At what age do those intense "butterflies in the stomach" puppy love feelings start to fade...

At what age do those intense "butterflies in the stomach" puppy love feelings start to fade? I remember feeling them once last year when I saw my oneitis, it was amazing and those feelings are so addicting and are such a rush. The problem is I rarely ever had those moments and Im close to turning 20 now. Is there still time if I manage to find a gf asap or is it already too late?
>pic to get your attention

Attached: 1563136338354.webm (576x1246, 1.92M)

they dont really fade, they will come up again once you get to know a girl and catch feelings for her

the only way to prevent this is living the life of a complete shut-in

I'm 32 and i still get like that. The pain when they reject me never gets better either.

well i'm 30 and i probably haven't felt that since i was your age. enjoy it i guess

>tfw literally never experienced these feelings and was always confused when people mentioned them

I'm 18and i had them twice intensely, but having had a gf and felt irl love and going through intense heartbreak has made me to the point where feeligs for girls are much less intense, its nice, and its not about age its about experience

I'm 28 and a cute coworker made me feel just like you described
It's infuriating I'm this old but still feel like a faggy kid

Men = 25ish (end of adolescence approx)
Females = 21ish (end of adolescence approx)

Or by the 3-5th partner.

>the only way to prevent this is living the life of a complete shut-in
>he believes this
no, the best way to avoid that feeling is just to literally have multiple women on call. stop falling for the monogamous jew.

>Monogamous Jew
Hey rabbi whatcha doin?

in other words, let my genes fade out because some faggot on a basket weaving forum said that the only way to not "feel butterflies" was to effectively shut myself off from society instead of spreading my seed? nice try schlomo.

>literally have multiple women on call
>get them preggo and spread my genes
>cant afford child support
>get assraped by tyrone

nice try

Why would you get ass raped in jail? You do know the difference between prison and jail, right? No, you don't. Because you're literally an underage faggot that thinks the solution to his problems is to shut off from the world not recognizing that by doing so, he's catapulting himself into a brick wall down the road.

Don't say I didn't warn you.

>You do know the difference between prison and jail, right?
nope because english isnt my native language

>Because you're literally an underage faggot that thinks the solution to his problems is to shut off from the world not recognizing that by doing so, he's catapulting himself into a brick wall down the road.
hurr durr be a degenrate like everybody else user

i dont ever remember feeling what you've described OP, is it that good?

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hohoho user, today i felt those butterflies talking to my crush and i felt like a teenager again.

god, i hope that feel never fade away.

> male, 25 yrs old

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Maybe its a complacency thing, I left my oneitis (moved out of the country) and came back and the feeling kind of came back. who knows.

Attached: homosexual.png (510x668, 802K)

Yes, it goes away around 19-20. The world is no longer innocent, you have serious matters distracting you from that pure, intense feeling of teenage love, everything becomes a matter of being able to sustain yourself, improving your living situation, your career, and maximizing what little free time you have. Your brain changes permanently.
The feeling will never come back. You will envy those who still experience it until you accept it and stop caring.

Monogamy implies marriage. You only marry one woman

I can experience that feeling whenever I want by thinking about cute girls. I'm 27.

it faded around 23 for me. i still want to be with a women but i don't feel bad when i get rejected.

>nope because english isnt my native language
Then let me clarify: jail is literally a localized county holding facility. It's boring as fuck. Prison isn't as bad. You at least have better amenities. There isn't too much rape going on unless you're a complete faggot.
>hurr durr be a degenrate like everybody else user
Yeah dude, let's shut ourselves inside away from the world because we're so unique.
>being this autistic
Bruh, just talk to multiple women at once. Stop looking so deep into it.

How can anyone observe how this bitch moves, and not want to curb-stomp her retarded face?

man that k-slut dancing shtick is so tacky

once you lose your virginity and have a few lustfully encounters of casual sex the novelty of women will wear off and that will subside.

>the only way to prevent this is living the life of a complete shut-in
Or work some place with no women.

I've only felt that way for one girl when I was 25. It was odd and exactly like how people describe. Really bizarre.

>talk to multiple women
Harems aren't legal.

>implying polyamory isn't exceedingly jewish