Imagine transitioning into this

>I..Illjust take the pinkipill
Lmao, this is an actual tranny I found on here. I see posts on here everyday but transistioning or some shit but dont you WILL end up looking like this.

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She looks pretty in my opinion.

She is cute actually she just needs to put more effort into her appearance

only like 5% of trannies actually look passable. Lol take the XY pill faggots

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Back to Discord you Cutehouse shills


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Eh I've seen WAY worse desu, this one is alright.

Looks like that girl from Fine bros react

In my opinion any little bit of femininity you can get is better than looking like a total masculine ogre

Shitty smile and no boobs

Doesn't even look bad. You're deluded.

still higher SMV than me
sad world my friend... sad world

Why do you watch content made for 10 year olds?

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It's more than 5% but only in photos and from specific angles, in real life that drops to 0%.

There was a hilarious subreddit where trannies rate how passable they are, I forgot what's it called because I found it by accident and it's not my usual hobby but it was amusing to browse for a couple minutes. The amount of cope there was unbelievable.

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>you are deluded if you don't think frankeinstein monster tranny faggots dont look normal

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He looks like a man with an Instagram filter. IRL he'd look retarded. Dunno why people have to be so homophobic though, like why "MTFs" don't just come out as gay men.

I don't watch it anymore but I used to when I was a zoomer I'm a zoomer-boomer now

>I found it by accident
sure, buddy

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She's not using a filter though

I was expecting this answer. Of course this accident was helped by Jow Forums and my own curiosity but browsing through pictures of trannies in various stages of denial did get old pretty fast. And I truly don't remember where on reddit it was. Probably an easy search, go look it up if you want a laugh.

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dont fall for the meme friends, failed detransitioned tranny here. you'll spend 5 years diving into this shit, then one day you'll look at the photos you've taken of yourself and realise how much of a freak you've looked for so long. most of you wont pass, dont believe the hugboxxing, using angles and special lighting is all good and well for a quick like on instagram but once you're out in the world everyone will look at you like the freak you look like. get a haircut (believe me your greasy hair doesnt look good), stop taking titty skittles (wear a compression vest to hide those cone titties and pokey nips) and get some self esteem that isnt from fellow trannies trying to convince each other that they pass.

thats a man and you're both homosexuals

Only an insignificant portion of trannies are actually mentally ill. The rest are mostly failed omega males trying to radically change their lives and see if it is for the better, or autogynephiles.

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LMAO this is what trannies think is """passing""?? Holy fuck its so obvious this is a dude!! No wonder girls hate the fuck out of trannies

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she's cute
would kiss

I'd date her.


tfw thought i would have been posted itt but isnt
i guess thats good

when the hrt pushers try to use reverse psycology
>it wasnt very effective

i go there too at times to feel good about myself

No desu she posts on soc and worries a lot about not passing
I think she passes well though. Melanie is a cutie.

>5k bobs BEFORE HRT

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That was it!

boy is it a comedy show in there

a few look ok, but a lot of them, oh boy am i glad i pass and not them

took these from cutehouse.

Attached: tranny 9.png (1154x996, 963K)

Wtf is this, stop using trannydiscord you faggot in denial

cute, would kiss and cuddle with

Three crossdressers and one actual tranny (the one on the right)

Anyone who wants to be a tranny DONT CUT UR DICK OFF

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i just had my dick cutting consultation yesterday, its happening in the spring

I hate faggots but I love this face. I save images of it, pretending it's a girl. How do you contact it via email or some other electronic means? Is it into guys or girls or what? Who is it?

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Looks like a girl desu. Allways thought it was pic of a homely girl.

Bump for oregano this.

And? I bet you're uglier than her OP. She's kinda cute desu.

Maybe not officially, but the way the sunlight is coming in with the blurriness looks like an Instagram filter.
Anyway, they don't pass, if they're trying to look like a woman.

Also people need to stop taking Instagram filters as RL. That middle photo looks ridiculous.

You REALLY shouldn't user. You will regret it eventually.

nope, ive been wanting it to "go back inside" since the 7th grade and im confident in the surgeon, one of the results i was shown was literally cis innie tier

r/itsafetish =]

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its not though :) ama if you want

no shit. the only one that looks good is the one on the right.

Okay then. Why are you gay?

what makes you think im gay? its a common misconception to assume all trannies are gay

If you watch tranny porn, then you're attracted to men.
If you imagine yourself as a "girl" getting fucked by a man, then you're attracted to men.

i rarely watch much porn anymore and when i do/did it was mostly lesbian

she legit looks better than many cis women out there

Attached: FB_IMG_1566422297655.jpg (720x720, 53K)

>tfw I look like this but I am actually XX


The only thing really off in their pics is the jaw. The blunt square chin makes their face look more masculine.

imagine actually using reddit, stop existing now please

>trying this hard to fit in
>Jow Forums is muh secret club


If a transwoman is involved (including yourself), it ain't lesbian, chief.

two cis women. one dick is one too many and i dont go searching for post ops

>it ain't lesbian
depends on the point of view. i pass as a woman so to regular people who dont know im trans wouldnt know any better than say lesbian, i also match with lesbians on tinder so yea

Be my gf right now femanon

If you (a man) are exclusively attracted to women, then congratulations- you are straight. Unfortunately, most trannies consider themselves 'women' and therefore other trannies 'women', and are attracted to these other 'women', thus making them not straight but gay EVERY single time.

are we just gonna argue semantics? biologically yea im straight, but society sees me as lesbian since i pass

I'm part of society user.

but you wouldnt know if you saw me irl

That's a cis woman. OP is trolling. Reverse image search

Lel. Did you get surgery on your shoulders and legs?

Reverse image search brings up nothing. If actually a woman, that's unfortunate for 'her'.

Says the jealous tranny lmao

no, i plan on getting shoulder reduction surgery though, but they are the same width as my cis sister, so not super wide
why would i want leg surgery? i have comparatively small feet, 3-4 sizes smaller than my male friends on average and i get complemented on my legs a lot. the girl who waxes them says shes envious and they are model tier

From Chad to Stacey

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Oh god. The narcissism.
Anyway you're gay. And r/itsafetish. Seeya when you're getting assfucked.

Look at the pathetic incel trying to make himself feel better
He's going to call me a discord tranny next, watch

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narcissism? okay there buddy, im telling you facts and what ive been told by others. careful though you might just hit on a passing tranny one day and itll break your worldview

and no, i wont get assfucked, at least not by a guy

i know one family who has girls who look a bit like the tranny in question

the kicker is that they actually look worse than the one in the pic so they're at least passable

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user, you don't need to take the high road on Jow Forums. You're arguing with someone who refuses to feel better about themselves, and makes excuses like a fat kid "I-I don't have control over that".
Would you care what a serial dog murderer thinks of your life? No? Why care about what Jow Forums or Jow Forums thinks.
Arguing with people who refuse to argue in good faith is a waste of your time and energy.

Well what do you look like user? Are you perhaps a cis dude who looks like a butch lesbian?

I'm actually a girl and trans'women' disgust me. r/ItsAFetish, a gross one at that.

youre right, i do find it a little fun to debate people like that for a little bit, ive debated people like him irl who didnt know i was trans, and its just the fact that knowing i could challenge his worldview if i wanted to out myself is kinda fun to me

>I'm a girl
I'm sure you are user. Why would ANYONE lie online in order to win an argument lmao

transwomen generally also disgust me, so that we have in common, but just because you dont think some of us pass shows that you are a dismissive cunt who doesnt know wtf you are talking about. now go fuck tyrone

You don't win against people who have no opinion other than "I hate niggers/trannies/faggots/Jews".
Not to mention half of these people are "ironic" about everything. You can't be wrong about anything if you're "ironic" about everything. Pic related.

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yea youre right about that, sad people really

If I look very similar to OP should I stop repressing and transition?

Don't use Satania for your vile trannyposting.

unless you can see signs of you being trans since childhood, dont

They're suffering just like we are, they just chose the most autistic way to deal with it.
If you really think you can change someone's mind here, a bit of compassion can go a long way. Being spiteful is draining on the soul you know, but it can be useful when people are not arguing in good faith.
Good luck user.

What are you going to do, rope me? Lmaoooooo

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It's been painfully obvious that I've been this way my entire life

stop repressing

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How do I transform like that though? I'm already on hormones I don't know what the next step is

thank you user

then take it up with a therapist before doing anything drastically. its hard af and i wouldnt wish it on anyone

My therapist has told me for months that my gender dysphoria is severe and because I've expressed that all my other attempts to cope haven't helped then transition is probably my only chance of making it manageable but I just don't think I can pass and I don't want people to hate me.

when i wanted to know if i could pass, i posted in trap threads to test the waters
i luckily did end up passing, but to myself it wasnt enough and i went for FFS and still have a little to fine tune, but it helped with my selfimage although its still bad, its not as bad

But then could end up looking like this semen demon

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partyy trockers are in the houuse tonight

Not a lie. I also use r/GenderCritical in case you wanna hang out there and see us evil wammenz.

> you are a dismissive cunt who doesnt know wtf you are talking about. now go fuck tyrone
This is part of the problem. Geezus. Imagine ID'ing as a girl and still not knowing how girls actually are.

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I'm in the same boat user, except my insurance doesn't cover anyone who specializes in gender dysphoria.
You can always take hormones and boymode. In the unlikely event you get massive breasts, you can always hide them with a binder and baggy clothing.
If you pass, then great! You can go outside as a girl. If you don't? Well you can still present as male in public, and live as female in private. Sucks, but it's better than trying to repress.

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Okay "femanon". You can't even write like a female, but you expect people to believe you're a female?
My money is on you being a repressed tranny who is LARPing as a woman online.