Mia Khalifa confirmed she made 12,000 dollars from being a world famous porn actress

Mia Khalifa confirmed she made 12,000 dollars from being a world famous porn actress

Hahahaha holy fuck. Life fucking destroyed over nothing. Literally enough for an 8 year old Toyota Camry or 7 months rent

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hahahaha roastie BTFO xD
fucking thot amirite fellow incels xDD gamers rise up!

I get there is women in here but why are they all sluts?

any chance she's saying this for tax purposes? I imagine most whoring is under the table? Also how much coke was she blowing on set, etc. I feel no sympathy.

>Life fucking destroyed
how exactly?
isn't her porn the reason she is "famous" to beginw ith?

Haha I always thought she looked like an inbred middle eastern filth.
I'm pretty glad to know she made nothing from porn and I hope it haunts her that she chose it

this makes her videos so much hotter knowing she got next to nothing

>We live in a society

>12,000 dollar
>networth of 4 million dollars

No she regretted porn right after and completely cut it off and quit and tried doing other shit

>Mia Khalifa confirmed she made 12,000 dollars from being a world famous porn actress
Did she provide specific numbers to back up the claim? Part of me is thinking she's using fuzzy math like "I had 12,000 left after earning $5 skrillion from porn + going on 1000 coke benders so that's what I made"

all three of them yeah

>7 months rent
umm thats literally 2 years worth of rent and no i dont live in the third world,i live in freaking germany. Nevertheless getting 12k for just having vagina without puting any work or effort into anything sounds very good so why complain about it bitch?

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LMAO porn is all she will be known for. You can't undo that, it's the fucking reason your famous. Hopefully some Isis fuck will Honor kill her

yea thats pretty fuckin pathetic. but you can definitely make more money if you stay in long enough and make a big name for yourself. also alot of them charge 2k+ as escorts. they just fly from city to city partying and getting fucked. so there's also that on top of their porn career.

Who you are, how much the crowd demands you and how much you work all factors in. The hottest chicks make several thousand per day and make even more on contracts.

Mia Khalifa is a nobody. Never seen anything she's been in so she was most likely used and tossed aside by the likes of bangbros or brazzers.

that is honestly so sad. some of make that in a week trading bitcoin, lmao. dumb roastie.

The fame still made her millions so she actually won. She made money without porn

Mia only did porn for like... 3 months though.

>Life fucking destroyed
>got 12k to fuck around
>now has a steady job doing something she likes and where nobody really seems to care

>Mia Khalifa is a nobody
she's like exceedingly famous dude wtf

Maybe to you, weirdo. I've never seen the chick and I love porn. Just because you go searching for her every time you go on pornhub, that doesn't make her "exceedingly famous". The OP even says she only made like 12k. That's only about 8 scenes. That's neither fame nor mass desirability.

The truly famous porn starts are worth over $10m

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good, women should learn to respect God and create a strong family. maybe this will teach some roasties

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