Will women survive without sex?

I'm a born again virgin who has undertaken a vow of celibacy until marriage due to a combination of trauma and wanting to be sure the next man who has me loves me and respects me. Problem is, I really, really miss having sex. Part of me feels like I am wasting my youth, part of me feels like I am going crazy without dick (it's been a year).
Do women biologically need sex? I feel off balance and more angry and I know sex would help, but fuck. Wanna wait till marriage. Pls respond.

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just dont have sex

>I'm a born again virgin who has undertaken a vow of celibacy until marriage

I appreciate the effort, but it's just not the same as a brand new car.

I wanna be fucked and choked though. I can not have sex, sure, but am I biologically obligated to receive dick? Why do i want dick so bad?

Why did you take such a retarded vow? You will die alone and bitter.

>born again

>am I biologically obligated to receive dick

Get Sterilised.

Because I grew tired of being a human flashlight for men and want a committed relationship. I have severe depression and used sex to feel better for years, which isn't healthy. Also, was raped twice (had a guy go raw without a condom and I didn't realize till after, but that's not rape...right?) and understand that I haven't properly worked through that trauma just yet. Also, men suck at sex usually, so why bother.

> born again virgin
Thats not how it works

Oh no, this reply only made me wetterWhy do i want dick then

Do you realize what you are? Why you exist? The only thing making you any different than any other lifeform on this planet is the ability to ask those questions. That ability also makes you think youre nothing like the other lifeforms. Reproduction is the drivingforce of every lifeform, just as humans we are able to question it. That doesnt mean it makes it any less of our reality. Life is simple and efficient, its alot easier to make a new lifeform than to repair the oldone for all of eternity, adaptation to the environment takes generations. So yes you biologically need sex because thats what keeps the line going. But as a human you have the ability to question it control it, control yourself and give meaning to the control.

You have to be a troll at this rate.

> I'm a born again virgin
Holy shit. How can a human be this deluded. Saying you love jesus doesn't unfuck your pussy. This has to be some weird kind of bait thread. If not, then lemme let you in on a secret: It doesn't matter if you have sex or not. if god exists he doesn't give a shit. He's probably busy beating his meat to children dying or some shit.

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go to a therapist, you sound really fucked up emotionally.
being a whore and being celibate will both make you misarable, bitter and damaged.

get your shit together and find a boyfriend for stable relationship.

I wish i were.
wrong phrasing. I'm not a Christian or religious, more into woo woo shit desu actually but wanted to use a word that sums up former whore who stopped fucking.
Yeah. I'm working on the therapist thing. I'm kinda nihilistic in that nothing matters, so why tey to fix my brain though. But i should try this (again)

This was good, fuck. This was a good perspective.Thank you.

Once you are in a committed relationship then have sex. Waiting for marriage will only make you ineligible for nearly all guys.

>I wanna be fucked and choked though
why are w*men like this

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but she is not waiting for marriage lmfao she already got fucked and is probably getting fucked.

all she is doing is being a tease.

I've had men pretend to be in a committed relationship for sex. But what men goes through with marriage just for sex?? Hence the marriage thing to make sure he values me enough to make me feel good too/won't pump and dump me. I wanna be his fleshlight though.
Daddy issues are rampant and daterape. Blame men.
No, but i am on tinder flirting with the idea
I really believe all I am is supposed to be a cum receptacle at this point.

Women pretend to be in committed relationships for money. Not having sex before marriage means you are not interested in the guy and only want to tie the knot so you can get to his wallet.

i feel really bad for the guy youre going to eventually trick into a relationship with you

Yes, you were always meant to be a cum receptacle. Break free of those chains of chastity!

No, I want to be loved. And sure, say it is only for money,but those marriages happen when both parties are aware. Women's hearts are 1000 times more pure then mens, we marry for love. How am i tricking
anyone? They will be fully aware of my loon.

If you don't put out for your man you do not love him.

>women's hearts are 1000 times pure then men's, we marry for love.
Who are you trying to deceive? There's a lot of whores who's marrying someone for money, but there's also a lot of manwhores, who are just marrying someone to just have sex. It's not the sex's problem, it's person's problem and who are they surrounding themselves around. If you have met bunch of men who fucked and dumped you, it doesn't mean all of males are like this, same goes for females. Maybe you should rethink about where you want to find a person, that you would like to love.

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In an earlier reply I said that those arrangements are made in advance of marriage. Men are biologically wired to fuck and spread their filthy seed. Women are not biologically wired to marry someone for money. It happens,yes, but men are the worse perpetrators for fraud marriage. And I met men online and irl, same men on every dimension.

Jeezus christ i don't know whether or not to take you seriously as a well and truly fucked up femanon, or just a shitty LARPer, but ill bite the bait.

From what i can tell on your views of men and women, and how you've originally stated that you used to be and still are, but just not in action, a whore, id say that you've well and truly bought into the lie that is mainstream media and feminism.

BUt how can i be a feminist if i just want men to love and respect me, and on top of that have feelings of just wanting to be a "cum receptacle" as you so deftly put it.

Well here's my working theory. You use sex as a means to an end to try and create love within men. You don't feel like you have anything else of value on the table, so you use your body. However, this only works with men who view you as the whore you make yourself out to be, as no self respecting man is going to go out with a whore, but with someone that sees value in themselves. Where this lack of self value comes from is unknown, but its prolly a mix of brainwashing from media and your social climate, i'm going to assume you're an American, as the United States is the most fucked with regards to that.

So you find these low tier men who use you for your body, you try and trap them with sex to make them love you, but thats never worked cause all they see is a whore, and might keep you strung along for the ride until something better comes along. Then when they leave you, you cant recognise the pattern that has lead you down this path, so instead you blame everyone else and further justify your own BS.

Now you've reached the point where you have at least recognised that using sex for love doesnt work, but haven't figured out that now you need to well and truly pull all the pieces of your fractured self esteem together, so you can then realise for yourself the worth within, and once you have that, others will see that worth and you'll then start attracting men who are of a completely

different breed to the ones you've previously had to deal with.

Cut the bs women crap of never taking responsibility for your own actions, and realise that everything that has happened in your life has largely happened cause you've made it so. (Of course im talking about your situation as it relates to the OP, and not your country of birth or parents or some other kind of semantic).

Once you've done that, you have a path forward and can set up boundaries for yourself that will be productive to your life and block out self destructive tendencies.

>Rant over

Hit the nail on the head so much its sending me for a mental tailspin.
I will probably fuck someone because growing up as a teenager when my bpd was outta control my family told me it was because i wasn't having sex and they're probably right.

>I will probably fuck someone because growing up as a teenager when my bpd was outta control my family told me it was because i wasn't having sex and they're probably right.

No user, they're wrong, and the last thing you should do is jump into a physical relationship with someone if you've got BPD, and ESPECIALLY if you know you do.

I don't need to tell you that if you've got that condition, you need to take extra steps to try and balance and moderate your emotions and lifestyle, cause you're already prone to extremes. Its a life long issues that you're going to be stuck with and the best way is to start learning how to cope and deal with it, and not escape into base pleasures. Stay on the road of celibacy just a while longer, find the self worth, i can recommend some stuff that might help like books etc if you interested, and only have sex again with someone who well and truly appreciates you and loves you.

>>Do women biologically need sex? I
Nope. We don't go crazy aggressive because of sex like men do. I hardly even get aroused lmao. Seeing men be obsessed with sex and masturbation makes me pity them, they seem like such such animals with no control.

Don't know if it's the booze or dumb bitch sick brain, but i wanna cry from this. Please do give me your recs. Honestly same, but a man I'm talking to has me convinced i need to have sex to feel more in control and i feel like i should believe him since he's smarter.

Stay the fuuuuuuuuuuuck away from him, hes understands you're in a volatile state, and is trying his luck to get some fuck.


As for book recommendations, here's some that i've felt helped me. Even though i don't have BPD, i have family that do and i'm sympathetic to it.

>Mastery by Robert Greene
>The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck by Mark Manson
>The Laws of Human Nature by Robert Greene

What i like about Robert Greene is that he doesn't try and put some sorta religious spin on things, and he doesn't sugar coat anything. The sooner you understand that what he understands is true for all humans, no matter where they come from, the sooner there's a chance for you to start building up a more rigid hold in yourself and the start of a better life.

I wish you the best Femanon, and hope you get better.

Remember, the stuff you feeling now is temporary, nothing lasts forever, and there will be better days

Just suck dick and be happy.get spitroasted,dp-ed,gangbanged by black thugs,let chad fuck your pussy and ass while snorting coke.be a happy woman.not an old and bitter cunt

I have friend who worked as handyman on female camp/farm for recovering junkies, from all the staff there were only 2 men. Most of them stay for around 6 months. They go crazy for dick after 2-3 months. No drugs, no internet, no phones, no tv and no sex make them crazy they will jump everyone even an ugly man that smell like shit because he cleaned the stables all day.

>I'm a born again virgin
Hang yourself. The only people worse than sluts are sluts who attempt to completely undermine and invalidate the true meaning of "virgin" just so they can roleplay as them. You aren't a virgin and you never will be, you're a defiled, depraved whore. I'm sick of you malicious sluts daring to claim that you're on the same level as me while having absolutely nothing in common.

Men will marry women who are nice and fairly attractive. You are probably neither.

born again virgin. what a meme lmao

you have a natural biological sex drive. its different for everyone, but you are the one that can choose to ignore it. find a healthy partner and talk for a while before fucking

the condom scenario is rape. the sex was consensual with the terms that you would both be protected.

just post lewds of yourself on here maybe they will scratch your sexual itch. exhibitionism could be your outlet.

Sounds like you are just a normal modern whore. One man could have satisfied your kinks, but instead of earnestly searching for him, you decided to fuck dozens of fuckbois who didn't even care. Men have ejaculated inside of you and they probably don't even remember your name. It left you broken and unable to love and of course you are now realizing your sexual market value has crashed. Decent men won't ever want you and tyrone only wants to use you the way you have used men. It's too late for you, you will reap what you have sewn. Statistics on the subject exist:
May god have mercy on your soul.

>has had sex in the past
>going to make the next man you're with wait until marriage
lol, maybe you can get a man that respects you, but he won't respect himself. and I guarantee you that will not be attractive to you.

Just masturbate. Humans invented masturbation for a reason. It's not that complex, if you need to rely on others to satisfy your own needs you're already lost. If you ask me the whole point of sex (barring obvious biological stuff) is so that you can share intimacy and pleasure with someone you love, for sheer sexual pleasure alone you're better off on your own IMO. And I say this as a man, so my libido should be stereotypically far higher than yours. Either way, hold on to your beliefs, it will build up your willpower.