Why does society base their judgement of you off of your height? Why is it so important?

Why does society base their judgement of you off of your height? Why is it so important?

>"hurr durr they/I can reach tall stuff"
Is literally the only argument tallfags and women have. If you look at history 90% of important people were around 5'8

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im 6'3" and i dont get any special treatmeant. Being tall just means people say ooooh you're tall nothing else

It's hard not to look at manlets and feel contempt for them. They're LITTLE, and they still take themselves seriously. It's like when a chihuahua tries to act tough and bark.

height has a higher correlation to wealth, high iq, sex partners. etc.
being taller than most men signals to women that you are of high genetic quality and that you were well fed during your youth.
be me at 5'11" yet i was literally fed only rice and beans during most of my youth... i had the potential to be around 6'1" or 6'2" if it weren't for my poor parents...

Speaking as a femanon, short guys are just too close to being my height. It's like they're one of my girl friends, or my little brother. You can still be a really cool person, I just won't feel any attraction to you.

because they are slaving around a warehouse or some other mcjob that will soon be automated and need something to validate their pathetic existence.

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It's subconscious, you can't rationally explain it rationally unless you address humans as animals.

curious, would you pick and ugly faced tall guy or a guy your height who is handsome?

why does it matter if they are "too close" to your height? why are women so shallow ffs

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it's not all girls, just the superficial stacys you don't want to be with anyway.

They don't you're just insecure about how short you are

A guy my height who was really handsome would overcome being short. But not a lot of short guys are actually that handsome, and the ones who are usually are already taken.

If the choice was an ugly tall guy and an average or slightly good-looking short guy...well, there aren't just two guys in the world. I'd take neither and just keep looking until I met more guys.

>why does it matter if they are "too close" to your height?

I don't know, it's not like a conscious decision. It's more like an immediate reaction. Short guys just don't seem like actual guys. Like I said, you immediately feel a little brother kind of vibe when you first look at them. Or like a pet or something. And then that first impression kind of controls how you think about them after that.

one more q, how tall are you anyway?

does your brain assume it has to do with dick size or something? that's only mildly correlated.

I'm 5' 6".

>does your brain assume it has to do with dick size or something?

No, not at all. That's making it way too much of a conscious decision. I don't think anything bad about short guys, like I said. I more just don't think of them as guys. So in a way I don't even actually reject them - I don't consciously reject girls I meet, right? I don't have to, because they're girls, so it never comes up. I don't reject my little brothers. I just don't think of them as options. That's what it's like with shorter guys.

>I more just don't think of them as guys.
that's kinda insulting not gonna lie. i mean i don't think of tall girls as not girls.

Could it be possible that most people aren't as obsessed/insecure about height as you are?

how are you this fucking dense, OP? Human being are instinctively hardwired to be attracted to larger people because larger people stand a pretty solid chance of being able to defend other people, sexual partners, and kill other aggressors. It has nothing to do with
>being able to reach for things
what the fuck kek. Taller, larger men can kill smaller, shorter, and weaker men. If a women gets impregnated by a tall, large man, her children stand a better chance to be able to survive and thrive because they will also be taller men.

shut up midget. women prefer tall men just like men prefer young women with attractive bodies. it's just biology. deal with it you dwarf. and stop complaining. it makes you even more pathetic than you already are

based genius baldie

>height is correlated to wealth, high iq

So is being white. And white people tend to be tall. Control for race and this trend disappears

lmao lanklet cope. it's funny watching you guys seethe whenever your girlfriends come over to my house to "hang out."

t. manlet with gigachad facial aesthetics

I size people up on height and weight. If you look at a persons height you can see what MMA weight class they should be. Average European man 5'10 that means 170 lbs weight class which is legit and anything under that is light like a non adult. You talk about 5'8 they fight at 145 lbs. To put that into perspective the average girl weight class is 135 lbs and European female is 5'5. So 145 lbs is the equivalent of the average man when he was in 9th grade, 135 lbs 8th grade.

its unconscious I'm sorry shortbros

Height still matters even within a single race. Although if you control for gender, it becomes pretty inconsequential.

I never heard of hype insecurities until I went to Jow Forums
I think it's just banter desu