope you can use it. god luck ^^

It's usually hard for me to believe how even the most privileged normies can have insecurities, anxieties, depression, and what not. I guess I'm jealous and I want to win the victim olympics at least. Good luck with your problem

Idk why but you seem really familiar, good luck with your troubles at least.

You're looking to cure your insecurities with vapid shit like instagram likes and attention (thot tier bs, there's a damn good reason people are disgusted by the "cope" in that regard, it's only temporary, it's like trying to cure a disease by the symptoms and not the root cause).
Instead, you should be learning why you have insecurities, and delving into your issues that create the securities in the first place (psychologically speaking).
In actuality, you should be looking for a mentor, and someone to explore your insecurities and issues with.
Those are likely dating back to early childhood, and various stages in the development of your self image.
Find friends you can build a deep emotional bond with who can fulfill that mentor role in the psychological sense.
Really though, best of luck, but heed the warning; don't try to fix it via vapid means and instead solve the root issues.

>people tell me I'm pretty

thirsty guys want to bang you or see your nudes say this to every above 4/10 girl, this doesn't mean you're actually good looking.

Just make an account with a good profile pic as a start. You don't really have to post anything in there yet. But if you're planning to get validation or compete with 9/10 Stacies with better life than you, then you're better off without it.

I happen to know that this person has a penis

r9k is the board I spend my time on and has no set topic
I'll do my best to, getting help pic out pictures right now
I understand that, you probably do beat me in the victim olympics, I hope your problems go okay as well
I post here semioften i guess
not just guys though, and guys with gfs have as well
I likely am a 4/10 or a 5/10 but I'm skinny and small
don't plan on competing with stacy and my life is awful and boring
I just hope to maybe meet some people and post pictures maybe some people like or something idk
I know the traumas that cause the insecurities user but it doesn't help cure them, I've had multiple therapists I've talked to about this stuff
still haven't really gotten much better
I guess a bit
pretty good advice though thank you
I will try to listen to your warnings

Wow what an amazing problem. You're scared of posting selfies online because little babby is afraid of judgement.
Teenagers are fucking retarded. Get your head out of your ass, attention whore, this is the board for women murderers.

Ok, glad you've explored the insecurities with therapists, and exactly it only gets you part way to resolving the root issues.
The next step is understanding those insecurities, and finding meaning in them.
E.g. why are you worried about what you're insecure about? What are you trying to prevent by being insecure about them? What are you trying to fix by being insecure about them? Your subconscious is attempting to tell you these things. Those insecurities are important, what they're trying to tell you is really important, and it also needs to be important to someone else; where they're really attempting to understand you, and you also likely seek to be truly understood there.
It also a matter of likely being a catch-22, maybe you can solve those issues by confronting them, and "confirming" for yourself that those insecurities won't prevent what you "truly do want" (that your subconscious is telling you, that you want, which those insecurities are tell you: "x/y/z may prevent what you truly want from happening").
The next step is having someone you trust to do that with, and for you both to explore the whys/whats; with them preferably being a mentor as to help you with the next steps too.
It's a whole process of a dialectical type of therapy that we all really need with the traumas of childhood (the developmental stages of self-awareness).
I'd recommend to answer those questions to yourself, write it all out in a journal, and go over it in a day or so as to get an outside perspective (making notes on that, and so on).
Feel free to drop your discord if you'd like more direction after you do that self-therapy.

Saying "I think you're pretty" is flattering but it won't improve the opinion that the woman has of you.

What you really want to say is "Look at me, I have a lot of money and status symbols."

Hello sailormoon poster (from canada)
If you don't mind, can you add me on discord? I talked with you a bit a few months ago but since you answered my questions i deleted you after a while since i had nothing else to ask. But now i have a few more questions if you don't mind. Anyways, here's is it: Berlzker#8436

Ok, glad you've explored the insecurities with therapists, and exactly it only gets you part way to resolving the root issues.
The next step is understanding those insecurities, and finding meaning in them.
E.g. why are you worried about what you're insecure about? What are you trying to prevent by being insecure about them? What are you trying to fix by being insecure about them? Your subconscious is attempting to tell you these things. Those insecurities are important, what they're trying to tell you is really important, and it also needs to be important to someone else; where they're really attempting to understand you, and you also likely seek to be truly understood there.
It also a matter of likely being a catch-22, maybe you can solve those issues by confronting them, and "confirming" for yourself that those insecurities won't prevent what you "truly do want" (that your subconscious is telling you, that you want, which those insecurities are tell you: "x/y/z may prevent what you truly want from happening").
The next step is having someone you trust to do that with, and for you both to explore the whys/whats; with them preferably being a mentor as to help you with the next steps too.
It's a whole process of a dialectical type of therapy that we all really need with the traumas of childhood (the developmental stages of self-awareness).
I'd recommend to answer those questions to yourself, write it all out in a journal, and go over it in a day or so as to get an outside perspective (making notes on that, and so on).

same but im not a filthy woman

Does anyone want someone who they can talk to on Discord; currently talking to one person actively through the day but I knew him from school.

I've found myself available and willing to facilitate an additional individual and it could be something fairly useful.


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>"I have bad anxiety"
>talks to many people over Discord, even considers starting her own server, sends pictures of herself to strangers on the Internet
>is setting up an Instagram where she'll be exposing herself to absolutely everyone
>"I'm ugly and hate how I look"
>all those strangers always told her that she's good looking
>casually complimenting herself
>despite hating how she looks, she's readily distributing pictures of her horrible looks to anyone and everyone
Yeah no, you're just waiting for one of the guys you meet on Discord to be hot enough. You're at least 15, you should be starting to have enough introspection to see through your own bullshit.

Can you just focus on doing what you like and all? Instead of just wasting time on Instagram and all.

She's obviously an attention starved social media addict and clearly underage.

I'll say it again OP. You're not struggling with anything else but attention seeking issues and the reason why therapists can't help you is because you won't admit it and would rather pretend you have body image problems. Start by understanding that you are desperate for attention and that you're willing to run in circles for hours with fools to get it, then start understanding why you want so much attention (Daddy wasn't there, mommy didn't love you enough, you were neglected, etc) and slowly work your way towards understanding how much you waste everyone's time, most of all, yours, through pointless superficial endeavors, but being an attention whore, you are obviously self-absorbed so nothing I say to you that is not asskissing or trying to rub you the right way will fly miles above your head.

Alternatively, stop being 15 years old and retarded like every fucking dumbass teenager.
God I fucking hate teenagers and am too old to be here.

If this isnt a larp I dont know what is

kys hypothetically embarrassing retard

I second this opinion, ROASTIE GTFOOOO REEEEEEE

Have you thought about having an anonymous type of thing? I used to have an anonymous snapchat where I posted nudes for fun. So something like that but maybe without the nudes.

ok lauren nice try