Is the world ending, anons?
If so, what are you going to do in the next 5 years?
Is the world ending, anons?
If so, what are you going to do in the next 5 years?
Isn't that where like... 60% of the world's oxygen comes from?
This might be bad. I think this would be a good time to thank the Whites for literally destroying the planet and reducing humanity to nothing more than livestock for the capitalist farm.
yeah, we're literally all going to suffocate if this keeps up
crazy to think about
correction: the amazon is 20% of the world's oxygen.
Still, that's pretty fucking substantial.
Most of the oxygen created by the rainforest is used by the life in the rainforest. However, it is essential to providing nutrient rich soil to a microbe in the ocean that makes most of the oxygen
i mean you faggots might suffocate but i've got my cpap right here idiot i'm set for life
So when the fire stops and the jungle regrows and the world doesn't end, are you going to come back and tell us all what a fucking dumbass cuck you are?
It's pretty funny that Bolsonaro is doing practically nothing about this. He's been rolling back burning regulations for farmers and lowering fines for breaking burn rules. Also all those natives that have been blocking agribusiness and mining development are gonna get torched. He's gonna let the biggest carbon sink in the world burn down because "Fuck those tree niggers and hippies"
it's not ending fast enough i can tell you that much
>jungle regrows
>he seriously believes this
what a retard.
>Jungle regrows
user, I...
>Isn't that, like...
Go back to to whatever millennial website you came from. Jesus christ. Yes, the world is absolutely motherfucking ending, but not because of a forest burning down. It's because of dipshitted nu males who favor venting manufactured frustration on le internet over things that aren't actually a problem, rather than actually being a productive citizen who acts like an adult.
It is completely normal for forests to burn from time to time, and in fact it is a beneficial process. People even set forests on fire intentionally, for the health of the ecosystem. Look up "controlled burns." If you think one fire sweeping across an ecosystem as saturated with life as a rainforest, then congratulations, that is enough for you to be considered legally retarded. Please make your way to the nearest gas chamber, as your net effect on the world is markedly negative.
>>he seriously believes this
Satellite images show that a large section of Amazonia was once used for pre-Columbian agriculture. Jungle that...grew back.
In fact, jungle that is not continuously kept at bay will grow back quite quickly. The jungle in Papua New Guinea is periodically burned for subsistence agriculture by natives, who move on every few years and let the jungle regrow behind them.
the fuck are you supposed to be?
>jungle regrows
who cares trump probably farted loud or something i would rather read about that
Correct me if im wrong huebros, this may be intentional because international corps and corrupt politicians couldnt care less about the greater environment impact if if means they get to make use of the amazonian soil and resources. How will the profit from it?
oh, don't mind him. he's our resident retarded gimp faggot. lovable dude, yeah? he's just got a fucking dick up his ass all the time, unfortunately - it's terminal - so sometimes he has outbursts. you'll come to love him, i swear.
burning a forest is the best way to ensure a healthy regrowth dumb zoomie braindead fag
>there is no water to put out the fire
>ni gota de esperanza
except it wasn't us whites who burned down the forest. A bunch of brazilian cattle farmers who were hired and given work by the fucking brazilian government were the ones who started fires to show that they were ready to work.
not our fault on this one, like always
Why do leftards think everything is so fragile ? You think the jungle is s a house of cards that has been one blow from falling over all these millions of years? Kek. Same goes for minorities, spending all your time protecting women and brown people from mean words as if they are little children. Insulting really
That doesn't excuse the fact that huge swaths of animals and people are having to move, and that jungle won't be the same, lots of things are going to die man. I know we can't just stop literally everything, but is there anything we can do to slow it or help?
it's the amazon rain forest this time, bro. Not the bush of california. Wont' that displace a fuckload of unique fauna that were critical to maintaining that ecosystem?
Go put a rainforest filter over your kikebook picture and tweet out #SaveLeRainforest so zuckerberg and whatever jew runs twiter can collect their daily money from your gullible millennial ass
The earth has had much worse great dyings and recovered. I do agree with you though that we should try to preserve it
brainless fags grown up on onions and tv
>it's the amazon rain forest this time, bro
>a fuckload of unique fauna that were critical to maintaining that ecosystem
do u think the entirety of the amazon is burning?
and even if 100% of the species went extinct, big fucking deal, others are gonna move in
This is why i can't talk to anyone, the "modern man" is a braindead idiot believing at the same time:
>muh evolushion
>if u change anythign the planet is gun die!!!11
Look at you. Having sex isn't anywhere on your life's itinerary. What do you have to say for yourself?
>jungle regrows
Oh nonono
>Having sex
i literally have a kid coming braindead barely functioning npc
I'll be notifying the authorities.
i love you too, bud. if you ever need to talk, hmu, yeah? i know it's been hard. i know the jews live rent free in your head and regularly sue your brain for hatespeech, depriving you of much-needed neural shekels. it's okay, man, let it out. we're here for you.
don't feed the glowniggers.
You sound pretty stubborn tripfag, relax this is a Mongolian basket weaving board. Your views sound like someone who hasn't gotten off the conservative internet in a while.
that made me chuckle
>doesn't know what a tripfag is
>the conservative internet
big yikes pham
i regrettably must commend this based retard for knowing what a tripfag is in a day and age where actual children overwhelm my fucking boards
at least /v/ is pretty much the same. christ.
>Isn't that where like... 60% of the world's oxygen comes from?
Wrong. Most of Earth's oxygen comes from tiny ocean plants called phytoplankton that live near the water's surface and drift with the currents.
(((Brazilian workers)))
>implying the fucking president of Brazil isn't a white guy
Why do rightards take fucking nothing seriously? I fucking hate conservatives. They're the most retarded people on earth.
>Why do rightards take fucking nothing seriously? I fucking hate conservatives. They're the most retarded people 0n earth.
Jews set the fire
It's bad but humanity's survived worse. Get used to more hot summers and climate refugees though.
First post in a concerning thread and it's wasted on dumb racebait to distract the goyim
Fuck this board sometimes
amazing counterargument. a wojak pic. very convincing indeed. and you say you're a father? hope you're larping, if not, i feel sorry for your child.
>he saves basedjaks
christ, lad.
>counter argument to a hyperbolic statement that presents no real argument whatsoever
Yeah what an idiot conservashit am I right guys?
>amazing counterargument. a wojak pic. very convincing indeed. and you say you're a father? hope you're larping, if not, i feel sorry for y0ur child.
>All those disgusting spiders and shit that burrow into your skin are getting pruged from the face of the earth
About fucking time.
The sooner this planet becomes unhabitable for humans the better. Life itself is fairly resilient, it is our species, that's fragile. It's only the matter of how bad we fuck this place up before we go extinct.
** A LIBTARD has insulted your wojak pic. What do you do next**
-Explain the meaning of said picture
-Post another fucking wojak picture
-Respond with an even better comeback
Let it burn. FUCK JEFF BEZOS!
>endangered animals and rare plants are now double endangered
>big chunk of oxygen providers up in flames
a global travesty. why couldnt it have been the everglades