>head out to wagecuck retail job
>meet nigga in "nerd" getup
>always talking to some cute, hair dyed, ramona flowers girls every time i see him
What the fuck, eveything I've known was a lie. What's he doing that I'm not?
Black Bot Thread
If you are black and you see a white girl with technicolor hair, you are guaranteed going to be fucking that.
>What the fuck, eveything I've known was a lie. What's he doing that I'm not?
Doesn't matter
You're in the group the doesn't talk to girls. Give up or keep trying.
Either way, you're in for a world of misery unless you become a psychopath who doesn't need a woman's affection
The bugman look is attractive to arthoes.
This, this and more this. It's not often we see eye to eye moeshitretard, but on this occasion we are brothers.
How do I cure my obsession of white/asian girls?
He probably just has better social skill and doesn't come off as desperate. Don't take it personally, guy probably just got lucky and had casual sex once and now can talk to qts without being anxious about it because he's not always doubting in the back of his mind whether he's got a chance
He's likely to fuck up a relationship and become more miserable than you and you're likely to blindly stumble into his position too eventually
probably not possible unless you want to repress it and slowly go insane, just hide your powerlevel from Jow Forumstards
>unironically trying to get involved with ramona flowers type white girls as a black man
that's too many red flags for me
Stick to black girls
>unironically trying to get involved with ramona flowers type white girls as a black man
not op but What's wrong with this? that is my dream
Go to a majority white town or country where they treat you like shit, and generally guilty by association.
so where's the blackbot discord?
Maybe I've fallen for too many Jow Forums memes, but to me white girls who fall for black men are doing it because of BBC and how the media presents blacks these days. It just makes me feel her priorities are off and she wants the wrong things in a man. The ramona flowers thing on makes it worse since she had so many exs before and it didn't seem worth fighting over.
this, white women just go for the bbc and the dominating presence they have
To expand on this, I've seen plenty of wealthy and well-to-do types of black men marry out and their wives just look at them like the golden goose. They're useful idiots basically, but the second the black man isn't convenient to them they just cheat or divorce them.
Lynch bump
> Being a nigger
Absolutely tragic
Well if I have to be nothing more than a fetish for a girl just to get a chance at having a gf then so be it
Racist white girls turn me on.
>Racist white girls turn me on.
I'm a black guy doing pretty okay for myself, what are you fellas up to tonight?
>be me
> white guy but im adopted by a black family at 6 a mom dad and 2 brothers
> be 22 hang out with my boys
>have friend say a mutual friend Going to hang out with us
> cool I don't give a shit
> met his friend about 5'2 tall black guy with supreme t shirt and jeans that have more holes than jeans lets call him J.
> "hey what's up my niggas!"
> at the top of his lungs in a fucking mall
> hate him already
> grew up in a black neighborhood in Louisville but this motherfucker is cringey as hell
> litterly stereotype of what 50 year old racists talk about
> 2 hours later leave the mall go to the bar
> like most of my friends leave except this walking stereotype my half Asian half black friend who is also a mutual friend of J. let's call him A. and me.
>this motherfucker starts talking about how he is the shit for like half and hour.
>decide to man up
> "dude can you stop talking about that shit it's getting annoying "
> "The fuck?"
> we get into a argument about all the stupid shit he's done and talked about the entire night.
> this fucker replied to me saying he's a walking stereotype by saying.
>then you don't know anything about black people
> dafuq
> tell this nigga im adopted by a black family
> doesn't believe me
> thinks I'm making shit up to win the argument
> then my friend A. backs me tells him I'm adopted.
> J. says
> know what fuck this I'm not taking this.
> he walks out
> talk to A. for a little bit turns out J. is also adopted but by a white dad and a Indian mom and grew up in a super nice neighborhood in Cincinnati and tries to act super black because he's insecure
> mfw
>be white guy
>get the cream of the crop of black girls on my dick and they are all submissive as fuck
>see black guys with fat and ugly white women with terrible personalities
Kek I do not feel bad for you
>another whitefag who thinks he's winning anything when all flavors of nonwhite are flooding his countries and he's having no white kids
Why play yourself like this? You think anyone is jealous of that stupidity?
being on Jow Forums doesn't help blackbot
another blackbot into xavier renegade angel? never thought I'd see the day
>be black
>meet the cousins
>one of them has 5 children, each with different mothers
>all of them fat white girls
>this prompts his mother (my aunt) to talk to her brother (my dad) about "the conspiracy"
>that blacks pursue whites as romantic partners because they are a status symbol
>dad doesn't believe this at first
>but then another cousin (uncle's son) gets gf
>another fat white girl
>dad is now worried that she might be right
>I'm all like "nonsense they just want to get their dicks wet I mean mom is black too"
>months later see on tv a guy that makes the same argument
>"Egyptian not Nubian"
>look at mom
>light-skinned as fuck
the conspiracy, IT'S REAL!