"It was determined thatthe bottom 80% of men (in terms of attractiveness) are competing for the bottom 22% of women and...

>"It was determined thatthe bottom 80% of men (in terms of attractiveness) are competing for the bottom 22% of women and the top 78% of women are competing for the top 20% of men."

Who in their right mind WANTS a gf in this day and age? Women literally have no reason to be with you or stay with you unless you're a paypig, at which point you're better off paying a hooker. We've successfully minmaxed and gamified human relations, and there are no winning moves.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>women like more when he has a masters in business/engineering
HMMMM funny how those two fields usually have the highest concentration of Chads

The solution is for top men to stop indulging in hypergamy just because they can. They are the only ones who have the ability to effect women. If they start to enforce the idea of monogamy and good christian values then the rest of society falls in line. Women only got out of hand like this because men let them.

Business = Chads
Engineering = cucks that will forgive their wives for fucking Chad and then buy her a new car.

>tfw electrical engineering student
>tfw soon to be gigchad
see ya later virgins

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>parental investment theory
What's that?

the final solution is to ban tinder and hang the jew who made that godforsaken app.

women are a valuable resource which men compete over due to anisogamy. selection works more intensely on males at all stages of life


>hang the jew who made that godforsaken app.
it was 2 jews not one

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Banning Tinder will do nothing but drive the market for such a service underground and into the hands of organized crime.

>tinder study

Does this apply IRL tho

I have my girlfriend

Good luck with the roasties guys

always been like this dumbass that's what the tweet is saying.

Humans get more attractive with every new generation

>get gf in my league
>constantly worry that she will cheat on me with a better guy

>get gf below my league
>not happy dating a fat ugly monster

I can't win.

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that's y u shoud date a way out of yoru leageu girl that is mentally ill or trauma victim of some kind

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K but the math doesn't work here since women hate sharing men.

>woman goes on dating site
>she finds Chad
>they meet up
>Chad fucks her regularly
>she eventually finds out Chad is seeing other women
>she gets mad at Chad
>she goes back on online dating
>she finds another Chad

It's why women say, "why are all men cheating assholes?". They only get fucked by Chads who are looking for easy pussy. If they instead find an average man, they won't be cheated on. But women don't want that; at least not until they hit the wall.

>no winning moves
fucking hookers is a winning move in my opinion. i fucked 65 roasters for an avg of $60 a pop in thailand. you can't beat that on ANY level anywhere in the world.
>inb4 laydeeboi lmoa

yea this kind of solipsism is why i don't care when women get manassian'd

>If they instead find an average man, they won't be cheated on
to be fair alot of "average men" i.e.fuccbois try to emulate chad and sleep/cheat as much as possible

>you only live once bro
>p+ssy is p+ssy bro
>she would of cheated on me anyways bro
>it's my BIOLOGICAL imperative u dont understand BETA
>man's gotta do what a man's gotta do *chuckles*

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Women don't date you because you're a notso closeted gay. You have a term of endearment for men you find attractive and hate women.

>could have gotten laid multiple times, but the girls were fat and had horrible personalities
>waiting for a sweet girl with a nice personality who isn't morbidly obese so I can wife her and live happily
>now 27-year-old KHV
>realize all of the sweet girls are already taken (not that I had a chance with them, anyway)
>only girls I can get are the fat ones with horrible personalities that I rejected when I was younger
>"fuck it"
>start dating multiple fat women at once
>fuck them until I get bored of them, then break it off
>get called an asshole countless times
>had sex with around 30 women in 2 years
>now 29-years-old
>bored of sex
>can't be bothered to fuck them anymore
>a year passes
>still can't be bothered to have sex with these fat women. I'd rather jack it

All I wanted, and still want, is a sweet girl with a nice personality who isn't morbidly obese. I want to cuddle a girl like that. I want to enjoy talking to her. I want to hold her hand and feel love. Instead, I've had shallow sex with dozens of women that made me feel nothing.

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I don't have a term of endearment for men. "Chad" is just an easy way to describe a particular type of men.

Nor do I hate women. I understand why women make the mistake of getting pumped and dumped by Chads. Were the roles reversed, and I had an unlimited supply of good-looking women to have sex with, I too would make the same mistake.

No one is to blame for the way the system works. It's ingrained in all of us; it's evolutionary. Is it unfortunate that monogamy isn't natural for us? Sure. But that doesn't mean I can blame individual people for it. I can only blame the human species as a whole for having consciousnesses so susceptible to subconscious influences.

A sweet girl, if you ever find one, won't be interested in someone who had sex with 30 different women he hated though

>Using tinder, a male dominated app
>Being surprised that women have a wider range of options
You tried dating people in real-life? You realize there's a 1:1 ratio of men to women right; literally there cannot be more single men than women unless men cheat like no tomorrow

This generation is immature, stuck up and overall demanding as a whole. I really wish something would wipe us all out. There is nothing of value to be had here and I have to fake that there is every single day.

>male subjects liked 61.9% of female profiles
that's funny, because every single time I see a tinder thread on Jow Forums you retards try to match with every single girl

>unless men cheat like no tomorrow
*unless a tiny fraction of men cheat like tomorrow
Or they don't get engaged in the first place

>as a whole
Yeah that's why men like 60% of profiles. It's very much a gendered problem.

This is all Maya (deception). You must overcome it and break the cycle of Samsara (suffering of all life). Embrace Atman (your true Self) and unite with Brahman (the cosmic Unity).

If your need is sex, get a prostitute. If your need is love, understand that you're already above the threshold. Most of them do not deserve a loving person next to them. If they do, have no doubt that you'll find her sooner or later. If you do not, it doesn't matter.

Be true to yourself and your own values regardless of appeal to pussies. Love yourselves, my friends, in a healthy way. Life is full of deceptions. Reject them and embrace higher transcendent values.

Godspeed, brothers.

Everyone cheats or is capable of it. Only way to not cheat on a partner is to be born with no sexually reproductive parts.

>Engineering = cucks that will forgive their wives for fucking Chad and then buy her a new car.
You must not have been around many engineers. It's all men and all they do is talk about strip clubs and getting drunk. It's the same people who would be plumbers or electricians.

>Everyone cheats or is capable of it.
>or is capable of it
> Only way to not cheat on a partner is to be born with no sexually reproductive parts.
How the hell is being capable of something equivalent to actually engaging in it? What kind of bullshit sophistry is this?

If it makes you feel any better I remember a study that shows that if you 'settle down' for a partner, your relationship will most likely go bad because you will end up resenting each other. So it's better to be alone and lonely then in a bad, sad relationship.

Except there's not. There are more men than women up until you're around 40, because men die younger.