Post pics that describe your life currently
Post pics that describe your life currently
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this fits quite accordingly
>tfw know there's so much beauty in the world, but am unable to feel it, and instead ignore it in favor of shitposting on Jow Forums
Pretty much my daily feeling
I feel it do be dat way
All my free time
Pretty much this. I'm going through a really hard year.
feeling motivated and confident and kind of happy lately
>when someone asks you if you know what a jpg is but you just want a picture of a god dang hot dog
It's almost the end of summer break so I've been doing jack shit for the past two months.
op here, thanks for understanding me user
I have thousands of pictures that describe the world and only one abstract picture I made in MS paint to describe myself, and I posted it already in another thread.
now imagine the gore nest scream from doom and you got it
Why do you scream like that you retard LMAO
this just gives me the feels
pic is basically and quite literally me
Nothing more.
Nothing less. Maybe probably hopefully
>tfw don't know what got dang jay peg is
and regret getting buttfucked and spit on after eating dog food for 200 dollars
This. I only exist when people need me to drive them places.
God I just want to be annihilated by a meteor
Kill yourself edgelord
go back to 9gag
Pic related is me Nae Nae'ing on all of the Cringe Ass Nae Nae Babies in this thread.
I want to fucking die and I want to take all of humanity with me.
people are gam to me
>me after a few more years of living with somebody who is actively trying to fatten me up and sabotage my efforts to diet
never cohabitate with fat people, obesity spreads like a virus
Do 70 pushups and 50 situps right now
can i take an hour-long walk instead?
why do you have that picture of a fat girl saved, user
maybe you masturbate to that picture, hm?
maybe you're being a little disingenuous with us, right now, hmm?
that's right but i don't want to be fat myself
treadmill's broken, work out bench is buried in crap
i live in a house filled with saboteurs who make it as difficult as possible to stay healthy
the wait is fucking torture,
meant to reply to you
see first part of previous post
I feel like my life is going by fast, and the days are moving slowly. I've been volunteering at a food bank lately, and my birthday is next week. but I feel like i'm slowly pushing all my friends away, well, the two of them.
drinking the same drink...
Jesus fucking Christ that hurts to read. Im saving this for all the retards that say
>women are good, feminism just brainwashed them
Women have always been the same. AWALT really does mean AWALT
About me right now original post I swear
I am going to hum a song and then go to bed
it'll get better dude
I don't know why I feel the way I do.
But I do.
Me the last 8 years.
whats some antidepressants that you can get without prescription?
computer games. ha!
you've been dead for 8 years?
unironically alcohol
>b-but alcohol is a depressant
that's not what that means
like what? i dont have a graphic card
It would be awesome but I want to be funtional and alcohol taste like piss (dont ask)
not very original ironically
I honestly do not know how I feel anymore
shit always made feel unstable, though
I feel like this song and like the girl in this photo, contemplating a lot of things...
I wish they would take turns shoving their things up my butt.
originally dsjugsousdv[pksdVlxzV"Khsac;kjhCXVkCX>JV.zkxjgb
id eat their pussies for hours, but who asked?
i am monkey.
Everything is both somehow overwhelming and underwhelming. There's so much shit I should be doing with my life but I just ignore most of it and watch tv, play video games and shitpost on here with most of my time.
several months of efforts towards my last goal, US Navy, blew up in my face cause I couldn't handle the stress of bootcamp. I got nothing going for me. I'm a fuckin pussy that doesn't want to get his shit together live with his parents and not get a job.
This is a pretty accurate depiction of how my psyche works right now
Apply for an apprenticeship
They pay you to learn
>only had one real job interview in this whole town
>no gf (broke up because she got a job)
>fan of michigan and detroit sports
>I am slowly becoming an r9k meme
Im in constant pain
Do you have a car? Can you drive to other towns?
i dont think i really have to explain this one
What must I do to escape this nightmare?
It really isn't going very well lately huh anons.
These sorts of pictures bring me great joy
I feel good. Got a good workout in today and finally got a call back from that girl I wanna fuck.