Is the place even American?
Is the place even American?
Yes, it is a US state
It's america colliding with the third world and the third world is winning. If living here doesn't redpill you on immigration, race relations, and female morality than you are hopeless retard.
more like
No. But we won't let it go because without CA our economy is nothing.
There's no such thing as "American". American is hundreds of different cultures all in one country.
post a pic of your nose user
The economy doesn't have to come out of cali. businesses can relocate. i suspect that might happen in the future turning the state into detroit.
Given that it has the highest count of Americans living in it of any state, it is in fact the most American state.
Also the highest GDP and home to world famous technology companies, entertainment, etc. The real question is there any place that is MORE American?
also home to 8833 sunset blvd west hollywood CA
more American than your shitty state
Ya, tech will move slowly to other states. California was a red state not too long back, it was even the capitalist dream. It's going to shit there but it's going to be another 20 years or so until it's a wasteland.
Parts of CA is still based. Like pic related (Irvine).
Ya, I hope they make some changes. My family still lives there. Glad to see some places are still hanging in there. But spending 20 on gas per week and 25 for food is too nice for me to ever want to go back.
So the white people of West Texas have the same culture as Italian Americans from NYC? Good to know user.
Man the southern part is Mexico and the northern part India. I realize there are black and white americans still there but marginalized. I mean, think about this. You're poor and black but your family has been in the US for 300 years and yet nobody ever offered you free college tuition but its offered to an illegal that crossed two weeks ago.
Got em
I'm not American but it seems like other US states seem kind of o b s e s s e d with California. Is it some kind of inferiority thing because of the economy or is it the perceived cultural dominance?
I'm ok with Californians so long as they stay there. Too many are coming over here.
Yeah conservatives all want to move there but can't because it's too expensive. You generally have to "do well in life" to be able to live in CA.
Britbong here. California was the state of Nixon and Reagan. What happened?
Retarded b8 fag8
t. another triggered conservative who can't move to the golden state
California has 40 million people. The "commiefornia" thing is a myth, it's a massive state and every part is different
True... whatever that is... but I'm sure it's nice
California and New York control almost every aspect of media. If you turn on the tv, their culture is being shoved down your throat. I won't even watch TV anymore because it's gotten so bad.
Wrong. We leave california because you can live like a king on 70k per year and not be larping as if you're in poverty while having no homeless or crime around at the same time. Where I live, everyone owns a home and almost nobody rents with basically no crime beyond kids car hopping here and there with an average income around 35k. The California government chases people out with poor policy.
A massive influx of Mexicans who all vote blue for gibs and lax immigration policies.
Caliph Fornia is a shitpit. They complain about guns and the government and want to give more guns to the government. Meanwhile half their state is literally on fire and the other half has India level shit streets.
ITT people seething live in bumfuck Alabama or Louisiana.
It's technically still in the Union. But culturally, it might as well be an annex of Mexico.
No, it's not american, it's californian.
Lex Luthor did nothing wrong
According to my teacher when the big one comes. The state will become detached from it's continent
>massive wealth disparities
>extremely superficial
>no meaningful history
>ugly cities
>can't live without a car
Yep, it's American.
California's average IQ is 95.5 placing it below Alabama
The rich areas of California are fucking beautiful but sadly only the rich can live there
Any Bay Area anons here?
California has the most poverty and they're the shortest state. Manlet and poor, what a catch!
I live in Bakersfield and aside from the filthy air and high amount of Mexicans, it's just as American as the rest of the country. Stuff is a bit more expensive too.
San Jose here, wanna hang out?
Oakland here