U.S. Marines

Ugly Virgin loser enlisting in the Marines, been going Jow Forums and working on my running, any tips from former Marines or other neets with the same idea? I want to earn money so when I get out I can invest and I've always wanted to be in the military (yes I've heard all the stories about it being shit) and yet I have nothing to show for myself. Is this the way to go?

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don't join the marines dude. that's retarded. join the airforce or coast guard. or navy. you get paid the exact same all across the branches and you have to suffer way less shitty conditions or circumstances.

Marines are just killers. You wont gain anything that will help you find a career later in life. If what you want is to be a badass killer then go ahead and be a marine

Might join the Airforce, however of course I want to be the same thing every wants to be I've wondered if there is a way to be a pilot without a college degree, is that even slightly possible?

Believe it or not, the hardest part about Marine Corps Bootcamp isn't the physical fitness. If you can pass the IST with bare minimum numbers you'll probably survive boot camp.

The hardest part is that you spend 3 months dealing with drill instructors who will unleash every weapon of psychological warfare against you in an effort to annoy and demoralize the shit out of you.

You could at some point try to become a CWO helicopter pilot for the army. I dont think they require degrees.

Nope, you need 14 college credits apparently.

I can imagine what type of shit they'd say to a normal person, imagine an ugly shitskin like myself.

If you're trying to improve your life then pick a branch/job that can help you succeed once you're out. That can be just about anything except infantry

t. Naval cryptologist

most of em are shitskins and niggers themselves dude. you must decide what YOU need for youlsef, it's money, career, self improvement or what? and up to these questions you take your call.

When I went in 2014 I don't remember a lot of racial slurs being used. They still cuss the ever living shit out of you and call you all sorts of weird names.

One of the first times I was blasted by a drill instructor I was called, "A stupid fucking al Qaeda terrorist"

Do push-ups, sit-ups, pull-ups, and work on your endurance running.

I fucking piss myself when Marines say this because you won't. Drill Instructors have their hands tied so tight that they have to rely on reputation alone to instill fear and actually spend more time playing surrogate father than anything due to the amount of absolute useless rejects who can't even tie their own shoes end up in the marines. The hardest part is dealing with marine life itself and being around literal crayon eating mouth breathers.

To OP, I suggest you join a different branch and try to learn some actual skills that can be applied outside of the military. Marines have the biggest retards and slowest promotions with the least amount of civilian valued jobs.

>14 credits
So a single semester?

i dunno man. just do something with a modicum of civilian application like cryptological analysis intel networking you get the idea. get out and a contract for the govt get paid mad tax payer bux. that's the sweet deal. but don't destroy your body and life because muhreens. that's retarded. they're literally cannon fodder. you'll get adequate discipline "purpose" and direction simply by joining any branch.

sorry, i'm retarded. This is what i read and where i got that from, the number 14 is nowhere to be seen, i don't know what i must've been confused by.
>Sailors in the U.S. Navy can either serve as pilots or naval flight officers. Both are officer-level positions that require a four-year college degree.

Very true as well. OP the fleet can suck ass at times.

OP here, going to research more into chairforce and the navy.

I'm a sigint corporal who's been in around 3 years. Never deployed, never been on a MEU or even an exercise. My experience thus far has been wildly different than most likely any other marin on this board. Feel free to ask specifics if you want.

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Fleet probably sucks ass when you have nothing to do all day. If you actually have shit to do (Such as actually being part of the Navy), it's probably less shit.

nice Apu.

How do people cope with boredom? A marine I know smokes thc carts but i dont know how he gets away with it.

He won't forever. Drug pops happen way more than you think. The 2019 commandant's guidance paper he pushed out a few months ago threw out some insane number like 20,000 Marines in the past 4 years were lost due to attrition as he put it (drug pops, habit of multiple PFT/cft failures etc). Eventually, there will be a random battalion wide drug test and he'll get fucked. Chances are your friend "knows somebody in the S3" that hooks him up, but that's a bubble that will pop.

For me, it's shitposting, porn, music, vidya and exercise. I spend probably close to 45ish hours a week working in my section. Off time is coveted and savored.

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Sounds a bit comfy to a certain extent, but do people usually turn into alcoholics in the military? Sounds like something I'd do to pass the time.

user for the love of god don't become a marine. I see these dudes around base. You don't have the test to be around them. Join the air force and be comfy. Get a job that is marketable on the outside like cyber surety or try your luck at getting an aircrew position

Alcohol consumption is pretty widespread. I'm at a great duty station with an awesome chain of command. Barracks are nice and we get BAS money for food prep. This is very unusual in the USMC.

If you're combat arms/at a groundside unit/in a massive unit, your quality of life will most likely be shitty. If you're thinking about joining, go Intel/cyber, airwing or communications in that order.

It is comfy. I work with good people and my workload is very manageable. No regrets. I'd reccomend any directionless neet to consider joining the armed service. Go USAF. If you absolutely just have to go USMC/Army, go Intel or cyber.

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Gonna go to bed.

I have a good friend in the army who hates his life. He's 13B, an artilleryman. He fucking hates his life and spends weeks in the field every month. I'm a 26XX Intel nerd that has gone to the range to shoot M16s once at my unit and haven't been to the field since MCT. Yes, running 3 miles and doing pull ups is hard but it's not once you train for it. He hates his life purely by virtue of him being a private in combat arms

Night anons.

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Gn user, thanks for all the helpful insight!

If you are the type of person most robots here are, I advise you consider another branch first. Its hard to relate with others here as an introvert when everyone around you are stereotypical marine chads and dude bros. They are fine people, but unless you dont mind feeling like the odd man out every time, I would suggest other branches with a more technical job. You will get more out of it in the long run.