I want an autistic husband but it's impossible

I want an autistic husband but it's impossible.
As autists we have mathematically precise tastes in everything including partners.
I've found autistic men to be incredibly picky and hard to get,
Even the ones quickly approaching wizardom.

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If you want an autistic man so badly why don't you just change every aspect of yourself in order to utterly confirm to them.

I come off as hard to get because I'm very bad at talking to people and kind of anti-social, but maybe that just is being hard to get

Because I am also autistic and struggle just conforming to normal social groups.
It is also not something you can fake I have heard many just say it's a chemistry issue,
Which is really vague.

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I'm autistic and my pickiness basically just amounts to "not fat"

>I've found autistic men to be incredibly picky and hard to get
no, you're probably just ugly

I am neither these things.
I have been told I am very cute by the same men who reject me.

nah, you were probably just nice enough for them to let you down with a soft landing. seriously. you're more than likely ugly with an OK personality.

That's cool and all but it doesn't mean they have any bearing on other autistic men's preferences.

>I've found autistic men to be incredibly picky
>and hard to get
lmao. theres millions of us.

also this.
its not just about physical attraction, rather the fact that being healthy is absolutely free and available to almost every non disabled person in the west, not being healthy is signal to dozens of other fuck ups present in the persons make up such as being impulsive or retarded.
not that all people who are thin are instantly desirable but from that point forwards they are an open book, if its later revealed they are massive thots, stupid or generally nasty cunts, they can be discarded along the way.

>As autists we have mathematically precise tastes in everything including partners.
tfw no autist gf to adopt my autistic interests

>As autists we have mathematically precise tastes in everything including partners.
>I've found autistic men to be incredibly picky and hard to get,
>Even the ones quickly approaching wizardom.
same plus the repetitiveness meltdowns no eye contact mever getting hints etc and reclusiveness but apparently you can't self diagnose

I think autistic men from r9k think they have no standards and would go for the first non fat girl that talked to them.
But you think that out of lack of experience.
You will find as soon as you get attention you suddenly aren't feeling it.
The guy I was orbiting showered once a month, lived on welfare, was a 27 year old virgin, and rarely left his room.
I am not fat and he genuinely thought I was attractive but he had oneitis for another girl,
Some bpd stacy that kept ghosting him.

You have no basis for that claim. You don't know us.

I don't think it's possible to get feelings for anyone that talks to you because you are lonely.
I am desperately lonely as I have no friends being a shut in.
I am saying most likely this is the case,
Experience tells me this as I've been here awhile and talked to many autists.
Maybe you get infatuation but that dies down,
I believe for autists it's hard to love someone.

I dunno I'm an autist on the market, am pretty datable, and my standards are basically "Not heavily overweight/obese, not ridiculously fucking annoying". I'm pretty amenable to ugly girls even. I'm a lot older but doing a lot better than the average Jow Forums user.

Honestly I've been courted by 3 women in my life that I know of, I would have dated/fucked one. The other two were so nails on a chalkboard fucking annoying there would be no way in hell even though I could overlook all their other issues including in one case not being able to hold down a part time job.

If I met you in the wild (i.e not an anonymous image board), then I would give you a shot. You'd probably scare me away, but whatever.

>I believe for autists it's hard to love someone.
it should be hard to love somebody.
not all of us are the stereotypical wash once a month types, most of us have a public persona with jobs/family that demands some standards of larping that are actually good for us.

Have you tried Grindr? Might be some spergs on there for you OP

Isn't that called being a normalnigger?

Part of my personal tastes is I like guys who don't shower often,
BO is attractive to me.
However I understand this is generally a trait that makes men repulsive to most women,
I mentioned it to demonstrate that the men I have tried courting aren't Chads,
As I knew a head of time that I would be accused of that.
I guess this could be an issue with the specific men I like,
They are very socially afraid and maybe I'm intimidating.

Larping as a normnig isnt the same as actually being one.
I havent lived in the same house as my mother since I was 17, some level of excruciating interaction is required to get by in the world unless you want to live outside. What comes with that is presenting yourself in the least remarkable way possible (showering, wearing normal clothes) and saying things like Hi to people.

>Part of my personal tastes is I like guys who don't shower often
what is your hygiene like?

>Tfw i already found my autistic bf and hopefully a future autistic husband :)

okay list some things about yourself and as an actual autistic guy i'll see what's wrong

I can count to potato, I'm often braaping, and love Lego

>As autists we have mathematically precise tastes in everything
This is true, though I've found because of this it's pretty easy to get an autistic person obsessed with you. Like they're precise tastes but they're also relatively limited in scope (and unlimited in intensity). If you latch onto one particular intense interest of theirs they go nuts. It's alienating being autistic since most people don't understand what it feels like to really lose yourself in some interest to such a degree that it shapes the way you experience the world, so if all of a sudden someone comes in pretending to have this interest it's difficult not to go nuts for them, it's basically like they're the only person on the planet who's willing and capable to talk to you.

that's not much to base my opinion on so i cannot really say anything. but i like legos too, building them is fun.

Sorry, but I just can't live with you if I can't tolerate you on a sensory level. It's rare for another autist's quirks to mesh that well with mine, and it's rarer still to find someone who can fuck a guy who has issues with being touched properly.

Most real autistic men rarely meet women, so I find your post hard to believe. I meet like 1 woman per year that I can have a conversation with that isn't repulsed by my autistic interests.

If you're not even fat and they still rejected you, then they're (by definition) Chads.

Why would a wizard reject a perfectly fine woman? There's no conceivable reason.

That's like saying "Every time I heat water to 150 degrees Celsius at sea level, it just doesn't boil."

Therefore, I reserve the right to despise you for being a woman living on tutorial mode and having the stupidity to post on r9k. Eat shit.

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i'm sorry if i'm pushy but not gonna post any more info? if you really want my opinion i can say it if you actually describe yourself. it's not like i can know something without it being said to me, i'm autistic for a reason

Well I've had this problem for many years, i tend to push girls away IRL, even when they are attracted to me, while online i don't seem to have any luck with women at all, or with people in general, some of my friends used to dislike me before meeting me IRL while others before knowing me better after one or two meetings.
In general i give a bad first impression, mostly from not being white

>tfw not actually autistic but do autistic things anyways
>end up being not normal enough to get a normal gf, but not pseudo-autistic enough to get a gf who would want an autistic bf

A clown and a joker, stuck in the middle with noone.

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Use a trip so I can filter you

That is not me.
I tried to post but it did not work.
Yeah this is a huge part of it,
Genuine autists have sensory issues that may not mesh well with others.
Specific temperatures needed for comfort,
I can't sleep with sheets I prefer only one blanket.
Food is another issue,
I am quite picky as I don't like onions or tomato chunks.
It is possible and common to have opposite tastes as a couple,
But for autists this becomes a much bigger issue.
Just because you are a cumbrain normie does not mean all virgins are.
Most autists have intimacy problems,
Being touched is already very bothersome.

autist here
ideal personality is pretty much just quiet and conservative with an understanding that i need some amount of comfy isolation pretty frequently
body wise, its all in the thighs, and a nice plump butt to go with them is even better
i prefer muscular thicc over fatty thicc, but the best is both combined with the fat kept within a healthy range (20% to 25% bmi)
she can be flat as a board on top or have a chest that makes watermelons envious, i dont care either way
as for things that cant really ever be changed, she has to be white and be my age plus or minus four years

... yeah i see your point