What do you think anons, too chubby?

What do you think anons, too chubby?

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>that personality
disgusting, stacy wannabes are as disgusting as stacys.

She has a cute face w freckles so im conflicted.

DUBS decide what I say

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>DUBS decide what I say

"Ahem... hello fat beach nigger whale"

wanna be my thicc princess? my cock is the throne, come sit on it your majesty

inb4 user gets shut down by the landwhale too

Owo will u mop up my cummie wummies with your mushy gushy spongie wongie

i have diarrhea. bad diarrhea. big poopys.

Chubby is fine but the tattoos, blatant vulgar behavior and nose ring are major red flags and turn offs.

So close yet so very far. Are none of you blessed with dubs?

fat with no boobs is objectively the worst bodytype. hard pass

Wont count this because it wasnt a reply

you're a fat fucking whore. Please commit suicide

>'I wonder if me cock is big enough to reach ur bumhole lmao >.

fat with no boobs is objectively the worst bodytype. hard pass

This man speaks the truth.

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Why are her tits so small? I weigh significantly less than her and still have bigger tits. I thought being chubby made your boobs bigger desu

That shit will get me banned. I dont want the anti-incel defense force to crash open my door.

Ill treat your tits way better than hers;)). No homo.

Underrated replies fren.

Not too chubby but the middle finger selfie on the profile is a huge red flag for me

Ask how far her panties can sling a watermelon

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I want to suffocate between your thighs with my face buried in your fat pussy.

Thine will be done user

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Fucking this. What a cunt.

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>middle finger
>face hidden behind phone
>legs wide open
i love fat girls but this one is disgusting

fatties get tattoos cos they have a big canvas to fill

dude her face is NOT cute. she looks like a dude

Fatty fatty boom ba latty

Look like different people

Photoshop is one hell of a drug. Dont tell mom this is unoriginal.

Pls vore me

Oh god please reply, I want to see the reaction

Don't disappoint if she does, OP!

poopy, yup I love poopy. Stinkyyy yum. Poop. Shit. Crap. BRAP.

swipe right she's cute also roll to say
5'6 doesn't matter but my '9 matters ;)

I hope your ready for me to launch a big bag of crabs into your mouth

>tattoo on her legs

Gonna be a yikes

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gonna be a yikes

This makes me hmm in an original way. Dubs decides.

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Dew it user, put that stinky flappy roast beef in your face and take a big long sniff

Can I blow raspberries into it?

you're asking the wrong person user ;)

"Because of your weight?"

Would you wear my face instead?

Despite being only 13% of the population, black people commit over 50% of violent crime.

mon amour, je t'ai cherche toute ma vie

How romantic. OP you're as good as in.

i want to get you pregnant asap

I want to tongue punch your chocolate starfish.

OP don't leave this saga unfinished! Come back!

If you think she has a cute face, just talk to her and see where it goes. or swipe? idk how Tinder works.

Ask her if you bought her a pair of panties would she wear them and take pictures.

She is pretty fucking disgusting looking

Yeah you wear parachutes instead.

Forgot thread was up. Heres reply. Ill choose most based reply.

i want to shove my fat cock in between your delectable thicc thighs

I want to slurp your female parts

Fuck forgot the image. Most based reply wins

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I can never think of how to start a conversation, peopel say "reply to something from their profile" but that doesn't help me at all. wat do?

tryna suck dis dick

Dude your going to need a tranq dart for that disgusting wildabeast why would you even be talking to that disgusting creature

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*ahem* I see my subtlety threw you off.

I want to shove my face in your delicious meat sheath you glorious slam pig.

Don't be confused babycakes. Come over

I've fucked worse, but you can probably do better, user. Go for it though.

mommy mommy lemme give u lick licks mellellelellelelelelele

Truth be told I'd fuck her

imagine getting blown and seeing that cute face. do it user.

The fat is ok with me, the fact that there is a feminist flipping me off is what makes me wanna punch her instead of fucking her.


Forget about cutehouse, join here - /Cute General/


Big PP club society pass member here

Tell her to come to Odessa Texas and be my chonky unit GF. I make 140k as a drilling engineer at Halliburton and she can spend it all on Cheetohs and ice cream

Come yo Odessa Texas and be my itty bitty titty GF. I make 140k as a drilling engineer at Halliburton and you can spend it all on pushup bras

Tell her

>Come to Odessa Texas and be my pantiless sarcastic GF. I make 140k as a drilling engineer at Halliburton and you can spend it all on ointment to heal your chafed labia

Based pigfucker

I have definitely fucked worse

If this isn't the most base reply then I don't know what is.

>on tinder
cast her into the fire

>muh tats r duhjenerit

Kys incel

Post more pics of her origonoly

What I said, can you read???

Said the guy who cant reply to a post.

Yo got gotted user.

>It's another tinder reply thread that literally stops after 2 messages

fuck off op

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I have no new matches.

New match. What do boyos? Land me a 160 cm qt pls.

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how good is tinder, fellow robots? I'm not fond of putting my face and likes on a relationship site

if youre ok with marketing yourself thn its ok

Be careful OP

It's call being a fucking fat landwhale
Are you an american?

>She said she was 18 dude

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my friends gf who is the same age as him(21) looks younger. it happens.

So how much are you willing to work for that green card?

More like .... toooo cow-ish.....? What i can't get over is that things like this have more success than i ever will even if i "work on myself".

yeah but they fuck guys. thats kinda gay bro. you fuck girls. its diff. ask any lesbian/straight boy

say I'll make you squirt like a super soaker ;)

>middle finger
>nose piercing
I guess if you have a fat fetish, go for a one night fuck. In terms of relationship if that's your goal, hell no! Run away! Fuck, and ghost!

Way too fat user. That waist is a total lie, camera trick and not even a good one too. Also I bet her personality is total shit, what a terrible first impression

rip, you did the right thing

You still about user op?

Yeah im here. On a boat rn. Going to the city.

Yeah shes gross. Focusing on the Latina now. Hope I didnt post cringe.

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