Anyone willing to chat for some (you)s?

anyone willing to chat for some (you)s?

sorry if anyone doesn't recognize my name, i havent been active since around january if i remember right, and i wont be able to vocaroo for another week or so

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hewwo s-chan
what did you get up to today?

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namefag , rope yourself

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I don't know who you are but you can have an (OP). If you reply to this post I will give a (You) .

wish i could say much, but ive spent almost all day just watching videos, how are you doing user?
eh, was just wondering if anyone would recognize me
thanks user

no problem. and here's the (You), I'm satisfied with mine. what videos you been watching

honestly can't remember much if any, mainly used them to pass time
most of them have just been dog videos from Dodo or food videos since ive been starving all day

do you have wickr or kik.

neither, i have snapchat but i mainly live on discord to chat with friends

you should get wickr sometime, it's secure. my discord is
see you there inshaallah



why do people like jojo? like i really want to get into it since it seems popular enough that i might run into someone irl who likes it, but it's so boring.

part 1 is a bit boring, but by the time you reach part 3 it gets incredibly interesting
i personally stopped watching after part 4/5 since i got spoilers to part 7, but i highly recommend it

do you think it'd be possible to straight up skip parts 1 and 2? or would it be too confusing to catch up (or could you maybe get by just reading a plot synopsis)

Nobody cares about jojo and jojofags

even though it's tedious, i think its essential to watch through them to fully understand the rest of the series. i mean sure you can read a synopsis but it won't exactly be the same
to summarize: synopsis if you want to but not recommended

eh true, i was just looking for a random picture to choose as an image

you got a discord? i dont think I can voice chat cuz my mic is broken

ah that's alright, i do have a discord, although id prefer to not post it for privacy reasons

Speedwagon best waifu everyone else's opinion is normie

me too, just been watching anime played some pokemon. i want to make plans but im a poorfag and ive run out of food

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wish i could too but im out of the country visiting family, have had close to nothing to eat since they live on a farm