How dis make u feel human boi?

how dis make u feel human boi?

Attached: dogpill4.webm (800x1080, 968K)

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I can't compete with Rex Thunderknot.

white women are this easy?

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if u are Rufus RedRocket then yes

Attached: dogpill.webm (1280x720, 822K)

Seriously though, thats just wrong.

its based and canine pilled

Attached: dogpilleed (1).webm (1920x1080, 1.38M)

if the dog does that means he is 'used' to it

umm thats fucking weird why condition a dog to learn to do that just for your sick fantasies.

I have sick fantasies but I know not to trouble others with them.

orig this can't be real

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this. it's clearly not his first time.


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Shes really not stopping him is she....

These are the people saying:

>have sex

the dog pill is 100% true

Attached: dogpill2.webm (1280x720, 1.04M)

Damn, you know she trained that dog to fuck her like that. No dog just starts humping doggy style like that unless encouraged

What the fuck is wrong with white women bros? Why do they always wanna fuck animals? First niggers, now doggos!?


lol it just gets worse

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nice knockout

Have sex.

white people man...they sleep in bed with their pets, honestly I'm not surprised.

>Christianity is bad they said

Oh nonononono

really nigga -_-
really nigga -_-
really nigga -_-
really nigga -_-

>has science gone too far?
This is pretty funny but also pretty disturbing.

Why fuck did this make me hard. Did notice even until I move. WHAT WRONG WITH ME.?!

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sleeping with pets isn't weird

what do white women see in dogs that we dont

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damn monroe was so much more sexy before that fucking nose job

kinky taboo sex toys

Her favorite position seems to be... doggy style

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>they sleep in bed with their pets

There isn't anything wrong with this. Studies show that people actually sleep better when there is a dog in the bed.

i can see where non-whites would think it's weird

they don't bathe their dogs or take them to the vet


Does anybody here want to talk about something other than dogsex?

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You ever wanted to kill someone?
No one in particular, I dont plan on anything, but did you ever get curious as to what it would feel like?

>I don't plan on anything
Thats the first thing a murderer would say

Hmmm, I've definitely fantasized about going out in a blaze of glory while taking some Shlomo bankers and politicians with me, but I've had the blessing of an education in martial arts. The most important thing is to know when NOT to fight, and to pick your battles carefully.

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Haha, it's a bitch being controlled by a bitch.

I wish I could relate to that seemingly orgasmic sensation, but I'm quite the pacifist.

On the other hand, I am incredibly racist and would have no remorse committing mass genocide.

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It is. In the Roman and ancient Greek empire this was all just fun and games yet here comes the christcuck banning literally fun and calling it sin.

Fun and comfy Jow Forums discord server. Join now for frens!



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I feel like everyone has sexual feelings like that for a number of things, but actively refuse to indulge in them by habitually blocking them out because they think its going too far.
You have a goal, at least.

You seem to have impeccable self control. Good job user, keep up not murdering :)

But, I'll let you know if I ever start a revolution to upheave the corruption and infectious bile from society. You can my personal assassin to Target enemies of the Ethnostate and indulge in your fantasies to your heart's content.

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Fucking white people and their dogs, I don't get it. They will go anywhere with their dogs and let them shit and piss on everything then scoop it into a bag and walk around with the dog shit.

I'll just leave this here.