Tfw getting drunk off coconut rum and listening to pirate sea shanties...

>tfw getting drunk off coconut rum and listening to pirate sea shanties, crying for the first time in a while knosing i will never be a free man
Anyone else know this feel? I just want to be a free man, i dont want to spend my life in a cubicle

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Fuck, really? Just me? I cant be the only one

wha does it mean to be free? its just an illusion

No who the fuck does that

yeah I get that too but it's not like you have much of a choice dog. idk just scrounge for a couple of years and go be free in a third world country where a dollar means a grand or something.

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Any man who knows that the world we live in is superficial, and knows that mans true goal is too exert dominance over space. Know that a chimp only masturbates when its in captivity. We today lack such space toe xert dominance over as the matricarchy/zog saps male vitality from us, preventing us from exerting su ch dominance
It is not. Maybe it is today, but in order for such an illusion to exist, the illusion jad to be created from the real thing. Just as the reflection jn the mirror isnt real, but what is causing the reflection is real

I wish man. If the UN didnt fuck over PMCs i would have joined one by know. If i could join one and just be paid to shoot i would do that in an instant. Those men were truly the last free men. Margaret thatchers son was in one, and got arrested for attempting a coup in equatorial ginuea. Truly free

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Be a merchant mariner you fuck

It sounds nice in the same way colonizing Mars sounds nice, or winning the lottery sounds nice, or finding a gf. I'll never get the chance so why even bother hoping for it.

I agree to an extent. Living in past eras is hugely mixed bag I feel. Everything seemed more extreme, for better or worse, while in the 21st century everything is this mundane "okay I guess" baseline

As a pirate for instance, the feeling of docking into port, the breeze on your face, after a successful raid is probably a feeling that is better than anything we could ever hope for in 2019. But at the same time getting scurvy after being lost at sea, and ending up getting captured by British sailors and hung probably would sucked dick.

Not the same, to do so would be to take orders, which would be contradictory to the free spirit.
With high risk comes high reward. I would gladly take scurvy or whatever if i knew that i eouldnt have to be a slave for the next 60 years

Way hay, roll and go!

I make money working for myself. I do not go and kiss a guys dick for a job

I have god destroying my life tho. And I was talking about the pirate music

What do you do for work? What do you mean about the pirate music? Its fucking good

You could always become a hobo in some third world shithole if you want freedom so badly.

I had some similar feels while reading "Sailing Alone Around The World". 19th century travelogues in general have a wild undertone that you can't get now, especially while traveling to other countries.

Here we have the reddit cuck, whose alleles are increasingly inferior, who will fail to reproduce once civilization collapses.
Yes! Someone who finally gets it! To be free and sail the high seas with bloodbrothers!

Being a sailor or pirate back in the day was basically being a starved slave you fucking idiot

It definitely wasn't as romantic as OP thinks but being a sailor was not always like being a slave either

Dont care. Rather starve than be obese. Am fit and muscular now , but what will i do with my body? Look good? Is that the extent man can achieve these days by training? What is the point of training if man will not be able to use such body? You fear the new sea peoples!

I hope you find your sailing ship and savage islander waifu user

Thank you user. Itoo hope i find whAt im. Looking for, but i too hope you fin d what youre looking for. I truly mean it

Leave her johnny leave her!

Look up scurvy and what a diet of hard tack and grueling labor did to the body stupid
Being a sailor sucked ass and still does for the most part ask any navy fucks
Merchant mariner is only decent because you get to be a civie for the most part

I too wish this for you OP, I'll leave you a shanty for you to sing to

I know what itds done. Its not preyty. But i knie that. That is the price of freedome. Pain, suffeeing, disease, im willing to accept that and the pain if i can become free.
I dint want to ve merchant jew, i want to be free man, lije gordon free man
Yes, i live his song! I listen to this 3 times fonight! Thank tyou based user! I love you

Please i cant be the only man whondiseres freedome

I guess everyon e else has been domesticated, fear not! Its never too late to be a free man

What shall we do with a drunken sailor
What shall we do with a drunken sailor
What shall we do with a drunken sailor
Based thread

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Fucking based user.heave aboard o heave away way hay roll and go

So this is alcohol and aspergers

Yes! Qlcohol and asp makes a free man. Are you a free mn?

Freeman! Answwer my call.

Wet the skippers dughter! Mrs reily didnt likr sailors

Please men be free

Probation for being black here. Whats up. I want freedom.


If youre a freeman, you would be welcome on my shil. I would hire englishman and irishman first, but the blackman can be a natural ally. If you wish to be free, join me.

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Way hay roll and go. The anchors on board and the cables are stored

well, you can always join the navy, or be a merchant mariner
Look into this, OP. Might be up your alley.

I will take a look

I've been waiting 5 years for the perfect opportunity to post this meme again.

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Based a freeman here other than me

I understand you op.
I decided I'll buy myself a ship and sail around the world after my PhD.
Just want to live a comfy life, unrestrained.

You unironically remind me of my dumbass brother. If you're trying to be cryptic about wanting to fight me then just say it you pussy. Ill punch out a couple of teeth out so you can continue larping as a pirate on r9k you fucking manchild

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>tfw when u will never live in the world of One Piece
I'm considering buying an ocean-going vessel when I'm near retirement age. Just floating around the world by myself. That sounds really nice.

Anyways good thread op I like the vibes

yeah i do this