Why do people do drugs when they can eat, fuck (or jerk off if you don't have a gf/wife), go to the movies...

Why do people do drugs when they can eat, fuck (or jerk off if you don't have a gf/wife), go to the movies, and play video games?

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because i can do drugs and then do all those things and it's even better

When you eat, fuck, go to the movies, or play video games, your brain releases chemicals that make you feel good. That is why you do those things. When you take drugs, they provide those chemicals directly and the effect is often far more powerful

better question is why do any of that when you could

////wine gang\\\\\

Because you can't subsitute a pleasure for another,
you want to experience what you want to experience, that's it

That's true, but drugs can also fuck up your brain in unnatural ways. Why risk potential side effects like that? Playing games and having sex doesn't turn you into a drooling retard.

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This seems like an excuse to post anime tits.

People are irrational, chaos is the only thing that makes sense.

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>implying I needed an excuse

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I love this artist holy shit keeping haruhi relevant after all these years

If you haven't ever had atleast one really good roll on MDMA, you cant talk shit

It's like peeking into heaven and getting a look at god. I honestly think no human should die without having experienced it

seeDrugs also let you autoescape whatever horrible situation you're in. They're literal happy buttons that enhance pretty much whatever you feel like doing (which unfortunately does tend to be just more of the drug).

Also, let's be honest: anime tiddies have ruined many of our dicks and made the idea of an actual relationship laughable.

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See Also,
>not being in a relationship AND fapping to anime tiddies

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Can't speak for hard drug users but it's plain just feels better you know you can take drugs that have no neurotoxicity For example weed dxm acid shrooms

>no neurotoxicity

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Very good taste user, I loved that show.

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Because being sober is shit tier

Even if I fap and play vidya

Attached: Its just fanart of hakurei reimu i found while _539c78de4585c9fc8231486a3aff0471.jpg (499x589, 62K)

I've jerked off to this pic in HS a couple of years back... so weird seeing it again and here out of all places... why tf do i remember an animu pic i jerked off to AAAAA

because those get old when you have no one to talk to and you're doing them 24/7 to try to feel better because you're depressed. also what said, drugs work a lot more efficiently than any of those.
Luckily I'm too afraid of getting addicted to any drug to the point where I monitor my usage patterns with one to avoid getting addicted to it. So I can keep myself getting addicted to any particular drug but I know that I'll likely be using a variety of drugs to cope with my terminal depression and loneliness.

Because people are fucking stupid and insanely bad at coping in anyway that is remotely healthy.

because people with no future ahead of themselves, dive head first into weed/alcohol to try and give meaning to their life and fit in with w/e mediocre crowd they hang with.

wtf kinda future do you think someone has who posts pics of themselves on social media doing drugs/drinking and what not?