people born in 2003 will be 18 in 2 years
Jow Forums was started in 2003
People born in 2003 will be 18 in 2 years
I'm born in 01 myself
I'm a 2000 fag myself
cringe z0omer
>tfw 95 boomer
At least people still mistake me for being 16-17 and I didn't masc the fuck out.
Me too dude. Fuck old people
I was conceived in the 80s. The closest thing we'll know to cyberpunk for the next thousand years.
Things are more cyb now though
the fuck is with all the zoomers itt
goddamned literal children runnin around the fuck is HAPPENING
We don't talk about asia. It's a distant mirage never to be known by western neets.
Damn write and I fucked at 15 go mow the lawn or something boomers
Shit that's when I graduated hs
2000 gang, oldies still think theyre the majority
Why are you fucking zoomers here. You cant be a robot if youre under like even 20
Enjoy being able to say that while you can time flies once you reach your 20's.
That's some hot jb
I fucking hate zoomers but I fucking hate the word zoomer. I'm losing patience more and more every year for everything. All of the retarded generational labels, all the dumbass current memes, I just can't fucking stand them. I thought Millennial would be the worst, but no, then it was fucking Centennial. I fucking thought the sickening unoriginal vomit of that would be the end, but no, now it's fucking zoomer. They're retards because their parents raised them to be like them but worse, it's revolting.
So then I think, "Well our memes were retarded too, so who cares." But now its TRYING to be social and public and in your face. The internet was supposed to be a place where a dozen people of varying ages and ethnicity and from both genders could discuss shit without who they are coming up, but now it's what people fucking OPEN WITH. Tits or GTFO wasn't necessarily women need to fuck off, though they do need to fuck off, it was more if they could socialize without their cunt being their vocal point, nobody would care. Same with being a young brat, if you convince me you're not, then who cares? But no, instead everyone wants everyone else to know everything about them.
The internet is not what I wanted or thought was coming, it's like thinking you found your waifu, then she turns out to be the biggest cunt the world has ever seen. I don't know what to do, there's nowhere left to go. Virtual reality will probably only be acceptable by the time I'm 80 and my cock doesn't work, I'm just burnt out. This is shit.
>people who were born in the 80s are still on this website
too bad
the future is now, old man
they made what it is today, testtube baby zoomer retard.
>made it what it is today
>it's shit
okay old man, i'll give you credit
ok zoomer zoom zoomie
Guys, are '98 anons boomers yet?
'96 + are zoomers
Id be willing to be that every person ITT is a teen