>pasta tastes like plastic again
Why am I such a failure? At this rate, just thinking about relationships is laughable.
Pasta tastes like plastic again
remove it from the packaging before boiling
I'm not that retarded, baka user.
just trying to be helpful
do you use a plastic spoon or strainer? perhaps that is what makes it taste of plastic
I think I overcook/undercook it. One or the other.
Do you put salt in the water and boil it for the minimum time on the packet? If not then you should. Are you just buying bad pasta? Buy the most expensive packet in the store or get your paretns to do it next time and see how it tastes in comparison and then work your way down from there until you find one that you're happy with.
You'll make plenty of pasta in the future, you have lots of time to make mistakes.
I got banned for 30 days for my schizo pagang shitpost, for ban evasion. I'm afraid I'm going to have to retire from shitposting in your threads for good because of this, clearly the mods will take any opportunity to silence me. They even denied both my appeals. What kind of ban evader makes a fucking ban appeal?
Quite a mental jump from cooking pasta to building relationships.
Stop being so focused on yourself, leave the house and interact with other people. And stop avatarfagging on my website, make a blog or go on twitter. Fucking scandinavian trannies ruining Jow Forums I swear.
I wasn't impersonating you, though. It was simply a meme image that included your titular picrew waifu in it.
Bro r9k is blogposting since 2017, get over it.
Check the time, that's vital. Between that and the salt it'll be fine. Cut up some chicken breast, it's good when cooked with pasta.
lol why don't you check the time? Just set the timer to what it says on the packet and then you can forget about it completely until it's done. Trust the manufacturers, they know what they're doing. Pasta is done sooner than you think, you're probably boiling it for too long like most people do. Veer on the side of undercooking it, even if it's a little bit hard on the inside it's still a lot nicer than the soggy flavourless mushy pasta a lot of people make.
It's very understanderble, especially if she wants to cook for her partner, it can be very stressful.
what would making pasta have to do with relationships
Speaking of twitter.
My twitter is @NagiStratos
Best way to test if pasta is cooked is throwing a single piece at the wall. If it sticks its done if it falls its undercooked
Thanks. I guess I knew what the issue was. I'm just lazy and stupid.
If you're incapable of even cooking some pasta, how are you gonna keep something as complex as a relationship going?
I checked and it's somehow even worse than avatarfagging. Good job.
How much salt do you add? Also, it's done just as you feel it's about to go from half transparent to fully filled. I started from not knowing how to cook at all and even 20p spaghetti was decent.
follow me back dude, I'm the party guy.
Done. My tweets might be dumb shit about burger king and retweets of big tits.
>If you're incapable of even cooking some pasta, how are you gonna keep something as complex as a relationship going?
These two things are incomparable. Cooking pasta is a simple procedure. "Keeping relationship going" is just living your life close to another person. With all regards, mister scandinavian schizo, you're not making much sense today. Stop being so dramatic. Wallowing in self-pity never did anyone any good.
lol you're problem is that you're not lazy enough. Keep in mind most houswives are actually retarded losers, your expectations on yourself are too high.
The plastic taste is caused by avatarfagging. So stop it you faggot.