I literally don't get extroverted people and how it just comes naturally to them. I have always been an anxiety ridden introvert all my life and it's only gotten worse because I never leave the house.
I literally don't get extroverted people and how it just comes naturally to them...
anxiety is fucking stupid
they should just get rid of all the bad side effects of alcohol / benzos and let neurotics be inebriated 24/7
only then they'll be able to more or less function like normal people
sad that normalfags will never look into this cause it doesn't affect them
wow literally huh? is that right
The problem with anxiety is that normies don't view it as a legitimate disorder. 9 times out of 10 they'll just shun you for being a lazy stuck-up asshole
There is nothing wrong with going outside as long as you don't interact with human.
Going hiking and not seeing a human being is a blessing.
this, I guess not everyone has access to the wilderness
but going out by yourself is amazing, helps me clear my head and all
Imagine requiring social situations to feel good and function properly. For an introvert antisocial robot like me it's unfathomable.
this sounds awesome and I think most neurotics would be into it, it's just that it's really really difficult to get rid of the bad side effects of benzos/alcohol. like more than any other CNS-related medication, they operate on specific neurotransmitters (GABA) that seriously fuck you up for some reason.
I'm the same way (I assume most actual robots are too). This guy I work with has crazy depression but said he's never experienced anxiety before. I have no idea what life must be like without suffering from pervasive generalized anxiety.
Disclaimer: I cant use apostrophes on my phone to post here so this looks retarded but
user im sorry. I wish you could meet similar people or just people who accepted you. It does get a bit less overwhelming but the anxiety seems like it lasts forever.
Ive been talking to someone and hes smarter than I am and none of what I say to him comes naturally. I have to force it because most of the time I dont think theres anything to say. I usually like silently enjoying someones company but hes far and we only talk through IM.
especially after sunset. I dont know why but the sun can worsen my anxiety. I remember being on the beach, walking on shallow water while the sun went down. No one else was there and it was a really special moment for me. I wish I could just be invisible.
Think about it this way. Extroverts don't get how introverted people can't understand social interaction or have fun with others. It's a matter of prespective really.
I don't have social anxiety and I still don't get any of the normie nonsense and loathe it. It's all so retarded and absurd.
>Imagine requiring social situations to feel good and function properly
I believe this is the human condition unfortunately. Are you saying that you are not depressed at all and you are content with the shut in lifestyle?
I just don't care what the other person might really think, i just act like im friends with them on the first encounter
because it isn't. everyone has anxiety. some more than others but even turbo normies have to overcome it. just don't be a fag.
>just don't be a fag bro
how about YOU stop being a fag
>I literally don't get extroverted people
Do you masturbate? yes. Why? because it feels good, therefore you do it.
That's how extroverted people operate. Not socializing feels bad, boring, unpleasant. Socializing feels like a relief, fun, exciting enjoyable.
That's how it works.
I wish I was introverted. I'm so extroverted it's exausting, I require enourmous ammounts of social interaction, and often it's really hard to find people to interact with.
It's like being a nympho but not for sex but just doing shit with people.
Well, it is called *social* anxiety for a reason, but yes.
>i just act like im friends with them on the first encounter
Pretty much this.
keep self loathing fag. social anxiety lmao. everyone wants to be a disorder victim.
Out of a group of my 7ish friends only 2 guys lost their virginities before 20.
You'll be fine.
kys. what is that even supposed to mean.
it isn't a mental disorder. being a pathetic loser doesn't mean youre mentally ill.
It simply takes practice