God I hate talking to women on dating websites. Are they autistic...

God I hate talking to women on dating websites. Are they autistic? I just am trying to have a conversation but these 1-word answers are retarded. Just don't reply if you're not interested. I can't even talk about anything I'm actually interested without revealing my powerlevel anyway so I'm seriously on the verge of giving up.

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they just aren't interested. if you were good looking they'd be all over you. they only talk to you because they want some attention

What is the solution then? Should I just block her?

bump pls help me decide what to say to her

yes user. ghost this whore. she is literally one line responding. but, on the contrary, your questions are rather dry. stop talking to women about vidya.

She's literally me.

Tell her that you like vanosh then when she asks who he is, you say, vanosh deez nuts and block her

>What is the solution then? Should I just block her?
I would say just kill yourself
That should probably be enough

This is truly the correct course of action

Screenshot and share OP

Dont fuck around with this beta video game shit
Ask her if she wants to meet some time and what shes up to

>I can't even talk about anything I'm actually interested without revealing my powerlevel
what are you interested in?
>inb4 vidya and anime, wymin could never understand me

Nah, she doesn't look interested just stop talking to her and search for a more talkative one

kek fucking do it op

Most are lazy and dont actually care they just want free dates
I bet if you asked her where she wanted to go for food she'd have an idea of an expensive place
Note: not saying all women are like that, but the majority on dating sites are

If get 2 one word answers in a row I just unmatch or ignore.

>tfw when some chick who I sense has got a bit of the tism is sending huge walls of text about whatever's on her mind
I'm likely not not going to impress her into fux but it's a nice change of pace. My own propensity to ramble usually confuses and frightens most of the philosophical zombies you encounter on those apps.

>stop talking to women about vidya.
there's nothing else on her profile. I am just trying to differentiate myself from "hey whats up" without being explicitly sexual which will probably just annoy her since I'm not hot.

I'm tempted to do this.

She's kinda fat and autistic looking. Last time I went to meet up with a fat girl she was dtf but I changed my mind cause I couldn't get a boner for her.


edgy suicide jokes comedy, dungeons and dragons, ambient music, political philosophy, actual philosophy, alex-jones-tier rants about how fucked the world is, being autistic in general. I don't watch anime.

do this and post results

Also what is this bullshit? Are there girls across the country doing this or are they bots? I've gotten loads of "matches" on POF but half of them don't reply despite apparently having "liked" me and I've clicked yes on basically every girl.

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A lot of bots + tricks to get you to purchase premium.

Fucking cocksuckers. I seriously hate these pieces of shit. Don't get me wrong I don't mind peopel trying to make a buck but these fucking scams make me want to strangle someone.

At least with this other girl I'm having a bit more luck.

Attached: okc_girl.png (534x634, 33K)

>he considers edgy suicide jokes and being a Jow Forumstard as "interests"
jesus christ. get real hobbies.

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women are stupid, there is no other explanation. as long as they get fucked in the ass and their mouth is stuffed with greasy food, they are happy

...said the incel who rarely if ever leaves his mother's basement.

She's not interested. Last week i matched with a girl that was genuinely interested, asking questions, double messaging and all that. It was the first time that I experienced, it was so surreal. So now I know immediately when a girl is actually interested or not.

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I paint figurines, I read, I hike/bike/ski, I write music (not trap shit), I do worldbuilding, etc.. I don't know, there's other stuff too. I was getting into archery for a while. Love reading about history and that sort of thing.

here it is again
it's like you all are programmed to say the same shit every time

Tell that fucking roastie to kill herself

>do you have snapchat
What? Why?

well you should've mentioned those things when i asked, not Jow Forums tier edgy dumb shit like alex jones rants. no woman will ever want to be around you if you're a Jow Forumstard.

oh, so just like incels?
>all women are whores
>dumb roasties
>all women should be killed
>women don't want me because of my tiny wrists and negative canthal tilt :(

holy shit you're fucking in bro, i have never had any first dates that start at the apartment, she must really like you.

you are being boring on the internet
this is your problem

you are mistakenly assuming that the person you're talking to shares interests with you, and while there may be some common ground, you would find more success if you specifically tried to talk about things that interested the other person

sharing your own interests is inferior to engaging the interests of another

>no woman will ever want to be around you if you're a Jow Forumstard.
Objectively wrong. I even say Jow Forums-tier sexist shit and ... never mind I don't even know why I am trying to explain my friendship with a woman on this board.

All I did was ask her what show she likes. She might be a hooker or something.

She listed that as interests on her profile.

then maybe you're both boring, but neither side of that conversation seemed remotely interesting

especially if you're trying to go fucking date people, you need to put some passion into shit and get polarizing

it doesn't always work, because it's impossible to be polarizing and please everyone

but if you catch the attention of at least a few people, that'd be enough to sate your desire to put your wiener in a person

The times i tried the apartment first date i'd just get a 'let's meet up in public first'. But yeah if you think she's a hooker, go to her place instead of yours.

Polarizing how? is this like that negging shit where I say something to vaguely piss her off and get her talking to me? Does that actually work?

Well you were probably getting hotter girls than me.

just because one girl is into "hurr durr i'm so redpilled XD" tier shit and doesn't mind being treated like dirt by some Jow Forumstard like you doesn't mean most women would tolerate that shit. because they won't. just a warning if you want to stick your disgusting penis inside someone dumb enough to let you.

but you are just a retard who jumps in whenever something mean is said about whamen. I bet you have never even bothered to read what incels have to say about their issues. it wouldn't support your views to engage in actual discussions, since making up stupid strawmans that everyone has said 10000 times already makes your life easier (here comes the NO U argument)
I don't even understand why you are here. you add nothing of value to this thread and keep shitting it up with your just-world hypothosis. you make up some shit about a person to "explain" the reason why he's incel and when they tell you that it's not the case, you make up something different

you reek

i don't mean that. being a negative dickhead will get you places with other negative dickheads. do you want to hang out with those people?

here's an example from me, personally. i play video games. i hate some games, and i hate most triple a studios. i absolutely fucking love some lesser-known titles, and i talk to people about that. when i'm getting to know someone i might wanna date, i don't shut the fuck up about the things i like, if they ask, and i temper that with digging deep about the things they like. a line that works well is - "okay seriously how are you like what's up what the fuck is going on in your life" - verbatim, that, after initial greetings, sometimes sans the swearing.

this sort of invasiveness and brazen openness can be off-putting for a lot of people, but it's also very engaging. the people that i would actually want to talk to don't have to guess at who i am, and they're challenged immediately to reveal who they are. it forces the issue of "are we compatible" to light.

don't get me wrong, there are thousands and thousands of cues you want to be looking out for that you'll only start to understand through experience that will tell you when to and not to say or inquire about certain things, but generally speaking, it's better to be loud about what you like and get rejected than to timidly approach everything while trying to avoid making any waves. you'll also never gain a sense for these cues if you don't open yourself up to hardcore rejection. i dunno where exactly you are, socially, but i'm saying all this as if you have absolutely 0 social skills, to make sure i don't gloss over too much in the event that you are struggling that badly. realize that i don't mean to imply that you're socially inept, i just don't wanna deprive you of information if it'd be useful to you.

I don't treat her like dirt.

I understand what you mean. I am mostly just struggling because I suck at talking to people online I'm not already friends with.

help me please what do i say to her now
did I ruin it?

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you didn't ruin anything, man
she just doesn't have snapchat. she said when she's free, she said Sure!! and that's two fuckin exclamation points in there
she's essentially already declared interest in this event you're setting up. go ahead and ask for her number, i think, man. what you've typed seems fine to me.

alright ll ask her what her # is

>She listed that as interests on her profile.
Here is your problem. See guys have three openers:
>The basic small talk.
>The jokey one liner.
>The autistic interests.

No girl wants to hear "Hi, how are you?" It is boring, it doesn't appeal to people, they might have loads of guys doing that already. It says nothing about you.

The jokey one liner can break the ice and usually is the better of the openers, especially if the humour comes natural and isn't forced. Observant humour about little things in the profile. Of course some people do blue humour essentially boarding on "Hey want sum fucc" and this is very hit or miss.

The worst opener is the autistic interests. Unfortunately, self conscious men ALWAYS do this. You comb through the about me and almost always pick out something YOU are interested in, feeling that a "shared connection" will endear you to someone. It actually comes across as robotic and forced. It is like being given a pop quiz and isn't a natural way of exploring what someone is into.

Imagine someone coming up to you in the street for a survey asking you a bunch of questions, does it make you like them more? Conversation should flow and be natural, picking up on things and going on from there. Not short bursts of questions.

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are you the retard that asks girls for a snapchat streak

So is there a fourth ideal option, saying something about myself? Or is #2 the only hope I have?

No I don't give a fuck about snapchat I just want a way to keep in touch with her and I want some level of commitment from her before I drive 20 minutes to her place.

No no nononononono, ask for her whatsapp always. it's the same as asking her number but less serious.

also don't mention that shit about hiking, either meet up with her or don't. Keep that info for the date itself.

yeah true. i just don't want to seem like i have nothing going on.

I don't even have whatsapp. Isn't that apple only?

>ideal option
There is no such thing as an ideal opener and the issue isn't necessarily about how a conversation begins and how the ice is broken, but how a conversation flows.

If you think about a conversation like branches of a tree you don't want to start at the tip of a branch and give someone no options on where to go. People think that talking about an interest is easy but people don't instantly open up about what they are interested in. It doesn't flow very easily.

Jokey opener makes you feel more human and even if it is more clumsy than you'd want it to be it is much easier to recover from it. People can endlessly worry about what to start with and what to say.

The key is try and enjoy yourself and make the other person enjoy themselves too. Don't talk at someone, talk with them.

based conversationalist

makes sense. I have no problem talking to people IRL it's just awkward and weird talking to them online and talking to new people in general. I wish I was less autistic. I have no problem in job interviews but with this stuff for some reason I can't.

I think you're autistic here. Who the fuck asks about YouTube?

Don't block her this is being a baby. Just find someone else.

hey, don't think that you can't do a thing just because you haven't done as well as you'd have liked so far. keep at it, fail, try again. long as you keep an open mind - which it seems like you're doing perfectly well with right now - you'll keep learning and you'll be charismatic as fuck in no time.

im a eu fag, everyone has whatsapp here. So i guess it makes sense that you asked for her snapchat. Also, the best way to make it seem like you have something going on is by messaging only about logistics. I need to work on that myself as well but it works rather well.

You're making a lot of effort which is good, and carrying the conversation, however like this guy said, your questions are dry af. But she also sucks at responding. If you're looking to bang, try asking for her # and from then on focus on a meet up.
This is good advice too.

Thanks friend.

>makes sense. I have no problem talking to people IRL it's just awkward and weird talking to them online and talking to new people in general
Ever heard of stage fright? I used to do drama in school. I would be petrified getting on stage. But when I was actually on stage, the fright would drop away.

It is a similar effect here. See, there is no magic answer. We all feel weird talking to someone online or someone new. Much like stepping on that stage.

But after, you are in your element. And you need to try and enjoy it. And if it doesn't work out? It doesn't work out. Being self conscious and self critical so much about it won't free you from the fright, you just internalise it. Be scared, just a little, but when you step up on that stage, enjoy yourself.

The more you do it, the better you feel. Don't analyse it so much. Too many people fall at the first hurdle because they can't take it. But really it is about finding someone you click with.

The fact that you are trying is the first big step. The second big step is realising that apprehensive is natural but you can overturn it.

yeah that makes sense.
I just get so bored talking to them and I feel like everything is just inane bullshit to prelude to us having sex (which she wont even want).

>I just get so bored talking to them and I feel like everything is just inane bullshit to prelude to us having sex (which she wont even want).
Oh a lot of it is inane. And this is what disheartens people.

The thing is, as much as I could romanticise things, it is as much a numbers game as anything.

Once you get past the pretenses you might find someone you click with. And if you don't? You keep going, try new things, new places, gain more experience until it happens.


yeah that makes sense i guess

Why should I ask for instagram?

so basically
>waaa waaa i can't get my pee pee wet :( women BAD >:(
>you add nothing of value to this thread
as if this thread was worth anything in the first place. how would i contribute anyway? help retarded op get laid?

>>waaa waaa i can't get my pee pee wet :( women BAD >:(

come on user, plebbiters are 10 iq retards even reading his posts made me loose iq points, just post gore animal gore preferred so the retard goes crying to hes Facebook group about how the big bad incel made him cry