Robots need fembots

Robots need fembots.
Fembots need robots.

Normies will never understand us.

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there are no fembots anywhere near me, i'm in staceyville

fembots aren't real
they're all larping trannies

Two wrongs don't make a right.
I have dated someone who also had mental issues, and let me tell you, it is never, ever, ever worth it. There is no light at the end of the tunnel when you are both dragging each other down by the feet. Work on yourself and find someone normal to support you.

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Fembots are indeed real. They are just so low on the food chain that they seem unreal. I knew a bisexual fembot that wrote oblivion fanfic and was a total skizo. Most robots here are just less than attractive or not social. A real female robot has serious fucking mental issues and no one would be around that shit ever.

>fembots are indeed real
stopped reading
no they aren't
fuck off

I dunno, I've got a lot of serious problems and getting into a relationship with someone as equally bad as me could be pretty disasterous for the both of us. I've seen relationships where both people are really mentally ill and it gets pretty ugly sometimes.

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>they're all larping trannies

Why can't you stop thinking about trannies user is there something you want to tell us

t.uglyy virgin incel


Yeah we want you trannies to go to lgbt and get the fuck off our board

""""""""""""""""""Fembots""""""""""""""""""" don't exist. Even fat disgusting women can find a man online.

Perhaps some people have principles and refuse to jump into the sinkhole that is modern online dating.

>Fembots need robots.
LOL. Robots are trash who should just die.

fembots need their assholes licked

>Fembots need robots.
They're after Chads. And Chads only

Shut the fuck up roastie. You choose to be here.

false, any homo can get them, besides fembots don't exist.

yeah thats true. i'm already miserable so why be with a miserable guy that will just bring me down. holding out for someone way better that makes me better. already been improving things and some chads starting to notice. gettin close to paradise

Would you like me to be your bf? I'm pretty chipper for an incel desu.

Fembots are all thots, beta orbiter collectors or fat and gross.

Not that any of your faggots are likable either. All the males on this board complain about being perma virgins despite making no effort in self improvement.

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>for some reason I have to improve myself before I should be entitled to sex
Do soup kitchens make hobos do pushups?

Except we're all here forever.

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sorry, my eye is on this one chadish guy and gonna get him, almost there

good luck to you though

I'm not going to stay chipper for long at this rate lol


no stay chipper, for all you know there is a girl out there trying to improve just for you but she's scared. keep smiling, girls like chipper

It hasn't worked so faaaaaaaaar
anyway good luck with chad or whatever

I wouldn't expect a NEET to understand the value of hard work

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>you should have to work hard to fullfill your basic needs
what year is this?

hahah the benis is visible xDD

how anyone in a "healthy" relationship is still here is beyond me.

grow up user this is a serious discussion for adults

I was on tinder and I saw a fat ugly female virgin that liked me

I swiped left on her, fuck fembots

trannies don't have to larp most of the guys on r9k want to know there's a penis under the skirt, thats what turns them on

it certainly does. like being blind and the dog they give you is blind too

Don't mind her user, that was a rude response desu. You have a better attitude than most robots, that's an advantage.

I have dated 2 girls from here and honestly now I don't a "fembot". I mean would be nice if she didn't have issues and stuff but that's impossible coming from girls from here. It just sucks.Also AMA I guess.

this guys

you will be for ever without a girlfriend and sex

lol, don't worry I was just being tounge in cheek. I get rejected every day and she wasn't rude at all. Acting like it's the end of the world every time it happens is cathartic and amusing to me. Like rolling around on the floor and shouting after hurting your toe.

My aunt is a fembot

>60+ years old
>never married, might be a virgin
>lives off disability because she's overly emotional, unreasonable, just fucking weird

Oh nvm then, glad to hear that. You never know with robots yknow. Maybe it's just me but talking about chasing chad as a girl on r9k seems thoughtless at least.

because sex isnt a right, you arent entitled to it and dont deserve it just because you exist

fight for it or dont have it, its very simple

Oh silly as it is it hurt my feelings don't get me wrong. I'm not some kind of desensitised iron man, stubbing your toe still hurts even after the 100th time. But it's wrong to assume somebody's being malicious or rude when they could just be not aware of the implications of what it is they're saying or the affect it might have on somebody's feelings. This board is supposed to be filled with autistic people after all, and having your eyes on somebody better is a perfectly reasonable reason to not settle for somebody like me.

>sex isn't a right
Why isn't sex a right? It's required for basic human functioning.

hes not really a chad but could be with a little help and why i said chadish. he was on the football team but didn't start and hes smart or should i say he takes difficult classes unlike most of the chads. his family isn't rich so he rides a motorcycle he bought himself and he has long blond hair instead of some chad style

>Why isn't sex a right?
because sex doesnt work that way. you cant force someone to it.
>It's required for basic human functioning.
it isnt.

but if sex is so fucking important to you, why do you reject self-improvement? clearly it isnt *that* important to you, fat fuck

did i hurt your feelings because i didn't mean to do it and kinda why i said sorry when i said no to being your gf. sorry

My ex was like that. Didn't drink, didn't smoke. She was so boring af i went back into online dating before we even broke up

No it's not lol. Nobody ever died from being a virgin.

That hurt to read user, bless you and your heart.

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>it isn't
it is. Why do you keep insisting otherwise? Tell any biologist, sociologist or psychologist that it isn't and you'd be laughed right out of the room.

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Undesirable people do not desire one another. A woman's hypergamous instinct is not going to allow her to be attracted to a low-value male; conversely you're probably not going to be attached to a fat woman with mental health issues like BPD, HPD, or bipolar disorder....and if you give it a shot, she WILL make your life a living hell.

>you can't force someone to do it
do you not know what rape is?

>putting sex on the same level as food and breathing
absolutely autistic

you didnt answer my question tho - if sex is so incredibly important, why do you reject improving your value?

I shouldn't have to improve to attain a basic need. Did you build your own house, install your own plumbing, filter your own oxygen or hunt for your own food? Do you think other people should be forced to.
>absoulutely autistic
It's what the experts say.

Someone who wants sex and can't get it in their current state, yet refuses to improve, is simply self-centered.

>lol if oxygen's so important to you why don't you move to somewhere where the air is cleaner
problem solved amirite

people that won't accept sex as being a basic human need, are simply self centered

>Did you build your own house, install your own plumbing, filter your own oxygen or hunt for your own food?
i did create value with my labour that i exchanged for house, plumbing and food of equal value. nobody was forced to do jack shit.
if i didnt work for it, i wouldnt have a place to live in and food to eat.

>I shouldn't have to improve
but that doesnt answer the question. im not asking whether you should or should not, morally speaking. im asking you, if sex is as important as breathing to you, why dont you work for it? the conditions arent going to change.

thats like starving at home and refusing to go buy food because you shouldnt have to make an effort for it. so you'd starve to death in your bed. this is you but with sex.

its retarded and you are proving that sex isnt that important to you, or it would force you.

People that say people that won't accept sex as being a basic human need, are simply self centered.

Everything in the bottom is required for living, besides sex. (((Maslow))) was probably brainlet and a normie.
If anything I would put jacking off in the pyramid, so that even the most primitive specimen like you understand what a need is.
Hell, even based on that stupid chart sexual intimacy is on the love level and not a basic need anymore.

nice meaningless sentance retard

desu when you think about it..

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>durr, it doesn't sound right to me so I don't believe it
actual retard. You don't instantly explode if you don't get enough sleep either. It's a slow and painful death.
>It's written on the pyramid twice so it mustn't be important
nice one

you're just going in circles now, anyway I've made my point, cya

there are many variants

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none of which don't include sex as a psychological need.

ive made my point too
im in circles because you either refuse to answer or you simply dont even understand my point

these two
>sex is essential to life
>i cant be bothered to do anything for sex
arent logically compatible.

because you would empathise with each other and be less miserable together? You sound shallow anyway so maybe this does not apply to someone like you

I sort of agree with this sentiment. I would never get (or even be able) to get a normie bf and a robot is practically the closest person I can connect with aside from all the misogyny and racism which is enough reason to never seek a bf from here.

I do not need robots.

>people can't be creative unless their life is perfect first
maslow is for brainlets

>having your basic needs met
user I'm so sorry for you

the fuck you think intimacy is, hugging?

>long blond hair instead of some chad style
Umm, sweaty, that is the chad style

>not knowing the order of your own chart

Everything on the chart up to the top bit is a basic need you daft fuck. Having a sense of belonging and accomplishment in your life doesn't mean that your life is perfect, just that you're not actively in a state of suffering

Thanks for being the practice gf fembots, i love you

>you have to complete all the needs to access step two
Someone get this retard a helmet, stat

>You sound shallow anyway
So wanting to better myself and be with someone better than i am is shallow?

you kinda make my point about staying away from a robot. you try to shame me and keep me down or sink me lower and make me stop trying. misery loves company and i don't want to stay miserable

it's more that you can't be expected to go to the next tier without filling out the one below it. It's not impossible for a guy to care about his saftey when they're not getting enough food or sleep, but you shouldn't expect it from him.

if sex was intimacy then porn is intimacy and i don't think i want that. you being a guy i understand you believe sex is but it isn't

porn isn't sex though

Fair, but its not as clear cut as that

Some of the greatest artists in history (Cobain, Van Gogh, etc) made their best works while being insanely depressed

I want to marry a fembot. I'm only very slightly mentally ill and mostly functional, just get a little depressed sometimes. I want a qt fembot to make a life together

were those fembots overweight? ded srs.

they also died not long afterwards desu. Also most of their needs were actually met, they were just mentally ill for other reasons. Kurt for example had everything on the triangle sorted, he was just depressed.

Fully agreed. And even if your type wasn't chad-lite, being attractive for your partner will most likely make you feel more comfortable in the relationship and with yourself. I strive to be someone my future bf can be proud to call his gf.

Nothing is more fulfilling in life than finding a normie girl and turning her into a fembot

A.k.a trannys.
Not everyone is a dirty little faggot like OP.

>So wanting to better myself and be with someone better than i am is shallow?
No, but your mentality of "you're not an overconfident chad so I'm miserable with you" is an extremely shallow worldview
The way you twist my words are a good example why you shouldn't date here. ""fem""anons are manipulative and unable to empathise.

Where is my norcal robot then ??

Make sure you improve yourself first, otherwise you'll just be the one dragging someone else down.

Im both less than attractive and non social. Im not charismatic and I feel like people feel lonelier after talking to me. I feel like a walking void. Other people have personalities and I dont.

>A real female robot has serious fucking mental issues and no one would be around that shit ever.
so, a tranny

I mean if i had a fembot gf that truly loved me i would strive to improve to my absolute limits

Robots and fembots are mutually the bottom of the barrel and will do nothing but bring each other down as a general rule. It's best if all of them just muster up the willpower to commit to self improvement and try to have as normie-ish as possible dating lives.

>Nobody ever died from being a virgin
Not even Elliot? :^)

He died because he shot himself in the head.

What if Im not bottom of the barrel anymore, but Im still too socially dumb and kinda scared of trying to date as an adult

Then you keep going. You can't go wrong with being the best that you can be. If you keep at it you'll eventually start to learn to trust yourself and have some confidence and you'll do just fine. Believe in yourself, and if you can't yet, believe in someone who believes in you, like me.

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I feel like this is good advice but I'm just too dumb to follow it. All that's happened is that I've learned to put on a persona. IRL, I've made huge strives by being someone else, basically. I have a solid future because of it, but I feel very alone. I tried to make friends online by joining servers, but I just put on a shitposting persona. I truly just want someone I can be myself with and just relax. If I keep this up, I'm just gonna keep alienating myself. To add to this, I get called confident a decent amount in person, but it's just not me. I just do it because I'd never achieve my dreams without it. As far as the shitposting persona, I just tend to do that when I'm in a crowd; Think class clown or something. It's tiring though, when everyone thinks you're this based epic shit poster but you just wanna talk about your week or your goals or something. You know what I mean?