Reminder that if you were born in a relevant city like New York, LA, London, Sydney...

Reminder that if you were born in a relevant city like New York, LA, London, Sydney, or Brussels you wouldn't be a robot.

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>tfw living in a faceless concrete jungle makes you somehow more human than living in a small shitty town

>More things to do than you could ever do in your entire life
>Better infrastructure
>Better jobs


>Living near nature
The only benefit to living outside the city

Sydney is fucking disgusting

>born as a nig in fucking NYC
>degenerate capital of the world
>STILL cant get laid

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Don't know why the world thinks sydney is our main city when it's the secondary one. Living in medium sized towns produce the most normalfags. Robos are from small towns and big cities.

>degenerate capital of the world
It's because you're a literal bigot

Only if you're poor desu frank

literally none of this is true and you should be run through with a rapier

Fuck you

I pretend to be le ebin liberal nigger and only get friend zoned

Exactly because you're pretending. You think people can't tell when someone is genuinely an ally?

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>You think people can't tell when someone is genuinely an ally?

people are dumb tbqh

People are nowhere near as stupid as Jow Forums has you believe. Consider this, Jow Forums hates Jews, but loves capitalism, the tool which Jews use to control people. Jow Forums is just as stupid as any liberal.

Interesting. So you love jews and hate capitalism?

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I mean who else benefits from pushing the Nazi meme so hard, right? It demonizes white people and gives an easy scapegoat for Jews to blame everything on. Jow Forums must be playing 4D chess. They're only PRETENDING to work for 0.1% of what their boss's boss Goldberg makes yearly.
Also don't bring up any quotes about the Nazis hating capitalism, that's MARXIST propaganda.

I agree with you 100%. Capitalism was a jewish mistake and we need based communism. White people should give up stop being racist and let young brown men into their country to improve the economy.

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"White people" is just another Jewish meme and dungbrained losers buy into to have a sense of belonging. When you have nothing about your own life to celebrate because you were too whiny to make friends, why not latch to the accomplishments of the "white race" even though less than a century ago people would have called you stupid for saying a Greek and Nord are the same race.

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i'm a 40 minute train ride away from nyc. fuck that place i fucking hate going there

If youre sick of other people, what good are cities?
Id rather watch animals out my kitchen window and breathe fresh air than be surrounded by places to spend money at

Lol same, hello LI bro

>things to do
Like what? Cant walk in the woods. Cant be alone. Cant see the stars.

>Sydney and LA relevent
also, prime robot cities are not the same as "big cities" Although, NY London and Brussels are prime robot cities.

>Stores for every single niche you can imagine (including anime/manga/video games/board games/etc.)
>High quality restaurants of food from all over the globe
>Public events
>Theme parks
And that's just the tip of the iceberg

>less than a century ago people would have called you stupid for saying a Greek and Nord are the same race.

Categorically false. Europeans living in Imperial colonies in Africa and Asia would segregate from the natives and only associate with 'Europeans' even if they didn't speak the same language, because there was a common ethnic and cultural link between them.

I'm a Latino who lives in NY and I'm a robot.

>Categorically false.
You LITERALLY believe a fucking brownskin Greek who can't pay his debnts is the same race as a Nord. Let me guess though, Slavs aren't white.

>Europeans living in Imperial colonies in Africa and Asia would segregate from the natives and only associate with 'Europeans' even if they didn't speak the same language, because there was a common ethnic and cultural link between them.
Cultural similiarties are not race. You can tell fromr someone's DNA if they are Nordic or Mediterrian. You can look at their bones and tell the same thing. You are trying to pretend there is no racial differences when they are clear as day.
How is this any different from SJWs? So much for "race realism".

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You can only be a robot if you're white.

All of those things were created by people, there is something powerful and mysterious and captivating about the things we did not create

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Yes I would, don't speak for me retard.

>nothing to do
>nothing in my town but like 2 empty roads
>everyone here is in agonizing poverty
>everyone is mean and hostile
>the weather is always cold as fucking shit cant even go outside
>literally nothing to do no stores nowhere to go nothing around no one to do anything with
>cant even get a hobby because there's literally no one to do it with or any stores around
>everyone here just goes to work comes home sleeps does nothing
>if you want to go to a concert or something you have drive 6 hours one way, get a motel, spend 2 whole days driving, plan everything months ahead, spend 100s of dollars
>closest town is 2 hours away nothing but one mall and nothing to do
>closest major city is 7 hours away and everyones too poor to go
>no girls around just crazy mountain men hillbillies that only want to hang out with their cousins
>no beaches, concerts. amusement parks, get togethers, events, things to do, anything to see, attractions, anything to go
>parents never go anywhere or do anything
>parents are poor so I never get to travel go anywhere see anything
>have no friends and always poor so I never get to travel
>nothing near me no city nothing just trees in the middle of the woods and small villages
>never get to go on vacation my entire life so all ive ever seen is the sad woods
>no disney world for me
>no girls no friends nothing just prison loneliness cant even change anything if I want to literally just trapped out in the middle of nowhere with no resources
>everyone around me is a legit fucking lunatic and they're all poor and creepy type degenerate
>closest friend is literally 5 miles away and hes a creepy ass hole whos angry all the time and hes disabled and literally retarded

I fucking hate god. I ducking hate my parents. I fucking hate god I fucking hate god I fucking hate god!!!!!!!!!

ive lived in both. if you somehow end up a robot in the suburbs, you should probably kill your parents for fucking up so bad. living in a large city where nobody gives a shit about you is a breeding ground for robotdom.

That situation sucks but the way you wrote it was funny

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user, you can't say that. That's racist.

its nigganon woooooooo

born and raised in manhattan. there is certainly not "more things to do than you could ever do in your entire life" once you got to a few clubs you've gone to them all, once you go to a few museums you've gone to them all, once you've eaten at a few 5 star restaurants you've eaten at them all. also absolute lmao at having money in the city. i make 110k per year and save almost none of it because of taxes and mortgage. when i want to actually have a life and do things in the city i end up having no money left over. the only people who idealize city life are those who have never lived it or those who have just started living it and the novelty hasn't worn off yet. everyone i know who was born and raised here thinks its a shit hole. not saying living in the middle of nowhere is better, but the city certainly isnt great

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This is false
source: born in Queens, moved to Atlanta still a robot

If its not a US city its not a relevant city.

>born in Tokyo
>now live in Florida Everglades

Enjoy user, sucks theyll be gone in 50 years

>making six figures
>owning property
your life is so hard boo hoo

I live in LA and am a robot AMA

>Tfw lived in NYC for 28 years
>Still a robot
Guess I should have been born white to reap the benefits

I live in NYC and I'm pretty robotic although many here would call me a normalshit

Every thing you listed is shallow as fuck and only makes living here worse as a robot

Yea try being black in a small town. I somehow came out a normie friends girlfriends getting laid doing drugs

God ripped it all away tho

What's your address chink? I'll shoot you in your fucking jaw and rape your family

I live in London and I'm a robot. I started going to gay bars recently but other than that it doesn't matter where you live you need friends to make friends.

1213 W. Everglades rd
Everglades, Florida 34139

Come do it you fucking pussy

Sounds like you're doing better than most people here. Why complain?

I lost it all and I am so tired I just get headaches and cant get out of bed all day from depression and watching the sun set on my shit life

And I grew up in lvl 9999999 poverty

I love the spirit Bro. Kiss from Paris

Reminder that if your childhood wasn't fucked by overwhelming negative social experiences or other traumatic events you'd be a perfectly functional member of society and happy too.

Americans can post their address daring keyboard warriors to come because they likely have firearms on the property. I'm European so getting someone off my property would be a lot more difficult therefore I can't do this.

Try small town ptsd poor parents and chronic fatigue

Yeah like a fucking libtard cuck is going to own a gun or even know how to turn off the safety.

well go to his house and find out tough guy. You have his address.

Sound's like a third world country, am I right?

i don't get it how op?

op is a fucking autist, someone get his tard guard

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Well mate its not nice mate.
204 N Storter Ave, Everglades City, FL 34139
Come visit me anytime my dude.

I do not envy you, user. You're locked praising your own cage of Maya, running in the hamster wheel of Samsara, with zero contact with Atman (self-awareness).

Most people in large cities suffer from the above. To those who don't live like that, those who feel miserable, I say "embrace your existence".

is that the guy who bullied you when you were little? I've always thought of doxxing my own bullies here too.

Even if you are a robot in a big city, it's easier to come here and find them. I live in a small town and most robots I ever met were in London or Manchester.

Also big cities mean anonymity, meaning you're more free to be yourself and have no filter, as it were. Do whatever, it's not like they're going to see you again.

>Also big cities mean anonymity, meaning you're more free to be yourself and have no filter, as it were. Do whatever, it's not like they're going to see you again.
That doesn't apply anymore since everything is filmed and kept forever.

Nah mate it's my house. Not even memeing. I have a spare bedroom you're more than welcome to stay in for a bit if you like.

>DUDE, I just LOVE the hustle and bustle of the big city, it's so DYNAMIC and makes me feel like I'm in one of my favorite TV SHOWS!

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OP is a lying dick who needs to die.

Big cities suck ass. Filthy, noisy, crowded, and dangerous. I live in a suburb and work in a major city, going to work I pass a minimum of 4 - 5 homeless people walking between trains and the office. Always on edge around them because meth and heroin abuse are rampant in the homeless population here. Last week one of em came in and trashed the cafe I go to lunch at, just walked in and start pulling stuff off the counter, touching all the display items spitting on the owner.

Fuck big cities. You never see that shit out in the 'burbs.

I don't mean go to Trafalgar square and start squawking and dancing like a monkey user. I merely suggest that in my town I wouldn't persue a woman for fear of ridicule. But in London etc, nobody gives a fuck.

Same shit, there's a good chance you end up as a creep in a youtube video, and if they already have facial recognition which they have in most major cities by now, you'll be in the algorithm database and flagged as suspicious. I miss when I could just go outside and sit on a bench and read a book without being on thousands of cameras.

I live in a small suburban town in Finland and honestly I bet there are more opportunities here per capita than in New York or Helsinki. We have 0 homeless, literally.

Easy to become rich too. But why need we have beautiful women to marry and have children with, easy lives, the best education the worl can offer, live in nice big homes and have the best drinking water on earth and the to say the least we are very content with our food.
We live very peacefully & are active in our politics.
We also frequently go on vacations to poorer but more tropical countries.

Best of all we have almost no niggers too bad Swedistan is constantly leaking them cross the ice during winters

Finland is literally utopia

I living Dayton. Fuckig nuke us and wipe this white trash hellhole from the face of the earth.

People in Europe always try to make their shit villages sound good lol

Nobody gives a fuck about your country or its other cities faggot, they should try having a famous choppy opera house