Uni thread

now that school's are starting again, might as well have 1
how do i make friends

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talk to the people in your classes

st andrews gang

just B yourself friendo. what university are you guys at? anyone going to uni in IL by chance?

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God please tell me one of you faggots goes here or I'll fucking brain myself this semester.

Classes or clubs are probably the best bet but some schools only have awful clubs and some classes make talking to people impossible, but if you keep to yourself it's very easy for those 4+ years to slip by in total solitude

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the tab is shit stop calling it 'lanny' fucks sake

>keeping to myself at community college
>eventually transition into only online courses, wrap up my degree last Spring
>transfer to the Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College in Tempe at Arizona State University
>100,000 students on campus daily
>no online course options
>going into dual certification special ed/elementary education, all classes are almost 100% female
>their model is to have all students divided into groups and take the same courses at the same time, so the students you see in your 9 AM class are the ones you see next class, and next class, and next class, all week
>basically in high school all over again with exclusively women
please just fucking end my life

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just get some pussy user, you have literally thousands of chances to do so.

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I'm married, I just don't want to be surrounded by petty, passive aggressive cunts all day

Okay, that's understandable. Good luck on your endeavors.

I finished up community college and am going into a bigger university this upcoming semester, while still living at home. How do I not fuck this up? I made zero friends in cc and have lost everyone I knew from high school. This is my last chance to find friends I feel.

>be me
>go to college for first time in 2016
>somehow get along with roommate
>make some friends for the first time in my life
>drink and do drugs for first time
>talk to femanon for first time in my life
>skip every class
>withdraw from school and become \NEET for 3 years
>lose all friends and play vidya
>need to go back to college because i dont want to wageslave
>now i am 4 years older than everyone in my classes
>live with parents, impossible to make friends
>realize i wasted all my prime years of college
>10/10 stacies walking past me that I am too scared to look at

I have never felt this bad mentally about how bad I fucked up. Well I guess it's better than wageslaving

>Being too afraid to flirt with people only 4 years younger than you

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I am intimidated by all of them. How does one meet people in college if you don't live in a dorm? Or should I just keep playing vidya?

uni is such a fucking meme it hurts, but so is life i guess

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Rush greek life
Life is pain

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Transferring schools after taking a semester off from burnout, wish me luck frens.

I don't think it'll be easy but I'm going to keep my chin up and keep trying

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I might be doing the same thing shortly.

I plan on moving in with some close high school if I can get accepted into a uni closer to them. I used to think living like a complete hermit was doable, but after two years of going back and forth (from my home state to out-of-state) I'm tired of moving my shit around, and also tired of being alone.

Call me normie trash but I'm not entirely sold on this whole "sit inside all day and play videogames:" I think there's a limit to what people can endure before wanting to tear their hair out.

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>semester off from burnout
what are you going to do with you semester off?

what do i say so i dont sound like some business major who wants connections and not real friends

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>first day of school
>Already have a homework assignment
I fucking hate my algorithm's professor man.

Get into an MMO and watch anime.

>school starts next week
>going to graduate a semester late since I failed a couple of classes
>what few acquaintances I knew have graduated
Back to eating lunches alone...

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How do I make friends as a girl? It feels like everyone around me is a npc and nobody likes shy awkward girls aniway

cringe bait kys

Literally exist and put in a minimal amount of effort just to initiate, everyone else will do the rest.

Get out of here rich fag

There is this person that sits next to me in class and I don't know if they want to be talked with or not. And I've never managed to make friends because nobody seems to want to hang out after class with me. I'm a literal loser.

Grad student at UCLA here. Who wants to hang out with me by the sorority houses?

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men are so starved of positive female attention, you can just start a conversation with one and theyll be head over heels for you in no time

positive *attractive female attention


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y-you know w-what t-to do user

yo where are you gonna do it?

do something user
you can do it

Going back to community college for environmental science after dropping out of business back in 2016. Pretty excited, first time I've been excited for school in a long time. Only problem is my campus has fuck all for clubs or events, but it's not that big of a deal.
4 years is nothing dude, people unironically don't care. I know some people going into first year courses in their 30's and they're doing just fine.

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You don't. After high school, of you don't have friends, you won't ever have friends. Just "friends"

My first class this semester is on Friday but there's a good chance I'll hang myself before then so I don't really have any feelings on it yet.

>I'm a literal loser
Girls can't be losers because men value them top much

I don't have a clue what you anons are talking about

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>Elliot Roger
>Do it

What the fuck do you think?

here is your (you)

also tits or gtfo

>Grad student at UCLA here.
why are there so many high IQ anons here? where are my born retard anons

It's not that high IQ. My undergrad alma mater is better. But we do have Terrence Tao.

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As much as I kinda relate I would never do what Elliot did desu, taking you're anger on arbitrarily on randoms isnt ok

ok kill yourself then faggot

I'm starting grad school this fall and holy shit I'm terrified of my future and i feel like a fucking fraud

*ahem* no u!

this is original u gay bot

>tfw your neet days are numbered

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this, I'm trying to enjoy these last few days of neetdom but the upcoming semester is ruining it for me

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Master or PhD? And what subject?
I'm kinda getting demotivated desu... might go work in tech.

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school in vermont time to fall on ice

Fun and comfy Jow Forums discord server. Join now for frens!



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>Isla vista baby