
Any anxietyfags have any experience with this stuff. Tried it once a couple years ago and didn't notice much of anything in the way of quieting inhibitions.

Attached: phenibut-supplement.jpg (1600x1600, 238K)

Its more noticeable if you're out and about doing things, its not an intoxication that you'll notice even if you're alone like with alcohol. Its very easy to take too much of it too often and get very sick though

How much did you take, that is the real important part. the typical dose you read on a reddit post will do nothing

well I don't browse reddit but erowid suggest 500mg for daily excursions

yeah you need two or three times that amount

and this much actually keeps you from stressing out when in public?

It has a higher chance to. It might still do nothing for you. Also keep in mind that phenibut takes hours to kick in and feel the effects

I have anxiety and that shit does nothing. Just makes you drunk in high doses. Kratom kills my anxiety better

Drugs can affect others differently based on dose. Take a starter dose and then add more over time, giving pause for T-breaks until you get where you want. I use this shit from time to time, but the withdrawal from daily use blows major ass.

well I took a gram. Gonna head to the store in an hour to see if it's any easier.

Phenibut takes 2-3 hours thats why it sucks. The kratom is better

Tried kratom for its purported ant anxiety claims. More often than not it just made me sick and loopy. Was decent as tea at nights before bed but if I did it in the daytime, I'd be too busy obsessing over how not sober I am to be able to function.

I've been using it to train myself to be comfortable around people. I'm really impressed with how I've done, and how easy it all is. Looking forward to taking the training wheels off.

Do not do this stuff daily. You might end up dependent on it.. If you must take it buy Red Dawn or something which has it and take that when you need to.

Just make pills and take like 6 trust me man. Phenibut is deadly addictive and if you take high doses you get drunk high and loopy for 24 hours literally was drunk for a whole day

THIS FUCKING THIS. And don't forget that you build a tolerance to it really fucking fast.

>Red Dawn
Just looked it up and I already have half the active ingredients here already. Could probably whip up a potion myself.

Will say that GABA does do something. It's just not very strong.

when i take it i get the same mindset that i get when im drunk except without any of the drunk feeling. nice and giggly and able to speak freely without worrying.

>Could probably whip up a potion myself
Just make sure you get the doses right. You don't just throw shit in a blender and call it a day

First off, do NOT take 1.5g the first time, you'll keep taking a high dose and become dependent. It's highly addictive, so don't take it every day. Here's a pretty typical range of dosing for different usage:

>Therapeutic - 500-750mg
>Immediately (30-60min) noticeable effects - 750-1000mg
>Recreational - depends but usually anything >1000mg

If you are a larger person or overweight/underweight this obviously isn't exact but seriously, be careful on the stuff. I know someone that takes nearly 4g per day for the past year and they literally can't stop taking it without being in a state of nausea and constant severe anxiety.

If you don't like the feeling of being hungover wait at least 8 hours before taking another dose. Also this can affect dependency and tolerance in a negative way.


Don't take it every day and for beginners stick to under 1000mg if you don't like addictive habits

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>didn't notice much of anything in the way of quieting inhibitions
literally no drugs lower inhibitions. lowering inhibitions is just a description people who don't use drugs give for why some people do dumb shit when they get high.

Please don't post in this thread anymore

What? Have you never had alcohol? It's literally the only out there that does the one thing to "cure" social (and pretty much all other) anxiety. In addition to depressing you a bit, alcohol has a chemical function that causes you to not give a fuck.

If chemists could isolate that specific function and make a pill that does only that, they'd have a cure for sociual anxiety that leave you all sloppy and inebriated.

>have ideas in my head
>never say them because im scared what people will think
>drink some beer
>stop caring what people think
>can say whatever i want
there we go

I'm on 3g of phenibut, 300mg caffeine, and 15 adderall right now. Feeling high and soulless, never taken phenibut and addy together. Makes me depressed.

alcohol just made me drunk and also feel a little sick. I took benzos and smoked weed all day for over 2 years. it doesn't lower inhibitions. I did stuff I was going to do anyway and the only difference was I was so high and felt amazing.

>it doesn't lower inhibitions.
It's literally one of its functions. That's why so it gets so many people in trouble and why it's often referred to as 'truth serum'.

The way it was described to me is that there's certain neurotransmitters that are in your brain that govern your inhibitions and when you drink alcohol, it floods the brain with something that literally blocks that communication.

Attached: Effects+of+Alcohol+1-4+drinks_+Inhibitions+lowered.jpg (960x720, 85K)