You wake up in Naruto world

>You wake up in Naruto world.
What do?

Attached: 5105646-zabuza killer.png (712x585, 208K)

Join the baddies ofc

Attached: Zabuza's_sword.png (1388x1050, 1.3M)

use clone jutsu and then fuck the clone

Why does it have those holes?

Go back to sleep and wake up in Samurai 8 instead

Attached: 02-03.png (1786x1300, 583K)

buy some ramen and eat with naruto

Attached: 398BF159-4FDA-41AF-8BD1-76A5A92C92E8.png (2360x1180, 344K)

Leave. Thinking Naruto is still relevant is a disease

wont we be too old for effective training? the 10 year olds could stomp us. might as well be a villager

for sex, usually

Dunno but I remember he used them in a fight

Attached: zabuza-return-new-2e.jpg (1920x1080, 352K)