Do you think my dad will let me be NEET if i tell him my life isn't worth living because of my job?

Do you think my dad will let me be NEET if i tell him my life isn't worth living because of my job?

I pay them $800 rent every month, that is my primary expense. If i didnt have to pay that I could live off my savings for over a year, rebuilding my health which was destroyed by wagecuckery

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fuck off tranny
stay gone

I'm 100% male with a penis. I just want to be NEET again so I can return to happiness and good health

>I pay them $800 rent every month
why so much?

>$800 rent
That's absurdly high. I rent a studio apartment in a tourist area for $650

That's the agreed upon price. By agreed upon I mean they pulled it out of their ass and I had no choice

This town was the only place I could get a job. Took me almost a year. I was too poor to get an apartment anywhere. I am once again too poor to get an apartment anywhere.

try having an honest conversation with your parents about how they're holding you and your health back. just explain everything.

Are rent shares a thing in your country?

I already did. They didnt want to here it and said I have to pay a therapist every 2 weeks to listen to me complain about wageslaving. Therapist just asks me "have you figured out a job you want yet?" every time. I always say no

I am thinking of telling my dad that my job makes me wish i was dead. It makes life not worth living. He is wealthy (makes 6 figures) but he hates me being NEET. He thinks i don't deserve to be happy unless I am wageslaving, which makes me unhappy, so i deserve misery

You're a fucking mongoloid. Clearly they thought that if they gave you such a ridiculous price you'd fuck off and find an apartment.
I have no sympathy for people so apathetic they will just settle for mistreatment

I dont know anyone in this town i moved into it just to work at this shit job

you tried going to college? your parents may pay for it and its much better than wageslaving

Incorrect. We tried to find an apartment for weeks and they just bit the bullet and got this one because i kept getting turned down. This area was devastated by a natural disaster which caused the apartment prices to skyrocket. About 1/4 of buildings are ruined here.

95% of the apartments had no availability and the other 5% said I need 3x income as rent which I didn't fit. Only 1 place offered less than $1,000 a month rent

It was THEIR CHOICE that I move here

jeez, that's awful to have such shitty parents.

>He is wealthy (makes 6 figures) but he hates me being NEET.
yeah, that often goes together. rich assholes usually think they deserve their money because of their hard work and blabla bullshit.
he clearly won't let you live there without paying rent, but you can try decreasing it to something more reasonably like $500, and say you need that so you can save the extra money up to invest in a company you want to start later (just lie).

I went to the top ranked uni in my state for free. It sucked but i graduated

It wasn't much better. I had to sell speed to afford food. They wouldn't give me money for food and nobody would hire an ugly 20yo full time student with 0 work experience in a town full of college stacies. So i had to sell speed to eat

I don't think they honestly care if you're NEET or not. They just don't want to pay for your stuff.

If you quit your job tomorrow and could still pay rent and everything else, they'd give zero fucks.

>paying "rent" to your own parents
>not only that, but spending most of your income on it
What the fuck is wrong with you burgers? Why are absolute sociopaths raising children?

your parents are awful , why do they hate you so much? did you embarrass them somehow?

Nah man lost any sympathy for you.

Your parents are showing you how the real world is and if you worked with them you could build a nice life for yourself.

But you wanna sit around and do nothing all day?

Toughen up faggot.

>What the fuck is wrong with you burgers? Why are absolute sociopaths raising children?
that's the power of unregulated capitalism

>I don't think they honestly care if you're NEET or not. They just don't want to pay for your stuff.
wrong actually

They told me to quit my last job and move with them. I did. They didnt spend a CENT on me. I lived off my savings.
They hated it. He kept saying i'm "not doing anything"
i would get back from a 2 hour gym session and he would berate me for "doing nothing all day"

They didnt buy me anything. I didn't ask them for any money. I can live off $3 a day in food

I said my job makes me miserable. Instead of telling me to quit he tells me to pay a doctor to help me enjoy it.

>if you worked with them you could build a nice life for yourself.

What does that mean work with them? Be specific

>But you wanna sit around and do nothing all day?

That's what my job is right now and I hate it

No, your dad probably won't. He doesn't want some freeloader living in his house because he's too much of an asshole to work. I hate wageslaving too but at least I have the decency to save up money for months worth of expenses before I take time off so that I don't become a leech. How entitled are you that you think you can just live in someone's house and not offer anything because you don't like to work? Do you think anyone is going to feel bad for you, especially when your dad likely has to do some job he hates too just to keep food in your selfish ass belly?

If your dad makes 6 figures and makes u pay 800$ rent you should unironically cut all contact. What a huge faggot boomer.

He probably doesn't pay for anything else in the house. $800 is probably his parents way of making him pay them back for all of the shit he uses.

I got perfect grades and went to a better university than them but selling my labor, wageslaving makes me miserable.

They want me to work hard, get rich, start a family

I will never reproduce. Ever. I would happily trade my testicles for the opportunity to be NEET forever

>especially when your dad likely has to do some job he hates too just to keep food in your selfish ass belly?
he said his dad makes 6 figures. he could just save up and quit his job. his dad is just a massive faggot.

>How entitled are you that you think you can just live in someone's house and not offer anything because you don't like to work?

This is why i refuse to reproduce. I could never treat my own child this way. It's essentially creating a slave.

I did not consent to being born. Wageslaving makes life not worth living. If i reproduced and had a child who must wageslave, i basically created a life doomed to misery

I consider it an act of evil

>This area was devastated by a natural disaster which caused the apartment prices to skyrocket. About 1/4 of buildings are ruined here.
Okay, see here's how we know you're lying. Buildings at risk of natural disaster become dirt fucking cheap. Even if it's not likely to be hit with a disaster again the fact they might makes buyers scared.
If you live anywhere in a disaster zone in a building that isn't proofed against such a disaster, your rent would be next to nothing

I pay the utilities and internet. I pay all of it. The bills are in my name

I did not ask them to do this. It was the only job offer I got, so they decided on their own volition (because I couldn't get any apartment) to buy this so i could sell my labor to a company

My parent wanted me to pay rent so I moved out and vanished for a few months. Went on the road with a pipeline crew. I'll never pay rent to live in my parents house or rent period I'm determined to save enough for a plot of land that I can buy outright and put a dinky trailer on it

Nah i swear on my own life. My parents and i called dozens of apartment places to find a place to live. There was so much property damage from the hurricane that the supply of apartments dwindled

Also it should be mentioned that it is right next to the beach, which inflates costs. Once again I did not choose this job, it chose me

Only 2 complexes were under $1000 and they both had high income requirements I did not fit

>Buildings at risk of natural disaster
Btw the buildings that are still around are not at risk. Since they are obviously the ones that survived

>your dad likely has to do some job he hates too just to keep food in your selfish ass belly?
He chose to reproduce though.

Why would you create a child if you don't want to work to feed it?

I didnt ask to be born & wageslaving makes life not worth living

>They want me to work hard, get rich,
That's not how one gets rich. Boomers are literally retarded, holy shit.
You have my condolences burgerbots, I may be fucked up and have hudreds of problems but at least my parents don't treat me like a fucking enemy invader.

Depends on the natural disaster. A tornado could sweep through and hit only a few buildings.
As OP said it was a hurricane, that still leaves too many variables. There's no way to proof against a hurricane really.
I still flat out don't believe you and thinks you're in here to tell your own warped story because you're mad at your parents bf want to feel validated

You only have to work to feed it for so long and then it works to feed itself just like you do.
No one expects to produce a parasite that lingers longer than 18 years

dude, plenty of parents are fucking idiots.
why is it so hard to believe some on Jow Forums has dumbass parents?

>I still flat out don't believe you
So you think I am lying about what?

Quick Google:

>18 years
>the way family unit worked through most of human history wasn't right
>the boomer turbocapitalist approach of tossing their offspring to the wolves when they're still practical children and have nothing to their name is correct

yes, everything always is an individual's faults. nothing can ever be a result of dysfunctional systems and structural errors.

>it works to feed itself
I have enough money for food. Food is dirt cheap. The problem is paying for a place to live

Boomers don't understand this, they got their first house for dirt cheap when they were very young and still believe things to be like that. Nevermind that the prices of housing have been rising for decades and are long past the absurd levels, nevermind that having a roof over your head is the most fucking important thing.

Yup, my boomer parents paid their mortgage off in 5 years for their house, now for the same house they live in it take 60 years.

>No one expects to produce a parasite that lingers longer than 18 years
Yeah people shouldn't be forced to deal with the consequences of their own decisions

lmao your parents make you pay rent, no bigger indicater that they dont love you

Lmao, my parents gave me a fucking house. I still wagecuck though for spending money.

Fuck off privileged shitlords

>parents don't hate you guts and torture you
>mean you're privileged
Only in burgerland.


how is this concept so difficult to grasp.

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I honestly think that people on welfare should first have the money taken from their parents & then extended family before the taxpayer.

Like how if your wife divorces you the government can force you to pay child support

Well then just kys lol

>normies act surprised when a miserable wagie shoots up innocent people in a mass murder spree

I honestly think that purchasing decent housing shouldn't take you decades of continuous wageslaving.

If housing is free then you can easily live off $10 a day

But the goal is to make everybody miserable and cast a noose on their necks, right? I love late stage capitalism without any regulations.

The goal is a global plantation. If you owned a house and could live off your savings, why work?

>If you owned a house and could live off your savings, why work?
Isn't that what many boomers do? Except that they have another house or two that they rent for absurd prices and basically have a passive salary on top of savings and pension.

800 a month is outrageously expensive. I can't believe you've spent that much to live with your parents and get berated. They definitely have no idea how to be parents and are instead making a game of abusing you.

Either lay out a plan to leave forever or find a way to kill them and collect their life insurance.

At the point your parents charge you rent it's better to move out.

Living with my parents years ago they were charging me $600/mo. to "rent" my childhood room. Still had shared washroom, kitchen, had to pay my own bills and buy my own food. I was still a teenager too, which was insane.

Eventually got a second job, saved up, and got a nice bachelor apartment outside of downtown for ~$625/mo. Had my own space, no boomer shit parents telling me how terrible I am at life constantly.

Removing that stressor did more than leaving my minimum wage crap job ever would.

wait your parents are charging you that to live with them?
bruh unless you live in cali or someplace you can get a nice apartment for cheaper

>At the point your parents charge you rent it's better to move out.
>Living with my parents y

Here is the situation

- had a job and lived alone, paid rent to landlord
- parents said pay was shit and to move with them until i find better job
- almost a year later finally get another job, in another city
- i am too poor to afford an apartment there, income too low to qualify for any apartment
- basically was going to have to deny the job offer and remain NEET (i was fine with it)
- parents bought a condo, which i moved into and live in alone but pay them rent for the opportunity to wageslave and be miserable

I can't move out at all. earlier in this thread i posted proof that most apartments in this area were destroyed by a hurricane, which has causes the price to skyrocket. $800/mo is the cheapest
I also pay the utilities and internet

>wait your parents are charging you that to live with them?
>bruh unless you live in cali or someplace you can get a nice apartment for cheaper
Not live with them. They live in the same state but 4 hours away. Read post above

And no i couldn't find any other apartment. They literally bought this condo specifically because i couldnt find anything else

jesus christ
what in the fuck is that

work out a deal with a hitman and claim that inheritance bux

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If your parents charge you rent, especially something insane like $800 per month, then you have zero obligations to help then out when they get old.

>you have zero obligations to help then out when they get old.
Agreed. I had no intentions of doing that. They have always forced me to so shit I hate and call me defective or mentally ill for not enjoying them.
I will go to the doctor to get an expert to verify my claims, and inform them that the experts disagree with them. Then the next day they act like that never happened