Time to jump off a cliff after realizing that I will never find anyone who will put up with me
Time to jump off a cliff after realizing that I will never find anyone who will put up with me
Just become a schizoid already, it's a bearable existence.
i probably would if you wanted to talk to me after 2 days
probably because you keep posting ant pictures
What are you like user? Hnnn
Its not that I wont talk to you after two days, I just wont be the one who texts first ;///
Honestly im pretty boring ;v
So you're a girl? Never mind my comment about the becoming a schizoid, it's not necessary.
Another MBTI gf thread...? OwO
i'm pretty boring too day to day, i have lots of stories though. I want a fembot to make more stories with
tfw a INFP boy
Not really sure what thats supposed to mean
Yeah I usually spend my days watching mindless tv or going to school when its happening
Huh never talked to one
how do i schizify myself?
Stop identifying with MBTI types for a start, you probably took some online test like 16personalities anyway, not that MBTI has any real value in the first place.
same pretty much, except i also have to work to pay my bills. I just want someone to tell each other about our days and send a few cute things to after work.
It's supposed to mean that you're a girl and being anxious, emotional, introverted and the like have not nearly the same detrimental effect on you as it does to guys. It's a million times easier for you to find someone, you don't even have to pursue them.
>tfw also an infp boy
It's a cursed existence
Is there one for sensitive INFP bfs as well? Can we thrive in this cold, uncaring world? I wish I had an INFP gf. We could just do everything for each other.
Stop caring or pursuing bonds and accept your circumstances, try to be content on your own with escapism and such. Only necessary if you're really screwed though.
Well let's start with why. Assuming pic related is an accurate description of you.
-"Music saved my life" Pretentious bullshit like Neutral Milk Hotel didn't save you, you still have problems, hence this thread.
-p-please don't raise your voice at me.
I heard this from my emotionally manipulative ex a lot. Meanwhile the slightest misstep would make her go nuclear. Grow a thicker skin. People are going to get irritated at you if you're as much of an idealist as this pic says.
-Genuinely fond of everyone.
This can cause problems. Some people want someone that can stand with them against someone else.
-Depression is a lifestyle.
Being a 400 pound neckbeard is a lifestyle too, doesn't make it healthy.
You sound like someone with surface level empathy for everyone but completely lacks awareness of how you can possibly annoy people on a different level. You fail to connect with anyone because the mere concept that deep emotional problems exist terrifies you.
Cant find one for INFP bf sadly, most are for gf it seems ;/
Thanks user for actually addressing interesting facts in a rational way
You seem like someone self aware enough to want to improve. That's an important quality. There is hope for you yet.
By the way, I'm almost INFP myself~! ^.^
Yeah I would like to improve and all but Im not really sure what direction to head into :/
Yeah I felt left out in the other one lol
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You're already on the correct path. Introspection with the main goal to be actual critique rather than attempting to justify your beliefs and root yourself deeper in your own manipulations. You seem like an overly trusting, timid person, which isn't a bad thing, but you will get hurt when you attempt to help others before helping yourself. You cannot give others assistance when you yourself feel broken and flawed, as the help you give will be just as broken and flawed.
Im not a particularly trusting person but otherwise yeah ya hit the nail on the head user
Alright then, get started, give me 20 push-ups right now, you gotta get stronger physically and mentally!
>INFJ male
>get along pretty well with girls 99% of the time
>they usually end up attached and even romantically interested
>yet they distrust my honesty and deep down think that I have an elaborate plot to groom and use them
>even if I don't want more than a friendship
>even though I don't lie or pretend
>can't really get along with other men
It gets pretty tiresome to be honest.
ENTJ male here. This is common to everyone nowadays. Women are just better at being friendly on a surface level, but most you meet given the INFJ stereotypes will probably not be that deep otherwise. Meanwhile, guys around you are likely to be more callous and repel you, but probably deep and interesting to talk to.
INTP checking in. Honestly, I'd rather deal with an INFP than Chad or Stacy. People who don't have empathy can be annoying. And I mean really annoying.
At least with Chad and Stacy I know exactly what to expect. With someone professing empathy, it's ambiguous. I'm likely going to be used.
Hey bros
Nidarino oregano
>INFJ male
>popular with girls
LOL no...
Oof im weak tho
Hey man oreganello
autistic isfp girl incoming
i hate myself
Intp here
Fuck you for wanting entps am the real gentleman
What is your kind even like?
Whoever mentioned entps? intps?
>tfw no intj bf
doesnt matter
99.9% of you don't actually care about some femoids feelings
just pump and dump, like the rest of you
I'm not sure why you're getting defensive and lumping me with some stereotypes. I'm genuinely curious and so I asked.
Just walked in on on my siblings playing Terraforming Mars with my brother's gf. It's only a 5 player game so it makes sense that I wasn't invited, but I'm really starting to feel paranoid that it really is specifically me that's being kept away from her.
I'm an ISFP 22 year old man. Want to be a cute couple? Why do you hate yourself anyway? Everybody should love themselves for who they are. Even the lowest human is worth more than a cat or a dog, and we all know how much people value their pets. Don't put yourself down, I'd gladly supply you with oodles of love and affection, but it's healthier if you love yourself for your own reasons first.
You'd be suprised what I can put up with, after all, apparently it's other people that have to put up with me!
not the person you're replying to but it's a matter of degree I think. if you're anxious, emotional, and introverted to a clinical degree (i.e. if you have like severe GAD/SAD or agoraphobia or bpd) then people can sense the degree of your mental illness and will probably stay away. there are exceptions, of course, like if you're hot enough then people might still approach you regardless, but if you're average or patently unattractive AND never talk to people and give off mental illness vibes then obviously people will stay away.
My life would be easy mode if I was born female
>INFP gf
Legitimately just a generic e-whore who manipulates desperate faggots for cash.
how come S vs N is the difference between being awkward but kind of cool and just plain awkward, in this case