Stopped watching tranny porn because realized it was degenerate as fuck

>stopped watching tranny porn because realized it was degenerate as fuck
>2 days later started having wet dreams about fucking trannies
How do I get off this ride? Please help, I don't want to be a faggot anymore. I just want to rewire my brain and have normal functioning dopamine receptors.

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Sleep 8 hours a day so that you have less time to think about fucking trannies.

just embrace your degeneracy and everything will be fine.

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You will never be free of boipussi

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Honestly dude... those fantasies are there forever. They'll come and go at different points in your life. You got Jew'd. The only thing you can do is accept them now.

However, when I discovered that males like to see penises in the presence of a female, that virtually killed off the interest in trannies for me. They were a novelty for me and nothing more.

The patrician fetish is seeing a cunt get stretched out by a big cock and cumming in her and then imagining yourself and your smaller penis cumming in her pussy next as sperm competition, considering the larger penis has a higher chance of impregnating.

That single realization made me stop thinking about trannies.

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Dude you like trannies get over it.

ella is top tier
I've tried to get a tranny gf before and failed for the same reasons that I fail at getting a gf in general. a lot of people here seem to think though that it's like an "escape route" if they ever decide they can't get a gf and that they can at least be happy and find companionship with a tranny.
but once you try that too and fail it gets really depressing, realizing you may be alone for forever

The more you try to accord with your beliefs and go against desire head on the more you deviate, your mind will go back to normal provided you stay away from porn. The desire will slowly fade away in due time, your dopamine receptors (D1 and D2) are unregulated each time you exercise. Refrain from pornography, limit masturbation and masturbate ONLY to your imagination and exercise. Your body will soon naturally recover and favor exercise over pornography, these intense pornographic videos you watch and the novelty effect of it all are what drives this. When you realize that you can achieve greater orgasms by fapping less often and by upregulating your dopamine receptors your mind itself will realize that there are better and more healthier highs to chase.

i never thought i would get off the tranny ride, but i did. haven't watched it for months. i did two things, i stopped jerking off every day. i only jerk off once every 3 days. you dont need to do nofap. i also forced myself to only jerk off to girls getting fucked or lesbo porn. i could barely even stay hard when i first started doing this, but if i couldn't get hard i just wouldn't jerk off that day and try again the next day.

>tfw my trap folder is 50GB

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wrong. stupid. they (some) legit take better care of themselves than most women and know exactly what turns me on

Just accept you're gay and move on. This doesn't mean you have to shit up threads with your tranny filth or ever have to discuss it. Just do your business and carry on. Not fapping to trannys isn't going to suddenly make you chad, you'll still be the same loser you've always been.

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>bragging about having such a small folder of porn

>bragging about harboring smut
Do you honestly think anyone cares

I'm convinced my post can cure homosexuals if they contemplate what I say enough and study it. They're chasing after dicks because they're confused on sperm competition. They see a female-looking creature with a dick and their mind can't process it the first time they see it. Life and sex is all about sperm competition. Blowing your load in a tranny does nothing to further your genes, so I'm sure they feel some shame in doing it.

Most of these people who watch porn watch it in the wrong way. The patrician's choice isn't to have an mff threesome (you could only ejaculate in a single girl) - it's mfm with no sexual contact between the males; balls touching is alright. Men are attracted to boobs, butt and penis while watching porn or viewing sex. The tranny thing puts that all together, but it's just a heavily propagandized Jewish trick. The sperm competition thing goes back to ancient human ancestor females who would get gangbanged. One male after another.

Seriously, focus on it and you'll stop being a fag

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What's the point though? I get your logic but can't think of why a fag would need to stop being a fag if hes happy.

They're not happy. When I thought I should be a fag I wasn't happy. These fags are on antidepressants and antipsychotics out the ass. My logic shows them for the mentally ill degenerates they really are. I used to be into trannies before I came across this science, and when I was younger I used to want to be a twink purely to get attention. I had no desire to be fucked in the ass - just liked looking cute because I was skinny. PURELY to take pictures of myself and jack off to them.

All of it has a scientific explanation and there are ways to curb the tide of what is happening to the West if REAL science was actually appreciated and propagated in mainstream culture.

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I don't care if they're "better than women" or not. I still can't get a gf even if it's a tranny gf
>cure homosexuals
don't worry user, I'm way more interested in cis women after I gave up on trying to find a tranny gf. now they've lost their novelty to me in terms of sex and I've found them equally impossible to attain as cis women and as a result, cis women are now the novelty to me that I wish I could have
yeah I've posted pics of myself on /soc/ crossdressing before and I realized it was purely for the attention. I really wasn't that interested in looking feminine I just wanted attention and couldn't think of any other way to get it than by being really gay, when in reality what I really wanted was attention from a girl that was genuinely interested in me
but the problem that it always comes back to is the fact that I have never been close to getting attention from a girl that was genuinely interested in me and have no fucking clue how to get anywhere close.

The easiest path is acceptance. I'm bi and even I'm not attracted to most trannies though because the majority of them are ugly as sin.

Well, the fetish that's sticking with me is seeing another guy's huge cock plunging in and out of a sexy woman while masturbating and then taking my turn. It completely BTFO " sexual performance" that girls expect from males. That's all feminist horseshit and the world could be so much better and easier for males instead of this dog eat dog world (especially for white people).

Contraception and birth control need to go, and people with STDs need to be quarantined.

man am i glad this tranny shit became popular after my brain was fully developed

you zoomers have it rough

>Well, the fetish that's sticking with me is seeing another guy's huge cock plunging in and out of a sexy woman while masturbating and then taking my turn. It completely BTFO " sexual performance" that girls expect from males. That's all feminist horseshit and the world could be so much better and easier for males instead of this dog eat dog world (especially for white people).
yeah but that doesn't help me in any way though. all it amounts to is wishing that women were more accepting of me
instead I'll just long for a tomboy gf while simultaneously filling the sexual void with gay/tranny porn.
straight porn doesn't interest me in the slightest and hasn't for years. but actual straight sex would interest me more than even the best tranny porn

>All of it has a scientific explanation and there are ways to curb the tide of what is happening to the West if REAL science was actually appreciated and propagated in mainstream culture.

I try not to believe that porn turned me gay, but there is something weird going on. All these guys who are "bisexual" but not even attracted to normal men, and instead of discovering their sexuality by crushing on men irl, porn is what triggers it.

You can easily ejaculate into multiple women.

hhhhhh fucking shit like ella hollywood gets my dick all confused and shit because it's so fucking spot on to be looking like a female but it aint and i got a half chub just because my dick is confused as fuckkkdadada

God I am so in love with Ella

The last tranny I tried having an e-relationship literally said "I think you're gonna be alone for a long time" right before blocking me. They know how to cut deep

I would date ella hollywood without any shame if I felt that she was genuinely interested in me. she hardly passes as a real women at all and she's obviously a boy but she's also 100% feminine.

>tRaPs ArEnT gIrLs!!
Of course not. They are obviously better than girls in every conceivable way.


You can't reproduce with them you stupid faggot. Take the gangbang pill

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A tranny version of eva elfie?

>You can't reproduce with them
1) false, just need a surrogate. or wait a few years for artificial wombs to be perfected

2) barriers to reproduction are VERY good things. babies ruin any fun, security, and money in your life. and as we all (should) know, women will lie about birth control and whore around meaning that reproduction is just inevitable.

3) traps make infinitely better mothers than women for so many reasons I'd have to make 100 2000-char posts just to scratch the surface.

4) you stink of fish, whore.

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I'm trans, how do I be the kind of tranny that you all fantasize about?

basically look like a girl but with a cute penis, and be a decent human being (should be easy considering girls[female] are all literal psychopathic monsters)

also post pix plz :3

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You're absolutely retarded. By latching onto this idea, you would have a sense of community with other white people instead of the goofy retard fucking men in the ass.

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Tfw no bf to pound my girly ass


Original email


yeah, it's a harsh realization when the "easy option" turns out to not be easier any way at all
people always say that "it's statistically impossible to not be alone if you just don't be mean to people" but I have never once felt any way in the contrary in my attempts at finding a relationship. people are just totally apathetic to me

I fell for the trap meme as well. You actually have a better chance of fucking a stacy than a guy who almost passes for a girl, there aren't even that many of them, making them almost as sought after and high value as a 4/10 woman. I feel lucky that they rejected me now though, I almost fucked a dude because of porn.

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Nobody added me on discord looool