Veganism general

please logically explain why you eat meat. theres not a single argument for eating meat besides "its immoral but i still do it because its fun and i dont care". seriously, if you think about it logically, its the most evil unethical thing imaginable. the way we treat animals makes ww2 look like a joke. hundred of millions of animal die every year for your taste pleasure. we dont need any animal products to be healthy, we just eat them because its tasty and we prefer our momentary taste pleasure over a lifetime of animal suffering

animals like pigs and cows dont want to die for your taste preferences. strictly speaking, humans dont need any animal products to survive. theres not a single nutrient that cant be gotten from a vegan diet besides b12, thats the only one. but thats easy to get if you drink vegan milk or simply a supplement

all real robots should go vegan, because its hypocritical of your to complain about the suffering you endure in life, the pain you feel due to being a virgin and bullied by chad, normies and your unloving parents, yet inflict much more suffering unto innocent animals for your taste pleasure and "yummy in my tummy tum tum"

go vegan or explain why you wont

if you are being honest, and honestly want to learn veganism inside and out, then LARP as a vegan and argue against meat eaters, and see for yourself just how shit every single argument in this thread is. really, try it, if you honestly care to learn

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Other urls found in this thread:

beacuse its immoral but i still do it because its fun and i dont care

>steak is delicious
>veal is delicious
>Chicken is delicious
>Pork is delicious
>Most veggies and meat alternatives tastes like shit
Don't care how immoral it is. I'm gonna continue eating and loving my meat and no veggie loving faggot is gonna make me think otherwise.

thank you! im glad you atleast understand!

most meat eaters dont even admit this, they just repeat the same braindead bullshit reasoning

>durrrrrr plants have feelings so that makes it okay to kill animals
>duuurrr my culture
>duuurrrrrr animals dont have feelings lol
>dduuurrrr lions tho

im glad you atleast understand that you are unethical and philosophically speaking, vegans are right

can i ask you, what do you think would make you want to stop being an immoral hypocrite?

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calling other people hypocrite is hypocrite

okay, finally we have some honest meat eaters

can i ask you, what do you think could convince you to stop being immoral hypocrites?

i understand that i could never actually get you to do it, but in your opinion is there anything that would get you to want to stop being immoral hypocrites and start trying not to be hypocrites?

is it even possible for you to want to stop being immoral, or do you think you will forever be immoral?

no its not, lol. i wouldn't mind being called out on my hypocrisy if i was doing something wrong, LOL cry harder

explain how its hypocritical of me to point out other people's hypocrisy

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vegan food tastes like shit. I try not to consume too much meat tho since its not healthy on the long run

If you already knew the answer to your, frankly quite masturbatory, question, why bother writing a book that no one is going to read? Did it save any animals? Do you think you're going to convert someone? Here? On Jow Forums? Is it because you're a faggot, OP? It's cause you're a faggot, isn't it?

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I might consider becoming a vegan if all non-human carnivores stop eating meat

1. meat is tasty.
2. even if i was to give up meat, i wouldn't give up eggs or honey.
3. fuck you.

A bear will feel very greatful

Its tasty, its nutritious and veggies are disgusting.
And vegans are the most annoying kind of people on earth and can suck on my left nut.

>Did it save any animals?
the purpose of my thread ideally is to convert someone to go vegan or vegetarian or reduce their animal product consumption

but even if they dont, its also to inform the Jow Forums public of the consequences of their deitary preferences. the health, environmental and ethical consequences

i just hate when people are so ignorant on this subject and spout all kinds of anti-scientific horseshit and say all kinds of dumb shit

i dont mind if people are well aware on the subject and know of all the arguments, but still eat meat. what bothers me are people being ignorant and not even thinking about it. i didnt even think about it thoroughly until i was like 25-26~ years old, which is a long time. i want you to make an informed choice, not just do things because you've always done them

>Here? On Jow Forums?
r9k is my home board. i grew up here, ive been on r9k for longer than a decade. this place is more home to me than any place on earth, physical or virtual. i dont care that its infested with normies, fags, trannies and females. i have r9k in my blood and tattood on my soul

>It's cause you're a faggot, isn't it?
i wish

btw, this the accompanying Jow Forums thread if any of you guys want to see just how truly retarded that fucking board is. holy FUCK Jow Forums is so fucking stupid

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>can i ask you, what do you think would make you want to stop being an immoral hypocrite?
Honestly? If meat alternatives tasted better than meat. I have always done my best to try EVERYTHING at least once. Even things I haven't previously liked in a different format/different way cooked.
But as it stands, there has been NOTHING I've tried as a meat alternative that has made me go "HOT SHIT! I'LL NEVER NEED TO EAT STEAK AGAIN!"

good meat meal is cheaper than good vegan one also easily accessible unlike the latter
also meat tastes great

>good meat meal is cheaper than good vegan one also easily accessible unlike the latter

a vegan diet is cheaper than one with meat in it. vegan foods are cheaper than non-vegan foods. heres vegan gains pointing this out

>If meat alternatives tasted better than meat

well, the best meat alternatives taste the same as meat. ive had beyond meat, it tasted identical to regular meat. infact it tasted way too much like real meat for my liking, like it reminded me too much of meat

seriously, try beyond meat or impossible burgers, its identical. you have no reason to not be vegan in 2019. heres some beyond burgers i fried up, i took these pics myself

>Its tasty
>using sensory pleasure as a justification for abusing and killing sentient animals

>its nutritious
you can survive perfectly fine on a vegan diet, according to american dietatics association. you dont need meat

>and veggies are disgusting
even if they were, we still have a moral imperative to stop killing animals. try plant based meats like beyond meat and stick to those

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>even if i was to give up meat, i wouldn't give up eggs or honey.

eggs and honey are still exploitation of animals for your benefit, and strictly speaking, exploitation itself is wrong. but thats a small subject. what you should really focus on is stopping eating meat and dairy, because thats where most of the animal abuse is. these animals are treated horrifically for people's tastebud preferences. they can suffer

>meat is tasty
i understand its yummy, but just because something is pleasurable doesnt mean its moral. im sure pedophiles would adore raping and killing children, but just because its pleasurable for them doesnt make it okay

what is it about the animals that makes it okay to kill them, but not okay to treat humans the same way?

well, the reason why even i myself went vegan is because i strongly believe in god. and when you believe in god being a hypocrite is looked down upon. its called "follow the golden rule" for a reason. if you dont believe in god then i could understand you, but if you believe in the existence of some kind of god, then its reasonable not to be a hypocrite

truly the epitome of maturity. take a note meat eaters, this is how childish and petty some of you are; that you kill animals just to piss off the people trying to defend them. you are like spoiled children having a mental breakdown because mommy told you no icecream. you are literally on the same level as amazing atheist

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>Just eat bugs and plants goy.
Being a vegan is about as mentally ill as being homosexual; it only makes the public mad to hear the truth that they are both serious mental illnesses

oh look, that tripfag again. why am i not surprised

oh look its some faggot with no retorts to say, so he just resorts to adhoms like the pathetic rat faggot that he is

may i suggest attacking the idea instead of attacking the person?

>eat bugs

im strongly against eating bugs and i never have and am strongly against eating bugs. thats disgusting and not needed nutritionally speaking

>Being a vegan is about as mentally ill as being homosexual; it only makes the public mad to hear the truth that they are both serious mental illnesses

veganism is about not exploiting and abusing animals. if you actually think about it, veganism is a morally neutral position. you just do NOTHING. you dont kill animals for your tastebuds

thats not a good thing, its a morally neutral thing. helping others is a good thing. saving a life is a good thing. not killing people is a morally neutral thing

its meat eaters who are going around killing and raping animals. vegans are just trying to stop animal abuse. we dont need to eat them you fucking retard

holy FUCK why are meat eaters so fucking stupid

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vegans like to pretend they care about animals and tell you that animals should have rights, all the while still elevating themselves above animals and looking to have high ground on their fellow humans who eat meat, you claim to have empathy for living things but not your fellow human? so maybe you can see why people think your absolutely full of it.
humans are just another animal on earth, you always have to take the life of something else to survive whether it be plant or animal, animals just happen to be far more nutritious to the human body so we prefer to eat them. you are just disconnected from the reality of the killing since you dont have to do it yourself, but rest assured it never stops
average human body needs roughly around 2k calories a day to maintain itself in good health, could you fucking imagine going around trying to forage that in a forest, the plains, etc, maybe possible in the jungle but there is a hell of a lot of poisonous plants out there. killing and eating animals was a necessity for the prosperity humans. human ancestors have been around over 2 million years and most of that time was hunting and gathering, homosapiens around 200,000 years and only in the last 10-15000 years out of that has agriculture existed. you cant expect millions of years of evolution to basically change over night or know if it is even for the best of the species, its kind of taking a play at god thinking you know best

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I snapped one of birds legs and amputated it 3 days later. It wasnt so intentional as it was just an accident. However, you are one of those types that would argue against me owning birds, because THEY FLY AND SHIT MAN THEY FLY AND SHIT
Unfortunately, birds do not fly in a cage.
Your same kind of morality would have you actually believe that race is just a social construct

It is not immoral. All vegans are essentially Nihilists. Like every other ideology from the 20th century.

You have no basis to ground your arbitrarily made up morals. And I will certainly not follow your rules.

Eating meat is good.

Fuck you user huel is the future because they gave me a free meme shirt with huel written on it and now every meal is mint chocolate, the best flavour. No idea if I'm agreeing with you or not because I got ten words into your autistic spergfest and gave up.

It tastes good, and it's an inconvienence to do otherwise.
If non-meat produces were the same price, available in the same variety, available everywhere, and tasted and felt the same, I'd get them... but they don't.

I don't give animals moral consideration on account of a few reasons, mostly aspects which they lack that I value. We're there to be an animal that had these aspects, I would consider it immoral to kill them.
By the way, if you can justify eating meat, you can justify having sex with them.

>I snapped one of birds legs and amputated it 3 days later. It wasnt so intentional as it was just an accident. However, you are one of those types that would argue against me owning birds, because THEY FLY AND SHIT MAN THEY FLY AND SHIT. Unfortunately, birds do not fly in a cage

if you hurt a bird and nurse it back to heath, then i dont see the problem with it. i dont really care for the morality of your bird situation, im trying to inform people of the unethical factory farm practices, not some morally ambiguous grey zone you have with your bird

>Your same kind of morality would have you actually believe that race is just a social construct
see, i really would appreciate it if you didnt put words in my mouth. so many people always call me a leftist liberal, and say shit like i support abortion and immigration, etc

i strongly believe races exist and are different, and i dont support unrestricted immigration or abortion, and i *GASP* try to have my own opinions on everything, just because im vegan doesnt mean im a liberal or sympathize with the majory of vegans on most other issues

man.... its lonely being a vegan in a sea of meat eating retards. but its okay. repeated steady exposure of the truth, of rational arguements will eventually desensitize people until they realize the truth, and then it will become aparent and they will think "ah ofcourse, how did i not see it before" and act like this was the truth since forever

just regular zealous exposure. i refuse to let the abused virgins of r9k be ignorant hypocrites

i dont mind if they choose to be hypoocritical pieces of shit, but i will not allow them to be hypocrites AND be ignorant

you cannot be a robot and eat meat. to be a robot, you HAVE to be a vegan, just that simple

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I hope you realise that looks like actual shit... and not at all like a good burger. I guess it's been a while since you've had a good burger, because I can tell you right now, they don't taste like good burgers. Maybe frozen hockeypucks that you overcooked quite a bit, but not a nice fresh burger, still dripping with fat.

No, that's not how petty any of us actually are unless you're a psychopath. You are using a person that is intentionally acting like a flailing retard to draw attention to himself, to say "see, you're like him". No, he's a made-up character, no one is like him.

If you're worried about unethical farming practices, your goal shouldn't be veganism, it should be regulationism.

Ok, but what do you think of hunting for food? People going out of their way to get food and killing the animals for themselves instead of mindlessly just eating the animals? The animals got to live in the wild and the hunter can make their lives better by taking care of the woods

OP is a lunatic anti-natalist who cut off his own balls, and a hypocrite who has no problem killing animals (or people) when it benefits him. He doesn't give a shit about saving animals lives, he just wants people to stop eating meat because it makes them happy and he can't stand seeing other people being happy. Disregard everything he says and keep eating that yummy yummy meat. Remember: if we weren't eating animals, they'd be eating us.

no, people do this, because they are petty children. it literally happens all the time. seriously, i hear this shit ALL THE TIME

the problem is killing animals and the exploitation of animals. its the endless breeding of animals for our amusement, at their expense. thats the core problem, to stop animal abuse

>they don't taste like good burgers
have you ever tried a beyond meat burger or a impossible burger? just to go some fast food restaurant and buy the meat one and the vegan meat one, and try them. it tastes like the same thing, its very tasty

maybe its not good looking, but who cares, it tastes almost identical, and its free from animal suffering

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too lazy to read walls of texts from the buttmad faggot that claims moral superiority :)

Why do want to cause a mass extinction of farm animals?

So the meat eaters can't eat them, obviously. This isn't about saving animals, it never was, OP is just a bitter cunt who jerks his tiny castrated penis to the thought of enforcing his will on the world and dragging everyone down to his level.

What about the animals that are killed to keep them from eating our crops? How many poor innocent rabbits were killed in the process of growing the soibeenz foe your fake burger? Don't you care about them?

>the tripniggerfaggot is A FUCKING LEAF
Color me surprised holy shit you are possibly the most annoying poster on this board, even more than those 2 avatarfags. Bet youre an unironic commie, feminist and cuckold lmfao

Anwser me
lol, fucking hilarious

yes, vegans are trying to extinct these animals. but extinction is better than a endless hell
>crop harvest deaths tho
going vegan saves much more crop harvest animal deaths
lel. maybe i should start larping as a cuck for the memes, LOL
it still is murder for your tastebuds. you dont need to kill them. but it is better than industrial farms

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Killing animals isn't animal abuse, it's satiation. We are omnivores. I can get behind you on the actual animal abuse thing with growing animals in these horrible environments, but eating meat and hunting animals is natural and happens all the time.

Yes, I've had those "burgers". They taste like shitty fast-food burgers, but with a worse texture, and fast-food burgers are already shit. Do you cook for yourself, because I do, and I don't buy shitty frozen hamburgers or fast food. I buy ground beef and make my burgers. They are thick, juicy, and delicious, much better than fast food, frozen, and certainly better than the vegan alternative.

>A life never lived is better than a life of void of happiness
oof. Got to go an hero real quick.

It's the same fucking thing. Animals die so you can eat. It's not about saving animals. It's just about you wanting to make everyone do things your way. You don't care if we're killing animals as long as we're not eating their carcasses. You hypocritical, no balls piece of shit. You want to save the animals? Just stop eating altogether and starve yourself to death.

i forgot to mention, one of the main reason i keep making these threads, is to point out your hypocrisy. all of Jow Forums always points out the unethical behavior of other people, of niggers and jews and muslims, yet they go around abusing animals far far worse

ALL OF YOU MEAT EATERS are rat faced disgusting hypocrites. stop being such hypocrites and go vegan, THEN tell me shit about niggers or muslims abusing you. you are literally on the same level as john podesta or epstein, you kill for fun. they kill children and rape children, you kill animals and pay for them to be raped

stop being such fucking rat hypocrites

>waaa waaa its bad when blacks hurt whites ='(((((
>huuueeee when normies and chads and females abuse me, its wrong of them and i dont like it
>waaaa other people bullied me and abused me, wow how immoral are they, im just a innocent angel HOW COULD THEY =OOO
>heh, i dont care for the suffering of pigs cows and chickens because im stronger, food chain, and bacon is yummy, get fucked

you are literally no better than john podesta when he fucks kids, or normies who bully the autistic kid to commit suicide, or females who cheat on their husband and financially rape him, or muslims who rape white women, or niggers who kill whites in south africa

go vegan, then tell me shit about the unethical treatmeat you experienced you fucking rat hypocrite

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> all of Jow Forums always points out the unethical behavior of other people
This isn't Jow Forums
>ALL OF YOU MEAT EATERS are rat faced disgusting hypocrites. stop being such hypocrites and go vegan, THEN tell me shit about niggers or muslims abusing you.
I hate to tell you, and you may not agree, but (a) humans are the same species so we are expected to treat eachother well in order for society to prosper, and (b) humans are, on average, vastly more intelligent than any other life on earth, which extends to thoughts, fears, pain, and pretty much everything else. Unless you have a moral justicfication, doing anything to a human is worse than doing that same thing to any other animal (well, maybe not in specific cases where certain animals just die from injuries we can heal from, like horses with broken legs).

In conclusion, you are an insane fuck that doesn't understand, refuses to accept, or can't comprehend the differences between humans and all other animals.