Nut discussion

What are your favorite kinds of nuts? inb4 deez, ligma, etc.

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I don't like eating nuts but cracking them with one of those cracking devices is a lot of fun.

I'm allergic to tree nuts. So the only nut I have is peanuts.
but that one time I did try to eat a bunch of tree nuts I really liked pecans. However I broke out in hives and went to the doc and he said I had an allergy and couldn't eat them anymore.

Cashews are yummy

for me it's almonds

Cashews are very good nuts

cashews are legumes you fucking tools kek

1: Cashews
2: Pistache
3: Almonds
All other nuts taste bad to me

Pistachios are the shiviled testicles of the gods and we are blessed to have their deliciousness on earth

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Wow, that sucks, man. Maybe you could still eat things like pumpkin seeds? I don't know. Those are kind of like nuts though.

Cashews aren't legumes, and legumes can still be nuts in a culinary sense. Very few culinary nuts are botanical nuts.

You never tried macadamia nuts?

As a kid I once ate an entire jar of cashews and became so ill that I've avoided them since then. But in that moment, I was a god.

>make a stupid mistake
>associate it with the thing you misused
>not learning from your mistakes
fucking brainlet

>tfw you eat a spoon of almond butter straight out of the jar

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My girlfriends would be my favorite!

What kind of nuts does she have?

Nigger toes are pretty good

What will you do with that time and effort it takes to get bigger toes?

Macadamia are the GOAT nuts

I wonder if they make macadamia marzipan.

I lub cashews