Femanons explain this

>be me
>talk to cute girl
>I'm totally into her
>seems like she's into me as well
>ask girl out
>girl says no
>okie dokie, moving on
>later hear from mutual friend that girl was wondering as to why I gave up so easily in trying to pursue her

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I can't ask women out. It's too stressful

she was just mad that she cant use you for free food anymore

I'm sorry, OP. I don't know what she was thinking. But your gif is amazingly cute, and I'd like to thank you for posting it.

The best way to get women to like you is to ignore them and treat them like garbage, but only in moderate doses. Sounds counter-intuitive, however it's the truth.

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nicegirl right there lmfao fuckin thots think they mean shit

>seems like she's into me as well
what exactly tips people off to this? like if you hypothetically were female and had a crush on a guy how exactly would you stop yourself from accidentally showing it?

She wanted you to try harder, duh

Millennial/zoomer men are think skinned. One rejection and they go cryin to their mama

If a Woman wants to play games like that she ain't worth your time.

That kind of Woman would cheat on you or play even more annoying games in the long run.

Good on you user
NEVER put up with that type of shit. If shes not even your girl yet and shes doing that just think about the kinda shit she would do after you guys are together.

Girls who do that kinda shit are absolutely dumbshit

do you really need to ask? the answer is obvious isnt it?

let me give you an analogy: when you apply for neetbux for mental illness here in the U.S., you WILL get rejected the first time you apply. You need to appeal it like 2 or 3 times, until you finally get it. thats just how the system is set up. it weeds out the weak, the lazy, and the unworthy.

girls want to see how badly you want them. its the same principle at play. they want to see that a guy is persistent. it weeds out the weak men, the cowards, the ones who give up easily. cute girls get appraoched and asked out like 5-10 times a day. "the squeaky wheel gets the oil" as they say.

>She wanted you to try harder, duh
>Millennial/zoomer men are think skinned. One rejection and they go cryin to their mama

Yeah at least we know when to stop, cuck boomer topkek

Laughing at your lame jokes, casual physical contact, prolonged eye contact, shit like that.

>tfw if i make no eyecontact i look spergy
>tfw if i make some eyecontact it might be too much or interpreted as prolonged and then my secret's OUT
>tfw if i don't laugh at a joke it's just palpably awkward and rude
>tfw if I do laugh then my secret's OUT
there's no fucking winning is there

And if she actually wants the guy she should say yes on the first time he asks, if she says no for the sake of it then she's failed the shit test.

>secrets out
What's the secret here? That you're attracted to the person you're talking to?

yup (sorry, should've clarified)

and then girls wonder why guys are ""clueless""

I mean there's clearly a difference here though. Like the women who actively don't want their crush exposed obviously aren't the ones complaining about men being clueless - presumably if you wanted them to clue in on the crush you would intentionally be dropping signals instead of worrying about unintentionally doing so

You realize that is the point right? You're making your intentions known implicitly through body language instead of saying it. This way you can see if the other person responds in kind without saying it.

That's pretty much the gist of this flirting thing.

>One rejection and they go cryin to their mama
One rejection and they're scared of getting #MeToo'd if they ask her out again.

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Sometimes (most of the time) you might patently not want to flirt, though. Like often the person you have a crush on literally can't know because it'd either be immoral (if they were taken) or just really embarrassing (if you had good reason to believe they weren't interested in you)

I don't see anything wrong with this - why is it 'concerning'? like big fucking deal you record someone saying "lets fuck" for 10 seconds and suddenly everyone feels comfortable. why haven't people done this before?

See you've got this all wrong. If you're just using innocent body language you let the other person know you're interested without actually hitting on them, which would be immoral if they are spoken for.
As far as the embarrassment, get over yourself. Men are attracted to women. Women literally expect men to be attracted to them. Even if they aren't interested, many women like being flirted with as long as you stay respectful.

OP here

Girls, seriously, why do you lead guys on?

Do you really need ten guys chasing after you just to validate yourself worth?


You know, guys will eventually stop chasing after you and that's when you'll end up being a desperate cum slut for the guy walking across the street or the guy standing in line at a Starbucks, right?

Because it kills the mood

Imagine getting to second base with a guy and he stops and asks you to film your consent. Mood immediately ruined. Plus then youre on video agreeing to sex. Its not a good look desu

because bringing ink and paper into the bedroom is fucking weird. I have literally never asked for consent with any of my girlfriends and neither has any other normal person.

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>girl was wondering as to why I gave up so easily in trying to pursue her

Is this an actual thing or one of those incel strawmen. I had several gfs and a social circle and I never enountered this.

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is the reason body language is considered "innocent", while actually hitting on them isn't, because body language is taken to be involuntary? also, I men are attracted to attractive (or at least average) women, but presumably if you were unattractive (or even just your average non-white non-asian woman) then a pretty sizeable proportion of men wouldn't consider you in a romantic capacity.

I don't think the mood's that fragile though. like you could hypothetically just give the consent and then get on with it (I mean if I had the chance to bone someone I liked being asked to explicitly be like 'i want to have sex' would be a pretty inconsequential hoop to jump through if it meant I actually got to have sex with them in the end). i think most people don't explicitly ask for consent because it's never been done, but if consent's such a big deal and it takes such little effort to give it then eh why not?

If she's the kind girl who will expect you to keep trying after she says no, she's not worth your time. If she actually gave a shit about you, she would be honest.

>is the reason body language is considered "innocent", while actually hitting on them isn't, because body language is taken to be involuntary?
Pretty much, there's also the advantage of plausible denibility. If she says "whoa shitlord, I have a BF" you can always answer with "OK, I'm not really seeing you that way. In fact I was hoping you could set me up with your friend" (this kills the thot, BTW). This is a fine art, I understand but it's something you need to at least practice. Though a lot of what they say is bullshit, take a look at some PUA techniques and decide for yourself what's worth practicing. The point is to keep trying and be mindful of body language, not only will you come off more suave but you'll know when you're being courted.
>also, I men are attracted to attractive (or at least average) women, but presumably if you were unattractive (or even just your average non-white non-asian woman) then a pretty sizeable proportion of men wouldn't consider you in a romantic capacity.
Men in general, want to fuck. There's times I've tried to get with women I'd say are less than my league because I was down and out in a relationship and just needed to practice conversing and wouldn't mind penetrating her.

Insecure people want to be wanted desperately and lame romance films have spread the message that a woman isn't loved unless a guy throws all caution and boundaries to the wind and plays Peter Gabriel songs under her window. This is why women have rape fantasies.

You're better off, user. Any woman who
>is so desperate for emotional validation she'll uncritically encourage dangerous and unhealthy partners in boyfriends
>watched romcoms
is a trash-tier person. Seriously, how old are you? I got over this desperate "tell me you'll die for me" shit when I was 14.

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i hooked up with a woman last week and had a nice night with her. we wanted sex but i said no because she was too drunk. i got her to give me head though. regret not going down on her but oh well. so she gives me her email and i emailed her but havent heard back from her in a week. guess women really dont take being denied sex all that well. so at least we know now that it doesnt at all matter what the man wants. denying her sex is basically rape.

>Be mindful of body language
not that user but what do you mean by this? Be mindful of your own body language and how you carry yourself or being mindful of women's body language? And if so are you referring to the way they flirt, or how they actually act?

*she wanted sex

i suppose i could have left it at we but i mean she. obviously i wanted it as well but i dont do drunk sex. she was drunker than i was because i never really get drunk enough to where i would make a bad decision.

>so at least we know now that it doesnt at all matter what the man wants. denying her sex is basically rape.
how in gods name did you go from "she didn't call me back" to "she interpreted my denial of sex as rape" jesus christ the minds of men

>>ask girl out

never fucking ask a girl out. let things flow organically. get HER to the point of asking you what the situation is. jesus fucking christ you guys are all underage faggots.

basically this but not in moderation. They need to be treated like shit all the time.

damn this is the truth. When anything you do can be turned into a crime.

she probably learned it from tv "playing hard to get". Its a redflag

well first of all she didnt call me back because she only gave me her email for whatever reason and she hasnt emailed me back in over week and secondly i was joking about it being rape. it feels as though she was hurt and rejected by it though the more i think about it. women arent used to being told no, especially not with sex.
i have always thought of what is important for me and i will never back down from that. drunk sex in 2019 is potential suicide.

I made it general for a reason. You're mindful of your own body language because you can affect how the world perceives you. You're mindful of their body language to determine what is being implicitly communicated. This includes how women flirt and how they act in general. At the very least it gives you a better idea of which women you'll actually be compatible with. Is she talkative, or standoffish in general, is she positive influence on those around her, or does she put her ego above others.
This isn't just limited to women. I've made a good bro friend because I noticed he was rattled, and checked up on him and found he was having a hard time and needed to vent.

Ummm . If she was drunk and you convinced her to give you head, thats rape. Probably why she hasnt contacted you ?

>well first of all she didnt call me back
Why on earth did you email her when you already have her number

>just orbit her until she thinks you're weird and asks what's your deal
Not only is this stupid, it doesn't scale well. If you're spending weeks, months, or years hung on to a particular girl, waiting for her to get the message you're doing it wrong. You flirt for a bit, see each other a few times then you cast the die and see if she wants to get coffee or a drink. If it doesn't work out, it's NBD as you're doing this with other women simultaneously.

you dont need to convince women to give you head. if you hook up with a woman and she wants to fuck, she is going to give you head. it probably shouldnt have happened because it was in someones driveway but whatever. these things happen on nights out. i looked after her all night and i thought things were going good enough to at least get a reply back though.

i clearly said she didnt give me her number, she gave me her email. i can understand giving someone your email when you live 4 hours away and want to stay in contact but she obviously isnt going to get back to me if she hasnt already done so in a week.

>i clearly said she didnt give me her number
I know, I can read. Which is why I was confused why you led with she didnt call you back. Of course she didnt, she doesnt have your number

She probably is turned off by you. One, you turned her down for sex but agreed to head? Sounds like a narcissistic move. Plus you asked for email instead of number...who the hell emails girls theyre trying to fuck?

i didnt ask for the email. but looking back she probably is turned off because i wasnt more forceful. i should have ask for her number. all i said was are we going to stay in touch and she said yeah heres my email and i just accepted it like a fag. instead of asking for her number. but in a way its better this way. i have a phone but havent used it in years so i would have had to get a new sim card etc. too much hassle.

>see girl regularly on chatrandom
>first chat is normal
>second chat consists me me saying "fuck you" and leaving
>third chat is me holding my middle finger to the camera
>fourth chat ask why she doesnt skip me
>says she comes on looking for me
>says she thinks about me during the day
>tell her shes fucking dumb and needs to change her hairstyle
lets see if she changes it or not

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do you have legitimate autism buddy?

what makes you say that


This is bollocks
Where do they draw the line between weak and thirsty. Fuck you and your anology.

>he can't read their body language to know when it's acceptable to make advances
i never said anything you're assuming i did. flirt, go places and invite them, make advances, but for the love of all that is fucking holy stop formally asking them out on dates. why does everyone here assume rejection is black and white? every time you ask "go out" with you on a date, it removes plausible deniability from their deck. of course they're going to reject you. you could be their 100% match and they'd still reject you because women are shit at making character assessments. you're just setting yourself up to get swatted out of the court.