
pooing or wanking?, edition

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First for Theodore Rex

second for gay rights

Third for giving plump one final kick

hi, i'm user, a neet from britfeel!

Ever poo'd and wanked at same time?

>call centre night shift
>warehouse night shift
>greggs team member

Which jobs is the best, which is the worst?

*votes you off in the first round*

hopefully 1 day the gay lads will be able to vote

all absolute shit but at least the greggs would be day time. you will never have a social life working nights

ever had a blumpkin? it's the little pleasures in life that are important.

From best to worse
1. Comfy nightshift in warehouse
2. Greggs
3. Call centre

warehouse > call centre > greggs

nooooo BANK! BANK!

No lol, new life mission. Thank-you user quest giver.

Daily reminder that Gay Pride is a front for Oligarchy

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ive had more satisfying poos than wanks so for me its pooing.

whichever one pays the best. need all the money you can get to sort out your nose and teeth. Oh and wash your hair.

Unironically wrote ted ted kaczynski using a false name and anonymous mail forwarding service. Been about 5 weeks now, I hope he writes back.
If anyone cares it was some questions about his ideology I didn't pick up in his books.

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is that the sound gays make when deep throating?

The NEET that went too far.

fuck you mentalist

>professional magic contract
fucking kek another shitty pipe dream from the mong master general

It's the sound when wronguns in financial power create a social power class for themselves and distract people by creating a proxy power class for themselves, the proxy being the gays.

But it is also the noise they make when deep throating.

i forgot to say my choice, i prefer a nice wank

if you do get an actual respone from him post it here

Not mental, the guy was a genius, you should at least read the manifesto lads, if for nothing else but interest
Sure! I don't know if I will but I hear that he can be quite slow replying (months...) so it's still early days

But a lot of lefty types who support gay rights also write and talk about the elite manipulating policies for their own means

They obviously don't realise they're being played too. Minority groupings for people to pander to are just another machination for the oligarchs to gain more power.

That's not what an oligarchy is.

for me, it's Golden Gaytime

oh really, then allow me to amend my statement.

fuck you mentalist.

Is it impossible to loose weight once you hit 50 or something? My mum eats very little -- all bran, no lunch, and chicken and veg, but she's apparently not loosing weight. I don't want her to do Weightwatchers or similar out of desperation.

noun: oligarchy; plural noun: oligarchies

a small group of people having control of a country or organization.
"the ruling oligarchy of military men around the president"

Tell her to do some exercise.

what questions did you ask him anyway?

does she do exercise or anything?

Yes, nothing to do with
>distract[ing] people by creating a proxy power class for themselves

I don't see where you are coming from tbqh. you are saying the spooky elite are facilitating gay rights to distract us from paying attention to other problems?

>Is it impossible to loose weight once you hit 50 or something?
not at all. How overweight is she?

Yeah but why
Mainly about what his thoughts were on the reformation of industrialised society after a breakdown of the system, no memes in it because I actually wanted a response

Totally mate, not like the oligarchs are in charge due to sheer providence and not that they've got social machinations to influence global socio-economic affairs to keep themselves in power.

They go hand in hand mate, sorry if you're part of the Gay Pride movement but it's just a shit situation to be in.

yes m8 before gay rights the common man never fell for any of that oligarch bollocks

Ashamed of my lot now desu (lefties).
Gettinf distracted by gays and blacks and women not getting paid enough. And they shit on the working class too, the people who they are supposed to help. Its a clusterfuck.
Thanks for reading my hot take.

Care to explain this to a brainlet? How does a few rich people making gay rights popular do anything for them?

Was gonna overthrow the government but then I saw two men holding hands

Aunt and uncle-in-law only staying for two hours. Just the nan who is here for a couple days.

He's a mentalist lid, pay no mind to him

>Gettinf distracted by gays and blacks and women not getting paid enough
all the lefties I know are about increasing minimum wage for everybody though

*wheels the TV and video trolley in*

It diverts attention away from real issues. Plus a dictatorship that advocates a minority right is seen as amazing by the press etc. By keeping everyone divided we are all at each others throats and can't form a big enough revolt to remove them from seats of power.

working class can get to fuck if they arent progressive

>And they shit on the working class too
From my experience they always bang on about the working class but the problem is that they are middle class mongs that don't have a clue.

Love is the answer, it's the way forward

This just seems like vague 'fuck the man' ramblings from a teenage stoner

Lucky you I suppose. Raising the minimum wage does price out neets and the lowest skilled people from entry jobs though.

It's about creating a unassailable class, groups are about that use and manipulate attitudes to create safe zones for people in powerful positions, like people who get shut down for accusing a for instance; a Jewish bloke for something unpleasant or illegal and as a result some people immediately start harking anti semite at the accusers. This also is used to shut down people by calling them racists, islamophobes, homophobes ect ect.

This lad gets it.

New machinations mate, never said oligarch are new.


Wanking, personally.

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>da fackin oligarths wont let me say nigger

Go on lad what are the real issues?


Fucking men is gay mate and part of the oligarchs proxy class.

I'm guessing brown people and jews

I know right, my boss would weep in his Bentley if he had to pay me enough to be able to afford to rent a one bedroom dump.

can we watch last of the summer wine?

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Are you foreign or do you have learning difficulties? I can barely comprehend your posts.

>How can I be racist when Ngubu's me fave player?

Jokes aside, people do use shouts of racism to shut down discourse. It does happen and it's not healthy.

The decline and decay of Christianity.

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Sorry lad, was born in a greggs.

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who is she? she's beautiful,lad

lmao fucking knew it, absolute mong

Mate our biggest newspapers are always printing stuff that people think is 'offensive' and nothing happens.

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It's not about that. They already pay us as little as possible (minimum wage) so if they are forced to raise it, they will expect more for their money. More skills/experience, which people getting their first job never have.

On which bit?

>The decline and decay of Christianity.
I almost agreed until you said this. brainlet tier

Mate you don't need a middle eastern religion to be a good person. You're English.

My vote is for El Nombre

You can't slam the brakes on expression without there being a nasty backlash mate, it's applied gently and ever increasing.

Is it rude if I resign from my job over email if my boss is away this week and next week on holiday? I want to give him my one month notice.

Wt du think of me new gf lads?

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Christianity has only slowed down progress, its decay and decline is very welcome.
Not an issue, NEXT.

It's literally the core foundation of our part of the world mate, all legitimacy stems from it. Without that legitimacy behind things, everything is pointless.

Alri fellow vargpilled user

Almost Cecil Rhodes tier there mate.

Greggs. Swallow the Tildepill

>The decline and decay of Christianity.
Fucking hell. If you can't figure out good morals on your own then that is on you. The bible and some nonce in a black dress are not a requirement of a civilised society

why is her adams apple all pixelly

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Phwoar its gonna be a phwoar from me

dads dragging me to citizens advice bureau cause im off sick from work lads

Ah so 'they' are all powerful and have been for a long time but they're scared to stop the Daily Express posting about muslims in case society rises up.

>The thing that created the stability in our world slowed us down in progression.
Literal brainlet take.

Went in expecting a chuckle, came out seeing the world as it really is.

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>greggs team member


*kicks plump*

>The thing that created the stability in our world
the endless wars with other Christian empires. Very stable

just finished updating my fashion b/vlog lads, whagwanin?

Very idiotic, opaque and completely blind pilled take there lad.

Jow Forums Christians are just contrarians so worried about Islam that they pretend to be religious. It's fine to be worried, I am, but adhering to a slightly different Abrahamic religion isn't the answer.

He reminds me of Ted a bit. Right about a lot of stuff we dont normally speak about, wrong about the killing people. His stuff on bitchute isnt as good though.

>all legitimacy stems from it.
How did you come to this conclusion?

this ivory leg is what propels me. harpoons thrust in the sky