Try to find a nice Christian girl

>try to find a nice Christian girl
>get this
>"just go find a traditional user"
>says she dated a black , Arab, Mexican, Asain etc
>loves her two white Chad ex's.
>won't try and connect with anyone else
>the state of California women.
She isn't even white too just a Latina but still I just want a gf at this point. I want a white gf but I am getting to the point of any decent girl will do. It sucks white women don't like me and I have a hard time find anyone else to try and mate up with.
Idk what to do anymore I am not on dating apps and I can't meet anyone irl. I hope this doesn't keep going into my 30s...
I just want love again ... my ex broke my heart after leaving me saying I wasn't good enough and she deserves better when I was a good bf to her.
Why must it be so difficult to find a gf... I am not a Chad but I am not fat. I don't have money so that probably is a main issue but even when I had money it didn't matter. Idk how much longer I can take guys.

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Also said this. I don't get it , normally women just don't write back. So how could she give me a hint via texting. Women don't make sense

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Oops meant for this post. Originally

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Post your sperg out. We will see who's right here. I suspect the woman is.

>once you love yourself, it's a lot easier to love those around you
I don't even care if you were in the wrong at any given point of time, saying shit like this should make her liable for an instant lobotomy. She's essentially revealing that all of her desires are linked to an insipid value that is placed within herself, not around companionship. Why even believe in a God when you view all phenomena and minds around you to be centered around your own interests, rather than your perception just abstractly connected to your identity? A reasonable God would make you starve.

Dude.. im sorry to say it but ..
you're the problem here, and this board is the fault.
you let yourself be consumed by the hate women mentality.
instead of just browsing for fun

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That's not what that means at all. You're just mad because it's a chick

I don't think either of us are right desu dude. We both are just hurt people trying to cope with the fact the people we want don't want us

nah you're reading too much into this.
its just "women air" words like that have no inherent meaning.
to put it simply, she didnt even know what she ment by writing that, she just did. and trying to analytize it like you just did is a waste of brain power

to be fair she shouldt have written that book, she should have just ghosted the fuck out of the Idiot that is op

So post the messages

he won't post them because he knows he's in the wrong

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>okay thirds time is enough cmon
next time ghost them the second she even fucking hints that she is not interested
No need to waste time, and you shouldt have texted her after that

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Ghosting is for overly emotional women.

post the spergout or we won't understand if its the state of california women or the state of an autist like yourself

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Here you guys go.
I'll post a few

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Some more for ya

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See? You're the cunt here. Protip: incels who don't have a life shouldn't give life advice

Trust me. It is the state of these women. If they arent being coal burners they are just low IQ party thots

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should've stopped after the first time she said she wasn't interested

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>who hurt you
classic, fucking classic.

Yeah I am not sure why I would keep writing her really. Just in hope she won't be a cunt

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So now I understand why no self-respecting woman go around finding people online

Well I am not an incel. I can get laid I just want a nice gf. Is that too much to ask for ?

we don't even know what user wrote to get that girl to send him that. Could be totally innocuous

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>self respect

You have to pick one user

You are in the right here. Whores will be whores and if you let women run their lives they ruin it long term.

Cringe is an otherused word, but it fits this conversation. Your post makes me wonder, is the hole in your soul that is a complete lack not only self awareness but also compassion, filled in with egocentrism?

Really, how many times do you have to get rejected before you begin to think, maybe you are the problem? How many times must people deny you and your shitty beliefs before you realize they have no place in this world?

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That is true and we can't outright tell them this. They bitch right back at us but deep down they know we are right. They really don't want to work. They really don't want to do anything but eat and do nothing.
Women are cancer

But women are vile and white knights like you make it easy for them to get away with their bullshit. But who cares about beta males anyway lol am I right

>don't want to work
cant blame them, the neetlife beats waging

Oh silly user. Have you ever been on your own or around normies? Of course you have to have your own ego front and center. Or else they will walk over you. You can't be a beta and expect women to follow.

And no the women in my life didn't leave because of me. They left because of them being selfish and wanting to thot out. I would agree I am not perfect or without sin but when you have someone who just gives up that shows a lack of character not a lack of love or caring on my part.
Men have to carry the relationship but women are ultimately the ones who keep it going.

I can blame them. Their laziness and unwillingness to be house wives have destroyed the family unit. True NPCs

user you come off as desperate in the messages you shared especially this one where she mentions she isnt interested three times in a row. All you seem to be doing is trying to find some validation by clinging on to this women who keeps talking about her interest towards her exs

>Dumb bitch writes an essay about you being a misogynist for not respecting her as a woman
Just reply "k" and never reply again.

you can just puzzle the peaces togeather If you use 10% of your brain

im not white knighting i really dont like most women and im almost one of you fags, but still smart enouht to see past my personal opinions If someone is really in the wrong

i'd say its pretty Alpha to just leave them and mind you're own business, If they stop benefiting you

retard. stop it

Did you expect any other response than what you posted in OP?

LOL why blur the names in all the others?

OP is a retarded faggot with an almost supernatural lack of self-awareness

itt: op who is a faggoty incel replying to some whore, and some whore who got uppity about some faggot

Actually being decent enough to straight up say "sorry not interested", even if it was after a bit of hint-dropping, is fairly rare. You're the sperg and she's probably more decent than your garden variety millenial slut. Maybe she just doesn't know how to ghost people. She'll probably learn quickly after her chat to you.

Reminder to blur out your posts next time, OP.

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>browsing some mentally ill board for fun
reddit arrives in shining armor.

o I am keking. be sure to cuck OP if you get the chance.

>sperging this fucking hard

She's mocking you user

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holy fucking shit lmao op you're so fucked shouldn't have sperged that hard buddy

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She didn't cover the profile pic

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you fool, you didn't blur this one . You got so fucked, mate

>sending that meme to a woman
dude please stop, you're making it harder for the rest of us

Two different languages being spoken, two completrly different conversations being had
Women brains are shit tier for true logic

OP really looks bad here with more context

OP is a faggot.

Have sex, incel.

>this is the guy starting threads about how women are the problem

As soon as she said she wasn't interested.. you should've deleted and blocked her. It ain't worth putting up with them hose.

t. toasty roastie


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Kek I've had my bad moments with women but this is totally another level

The way you speak is an instant vagina-sand generator

And this is why I wouldn't want to date a women who has been in a relationship. Why do you vilify normalfags? Why??

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Kek you sperged out here.

Haha include me in the screencap

Kek lets fucking spam her with the thread

OP holy shit dude. You need to buy some relationship books or some shit, because you are clueless.

hope she posts ops account

LOOOOOOOL include me in the screencap

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>that profile pic
The dogpill is real

Someone should just search her followers list for OPs profile pic

No shit fool. Lack of experience and I tried the dating field but it is retarded to date a normie chick.

>the state of California women.
>trying to date women in California in current year
Dude give up and move out of this shit state
This place is a dumpster fire and women here are all entitled. I knew a guy that moved to Texas and got s gf within a couple weeks. But he had no luck here whatsoever despite having a good job and being relatively handsome

You fool why would I keep following her.

Dude it sucks here so bad. No good white women and all the other ones aren't worth it.

This area does suck ass. They are all entitled thots. Thinking they all will become models living in San Diego

Women will just use you or try to compare you to the Chad before you. If you aren't as good in bed they will leave you for Tyrone. Then become single mothers

Im cringing right now. Op seriously learn some fucking English. Holy fuck that was painful to read

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Holy fuck Op you got obliterated, but something here smells like bait. You're really this retarded?

Oh fuck off. Like I care what it looks like

Dude the other ones dont even date outside their race, at least not here they don't
I've never actually met a girl that's single irl. Every girl I've met shes either mentioned her bf or I've overheard it while she talks with other girls. Its hopeless honestly, we need to get out of here

Get me in the sceencap, this is worse than the 5 gallons of bourbon that tastes like gasoline meme.

Honestly all the white women here are dumb as rocks. Even my own sister is a stupid coal burner who barely passed HS.

I swear any women here that is fuckable has a boyfriend or a harem of guys.

They also get offers to be findoms
I knew a girl that was active on Instagram and snapchat, not a model or anything judt posted stuff, she'd get messages from people asking her to findom them. Literally free money

Wow OP actually got blown the fuck out by some roastie spic he didn't even have the nerve to insult beyond "lata thot". Nice job with the half-measure there.

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Something is fishy here user. OP seemingly doesnt care that this will be screencapped and posted for karma on R*ddit tomorrow

My guess is that he is in on it with her

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>implying I care about what is on leddit

You're right. I was chatting with what I thought was a nice girl and she told me she had a sugar daddy app and would get paid to watch sports then do whatever he wanted.

I swear it is impossible to find a decent women here

Yes, thats exactly what I am implying
You care because youre a karma whore
You have to go back

Ya gotta say, she is kinda cute tho. How did you meet her op?

How was I going to know she was going to be a norman roastie ? I didn't I just assumed she was a trad Christian girl

Bumble. And yea she is pretty cute but not worth it

Just keep trying and don't drop spaghetti from your pockets again user. You'll be sure to find someone eventually.

Sooner than later I meant.

But I didn't spill any. She is just too hopped up on the two chads that bone her. Women just stick to one or two guys forever. I don't get it
She even said she wants to find someone that gives her the same feeling as her ex's. So I am like here I am but yet she started saying all this dumb stuff.

Women like her will never find a good mate. She will chase those guys till she is 35 and regret it

You can't really blame her for holding on to hope and seeing the past through nostalgic rose tinted glasses. We all do that to some extent user.

But women really think if I guy leaves her he will come back ...
I've never broken up with a women.

>love love love, love yourself user, I pray that you learn to let go of your hatred
>lmaooo there's nothing funnier than a man being rejected hehe ur feeling bad right now and that's amusing to me
This shit will never get old. The way they can express extreme schadenfreude and this whole "love yourself and be kind to those who wronged you", "I pray that you let go of your hatred" bullshit is nothing short of amazing.

Let her date who she wants to user. A relationship where she isn't really that into you would suck more than being single.

Is that more of a christian thing or a woman thing?

I think it's both. The power ranking is probably
>normal men

>that pic
lmaoooo shoulda known she was a slut already, shoulda just opened up that conversation with
"... so how many times that dog cum inside you already?"



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Idk user I've been in something that she faded away and slowly say her leave which was painful. But before it was the only love I've ever had.

Being lonely is just as bad ...

>calling her retarded because she's still pining for TWO exes
Holy shit fucking roast beef needs to be charred to death, fuck all the (you) farmers ironically posting otherwise