are/were you white trash? non-whites, would you be white trash if you were white?
Are/were you white trash? non-whites, would you be white trash if you were white?
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Not white trash and never have been.
user dont post pics of gay hentai please and thanks
Why user? Does it make you uncomfortable?
Never have been white trash and would never be. I've grown up around white trash and I fucking hate them so much. Literally the niggers of the white race.
im so repulsed by anything below upper middle class white people. they're all so gross and poor and ugly. fuck all of that. to answer your question, no, never been a fucking prole
Yes it does, im trying nofap i dont need this
NoFap is a meme user. Don't be so insecure, let loose of your built-up stress.
i'm not white, but i've got nothing but love for some white trash. they're just as put down as much as minorities and all they want to do is set stuff on fire, shoot guns, and smoke meats in the woods. one of my childhood best friends was "white trash."
Shoo shoo lewdposter
Nofaps not a complete meme if you can do it right can get you really productive not needing sleep and kinda resets your taste
Sadly one of these days i'll probably end up boning a trap im pretty far gone here
I've fucked men and women, both are pretty gud
I knew i knew it its Chinzurena
cant find it by itself but here its in this gallery scroll down you should see it
here is the page
You know if i do if where do i find cute men?
Thanks user, will fap later.
Usually grindr, discord, or just irl by chance.
>drink beer on porch
>own V8 coupe with gutted mufflers
>live cheap in the middle of nowhere
>blue collar job
Literally living the hapa dream.
why are there so many of these fucks in suburbs?
black but grew up in backwoods arkansas and lived in trailer parks. always got along with everyone and i would be lying if some of it didnt rub off on me after years
>grown up around white trash
>never been white trash
white-ish but no. but i dated white trash once.
How was it? Were they a weeb?
I come from a rural area and there were many white trash there, but my family were more well off so we actually has a bit of class.
I remember going over to a friend's house and it smelt strange, and it was only later that I realised that was what weed smells like and this guy's family were all stoners.
Have you ever unironically called another black guy a nigger but got away with it because you're also a nigger?
no, but she was into memes but of the more normie-ish variety. suffice to say i'm glad it's over.
My fathers family was until they moved to the city back in the sixties. My father and uncle ascended from iT.