Lost in the Dark

I wish I had a mission in life. I wish I had something worth sacrificing every day for, and worth dying for. There are things like that in this world, but I cant feel it. There is no burning passion in my soul, no all consuming fixation of my heart. I have no resolve to do anything, but what I do feel is the anguish of regret. Every day I waste this life I have been gifted, and every night I think about the characters in my chinese cartoons. About how they dont waste their days, they sieze them. Then I swear to myself that tomorrow will be different, tomorrow I will... what? How many circles can a man run before he drops?
>how are you feeling?
>what do you want from life?
>share your thoughs

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No joke, I have a plan to take over the world and start a CWO (Counter World Order). I just need to get a job first. 17 atm.

Here's your motivation.The greatest song in the history of music:


I'm interested. Tell me about yourself, whats your life story?

Wtf? I was expecting something like youtube.com/watch?v=BLEBtvOhGnM your tune sounded crap desu.

The pacing and buildup in your song is so slow it's suicide fuel for people with add or ocd. It inspired great hatred in me, where as my song makes you feel like you're marching with an army against an enemy you hate so dearly and know whether you die or not means nothing as long as you get to fight along side your brothers and kill as many of them as you can. yeah, it's that good.

No, no. THIS is motivating music. youtu.be/PyyXcrwUqq0

Spill it, it's about time someone took over the world already.


This one sounds like anime, maybe you'll like it more: youtube.com/watch?v=r18g7-3-Tmo

My life story in a nutshell
>Circumstances held me back from standard privileges i.e controlling father and foster parents
>Since living with another branch of my family tree, i've had my personal freedoms but the freedoms didn't amount to much since I came back to my home county from Cornwall and in my county, new people I hadn't met before were shit

How would one join

Pick up a gun and do something. Clean up crime in your area by performing civilian arrest. Fight a revolution. Help stage a coup. Expose corruption and totalitarianism

>how are you feeling?
Well, after reading your post, I feel as though I can relate. I'm afraid lately I've been feeling stuck in nothingness. Work, see gf, wait for university fall next year, rinse and repeat.
>what do you want from life?
I want to actually feel on top of life for once. For once feel like I'm doing enough. I want to work out and diet. I want to drive less and smoke way less weed. I want to be a uni student already but I was a fuckup for 2 years straight on transferring properly. I want my parents off my ass. I want the confidence to work a better job than to be a dishwasher.
>share your thoughs
Lately I've been fucking wondering if I'm ready or not to end my relationship. It started with the typical codependant love bombing which created this feeling of obligation. I fell hard for her but slowly started coming to, yet she seems to be absolutely in love with me. The things she does that makes me unhappy.. She wants to see me so often that I hardly have time for laundry or cleaning my car. When I want to spend a day alone she gets pouty, and if I go somewhere or do something when she has time off and we can hang, she takes it up the ass every time. She also curveballs me with random contradictory behavior. Despite these downfalls she treats me incredibly and isn't mean to me at all. My friends say she is good for me though and I still feel strongly so I hang on, like the rest of my exes. I wonder when I will lose my grip. I have an avoidant attachment style and she has anxious so that should TLDR my feelings generally.

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I'm questioning atm whether or not I want a band of five guys (Including myself) who through experience become on par with SAS or Delta Force. Or just have it so i'm by myself. It's quite elaborate to say the least.

This is such a short and boring life story. Dont you have something interesting, exciting, weird to share about yourself? How can your life be described in only 2 run on sentences?

can I just be a grunt

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And what will you do with your 5 guys burgers and fries? Become like Los Zetas?

That's quite a shallow thing to say. My life like anyone else's wasn't made to tailor to you or anyone else's entertainment. But i'll hear you out if you aknowledge what I just said, let alone sorting yourself out.

No. More La Sombra Negra but not them if that makes sense.

Not trying to build an army desu.

No, you have only given me a shallow look at your life. I am sure you are more interesting than that. Tell me a story.

You're not exactly one for respect. Yeah I'll just write a biography about my life as you sit flat on your behind judging every aspect of it. Jackass.

I wrote a whole story for you and then my internet lost connection for a second and its all gone. I'll give you the tl;dr: I got in fights practically every week because I was an edgelord who liked villians. All the way from 1st grade to senior year of high school. I even had myself a little following of people who saw me as a leader or something because I was strong. I'm suprised they never expelled me, I spent most of my school days in OCS.

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