Since the mods on /a/ are total faggots I'm posting this here

Since the mods on /a/ are total faggots I'm posting this here
Can anyone give me recommendations for other shows like this? I just finished it and I want more mercenary type shit that will fuel my ISTP day dreams.

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>he posted a rec thread on /a/
Just go read Muricelago faggot, and fuck off.

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I loved Jormungand. Jona is /ourguy/. check out Black Lagoon nigga, you'll love it if you like mercenary anime. If anyone has more recommendations please let OP and I know! Gangsta is in the same vein, although it's more mafia oriented.

Maybe if you hadn't included your meme mbti shit I'd add some recs

Don't be mean. I need something new to watch.

I had that on my list to watch for a while but never got around to it. Maybe I'll try that.

Someone pls help. I'm so bored.

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Back to MAL faggot, lurk more.

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Black Lagoon. First 4 episodes are boring as fuck, but stick with it. It gets really good from episode 5 onwards.

No, theres too many titles to wade through. Theres so much shit anime out there that I don't want to waste time sifting through.

That's the only actual recommendation I've gotten here, thanks.

/a/ is stupid for this. It's an anime discussion board ffs

boku no piko
It's an original netflix series

Theres was 20 fucking Heavens Feel threads at once, but noooo a thread about discussing an entire genre and sharing favorite shows gets pruned. It's bull shit, where else should it have been posted? Here? /b/?
Thanks m8 I'll look into that one too.

oh god please no, anything but that. netflix original my ass

Try watching pupa, I really liked it.

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>There is myanimelist for this, fag
I didnt know that. Even so I generally prefer to get recommendations from people I can actually talk to and not just a quick list/comment section. I'll check out what you listed, thanks.
I'll look into this too.

Did either of you retards even bother to look at the /a/ specific rules? You go to /wsr/ for anime recs. Fuck, /a/ even has a god damn wiki for recs if you bothered to use Google. Don't chastise an entire board for not conforming to your whims when you're not even a part of it. Fuck you, and fuck all of you retards randomly making fucking rec threads and choking up the catalog.

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Yeah, you're totally right. The problem with /a/ is people wanting to discuss certain genres and see what other people liked from the same genre. On a board specifically for this discussion of anime. Yup, that's the problem.

Watch generation kill instead.
Or JinRoh, Black Lagoon or orginal Berserk Anime.

Black Lagoon, Claymore.

Gonna recommend a hidden gem Wolfsmund

Black lagoon and golgo 13 are both similar and pretty good

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Watch Gangsta

/wsr/ is a dead board. Go head, make a rec thread. I'm sure it will get tons of traffic and totally won't 404 with 0 replies

>ask for recs on /co/
>mild shitposting but recommendations non the less
>ask for recs on /a/
>people sperg out about asking for ANIME recs on an ANIME board and mods delete it
i always heard a had shitty mods but this is ridiculous

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