Name ur biggest insecurity

name ur biggest insecurity

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everything above my neck

I'm a gross stunted mutt.

That would be my appearance specifically my face

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How weak I acted around my last gf. I was a complete pushover, but all I can do is not be a pussy with the next one.

To be ugly

it's okay to have been weak in the past. that's how we grow stronger. god speed friend.

I cant make friends because I cant relate to anyones problems and most find me boring

I didnt work hard enough.
Im the biggest baddest kind of loser. Those who fuck up because they are one lazy ass piece of shit to get what they worth

I am not enlightened enough to ascend.

The unavoidable fact that I am a scared, weak, quiet, loser.

Being coward

I am afraid that if I ever need to defend myself I would be to scared to act. I never did well with physical confrontation and don't really have fighting experience.
Also I don't like my slight beer belly

tfw dont have to worry about this

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I'm a loser in virtually every way possible. I'm ugly, short, skinny, not particularly smart, anti social, awkward and lazy. My life is a joke.

My fear of talking to women.

>be me
>have big cock
>can't actually talk to women long enough to get to the point where that comes up
>might as well be dicklet
>why has god cursed me

Face, It used to be my feets

same but decent looking and tall

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same brother. get in

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If you are decent looking you can't be a loser though. If you are physically attractive, people just ignore your other flaws.


Me too user. I think a lot of men go through that phase. I am doing better with the next one already, good luck

my dick size
im like 6'2 but have like a 5 inch dick. i will never be able to pleasure a woman

True, but it still makes you feel like shit when you realize that because of tard-level social skills you can't make a decent connection with anyone. I feel like I'm not living up to my potential due to gud looks and am a social failure because of it.

*due to my shit social skills

no girl wants to hear about your dick

I have the weirdest face in every room I enter. God damnit, why do I live in western Europe as an eastern European.

My only 6.5 inch black dick that is considered NIGGA KILL YASELF tier to my own women.

I'm 5'10 and it's still my height, but maybe it's just everything about me that makes me so insecure

It's probably my acne, it kind of sucks to know that's probably what people first notice about you. All those disgusting spots on my face that won't go away god I fucking hate my face

From head to toe, it's got to go

my weight
i'm underweight

use your tongue mate, at 6'2" you're living on the male recruit mode.

I'm 5'11. It's the worst thing in the world I would rather be deformed or be 5'4 than be "king of the manlets". It's literally suicide tier and I already accept the fact I will never EVER get a woman because of my height.


I keep going on this fucking website and see people making fun of autists constantly. I go off this website and interact with peers and they make fun of autists. I don't want it to affect me but it's like death by a thousand cuts.

You just kind of have to grow thick skin and pretend like it doesn't affect you just to get through day to day. I just hope one day people will stop bullying autists. Yet I'm really powerless to complain because it just makes the hate worse. It's not that I'm even adverse to being made fun of at all it's more the frequency of bullying. People aren't just poking fun or speaking the truth they're just hateful.

It's really just seeing how everybody the moment they aren't talking to my face mocks me and hates me just has made me want to kill myself so many times. I don't think anybody would ever want a relationship or family with me.


Receding hairline. Dad's was nearly gone by 25 and I'm hot on his trail. Sucks because I'm 21 and I've aged like 10 years since I was 18, I've gone for food with my mom and been mistaken for a couple, I've also been mistaken for my dad's mate rather than his son.

I got to taste what it was like to be beautiful and then had it suddenly ripped away from me and it eats at me on a daily basis.

People using any weakness I display and attacking me with it, it happens a lot

My introverted awkward personality
My job
My lack of accomplishments

that I cannot protect a women if I had one, that I'm weak in every aspect, basicly im a cuck (even tho im 6ft3, 200lbs, a amateur mma fighter and a recon airborne soldier,still i feel i'm not even a human)

bucked decaying teeth

i'm fucked for life.

My complete lack of handling emotions properly.

in theory I know how I want to portray them, letting people know I value them. But then my head and mouth go complete retard mode

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It's a tie between my appearance my personality and my position in life

The average American man's penis size is 5.6 inches (14.2 centimeters).
Just 15 percent of women reported dissatisfaction with their partner's penis size.
Height, face and frame are the three most important aspects that define your overall attractiveness. If you can't talk to women, you got way more serious problems than your dick

I'm pretty tall but really skinny. Got made fun of by a lot of friends in the past

>I feel like I'm not living up to my potential due to gud looks
But user, social skills are also a very important part of your overall potential. If you're autistic then your potential can be only so big

this makes me feel better about my 4.7 inch dicklet

My double chin.

Try look it at this way - you don't have to attend the rat race of looksmaxing and trying to attract a partner. You can just kick back and relax

I have a crippling fear for not being good enough. It makes me literally sick with anxiety. At uni, at work, even when talking to people to a lesser extent. It's a thousand times worse when I actually fail. I had to quit because I couldn't take it anymore and I don't know what to do.

Gender roles and stigmas for men are pretty brutal.

Are you scared of people not taking your emotions well? Or maybe of being emotional at all?

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Laugh it off and internalize the pain. Its what i do

my parents were cultists who didn't believe in doctors and never gave me money so I grew up really sick and its affected my brain and I dont like being a retard, its physically uncomfortable and painful.

The dumb shit I've said before, it will just sometimes come to dominate my thoughts out of nowhere.

not being able to get it up
the one time i got close to nailing a girl (who was fucking hot) i flopped it
worst experience of my life

also losing my hair made me absolutely despise how i look to the point where i unironically cannot imagine being attractive to anyone ever again

All of my facial bone structure

I don't really have any, I'm just completely unable to join a website to date.

I am not talented or smart.

My wide hips. I just found out they're unattrative on men and girls prefer a v-shape :(

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take estrogen to fulfill your destiny

If this is you, there's nothing wrong with you, except being delusional and dysmorphic.

Either being fat or all the porn I save on my phone

9/10 dick if this is you

I have the same anxiety. Sometimes I think of my physical attractiveness with annoyance. Girls look at me, and it feels like they expect or hope for me to approach them or to be normal and show chivalrous manners.

Sometimes all I can feel is the difference between the greatness that could be, and the reality of my weakness and insecurity.

However, despair not, my friend. The answer is courage. It's not about not feeling fear. It's about acting, doing what we know we should, despite negative feelings.

Something I'm going to start doing with a close female friend, and I suggest you try this even on your own, is taking dance classes. Think about it. What could be more healthy for people like us than to take dance classes, and many of them? Different dances, different teachers, many different fellow learners and dancers. I suck balls at dancing and always have; but I think this will really do me good.

i feel like my 7.8" dick can't compete with the likes of BBCs that are like 9" despite myself being a Hispanic than can pass off as a light skin black.

>Have nice body
>Big dick
>Confident with no issues striking up conversations with strangers
>Can usually get a laugh
>Nice face
>Deep voice

>fucking eczema on my fucking face, arms, and chest. left side of my face is constantly fucking red and the skin above my lips sheds like a fucking snake it's disgusting.
>my eyes are pretty different shapes and aren't level

I am afraid of muscular normalfags and I try to avoid them as much as possible to avoid the possibility of one of them going full retard and curbstomping me

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Begin Asian. None of you would trade places with an Asian guy.

That's the point, moron.

>big cock
>why has god cursed me
Dude shut up.

Same, but I'm 5'9 instead
What do you do in you're spare time since you will never have a gf? I usually play vidya and cry.

>5 inch dick
>recruit mode
More like nightmare mode.

I don't even WANT to talk to women with my small dick. I actively avoid talking about lewd because I don't want it to lead to sex.

i'm genetic trash

can you at least consider getting one so that I may breed her in your place? You get to raise a child that'll have a dick that's 8", long/big balls, and likely over 6' tall when he fully matures.

I'm deeply afraid of opening up to people and appearing venerable in anyway. I work out constantly and don't breathe a word of my personal issues to anyone. Whenever I'm asked how I'm doing I always say I'm fine and things in my life are going well, but they're not, and I'm drifting helplessly through life without any direction or close personal connections.

I desperately want to be understood but my fear forces me to keep people at arms length, or to paint an unrealistic picture of myself in the minds of others.

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If you have a big dick, why don't you do it yourself?

the clock ticks life away
it's so unreal..

I'm getting old, and I'll probably die alone

high pitched voice
communication skill
my life as a NEET for 7 years

I have no current friends when I should be having the best years of my life.

because i want to make sure that my offspring is well-taken care of while i go out and breed other women. i cant wage out to provide for a lot of children myself since i'll likely need to devote a lot time and effort toward building a business to support my lifestyle independently.

face being close 2nd

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height, i have everything but it.

Ah, so you're a nigger, makes sense.

user you've fallen for internet propaganda hard.
1. you can just lie to women and/or buy shoes that make you an inch taller
2. tinder is not real life. Jow Forums retards like to spew statistics about how shallow women are on a platform that is set up to encourage shallowness.
you're nowhere fucking near short enough to be unfuckable. the only man who is unfuckable is the average or below average man with 0 social skills.

been there, so long ago..
t. oldfag

Failed to get an erection several times

i also have wide hips and a big booty but i have a 7/10 upper body complete with the adonis V arrow thing and a big cock so i dont give a care
going T rex mode in the gym was a mistake, but it just means i can focus on upper body now

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my virginity
obviously not original

My 6.2 pencil dick

If you want to know where my flaccid penis goes, look at how thick my ass and hips are. Skelly bro's dick doesn't have anywhere to go when it's flaccid so it hangs on the outside. From the root of my penis to the front of my hips is like two or three times as far as Mr. 120lb elephant truck bro. My dick is the best, and I'm not insecure about it all. Women absolutely love my dick. I am the Lord.

Pic related, look at the size of this can of soda compared to my leg, and compare that can to the leg of the guy whose dick looks big when it's flaccid. That said... plenty of people have dicks bigger than mine, but none of them are better.

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Being insecure and unoriginal

That stuff is so messed up. I'm so glad I was lucky enough to be born in Europe.

I've been there. I basically didn't talk at all for the entirety of the day during the first year and a half of college. But friends eventually came up. Don't be afraid of smiling and maybe you'll be lucky too.

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My acne
I'm a manlet (5'5"), but I'm used to that by now. The fact I'm 23 and still get acne despite taking dermatologist-prescribed medication frustrates me more.

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Bro I'm a solid 8/10, well built, attractive. But my social skills are a 1. They do not ignore flaws if you're good looking. I have 0 friends and am likely to end up alone because I cant open my mouth without bumbling something vile out of it. If you cant talk to people, you're basically a 3/10, sorry to break it to the incels but it's not "genetics", its you. It's me. Its us social outcasts.

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Thats interesting

Did you fix that?

being a manlet
and also having peyronie's disease

I'm only 5'9 and I have toenail fungus

I know that's two but both of them make me ashamed of myself

My bad breath/teeth