Why dont you incels just go for an average, in your league gf instead of wallowing in self-pity going after 9s and 10s?

why dont you incels just go for an average, in your league gf instead of wallowing in self-pity going after 9s and 10s?

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Other urls found in this thread:


I did and I love her

>women literally never settle unless their lives depend on it
>I should settle, solving my sexual frustration is first and foremost

Because the lower tier women want to be Chad's cock sock just like the higher tier women, low tier men have no one that actually wants them.

I had a dream last night that I touched an asian girl's shoulder, she smiled at me. then I woke up and cried

women only go for men similar in looks or prettier. and they prefer prettier. only men go for less attractive women.

That girl is out of my league

Why don't girls wear these cute clothes outside?

no i want a hot sex slave, still figuring out this russian bridal thing...

idk how literally not every reply in this thread is "pic related is completely incongruent with the text of your post faggot fucking OP"
yeah I'm mad, but maybe you actually think the ruse of your threads (which haven't changed in years?) is somehow subtle,WELL IT IS NOT RETARD

She's out of the majority of men's league

>in your league gf
There are no women low enough to be in my league.
t. babyfaced manlet

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Im too busy attoning for my sins atm. Maybe when Im back on the path to righteousness Ill find a partner

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Posts a 7

Based and breadpilled
Show me the way

80/20 rule meng...
Though I would probably say it's more accurate to call it 90/10 rule.

This and it will only keep on continuing.

i would but all the online getting spots i knew of died years ago
where are all the online chicks these days?
or did they all leave
>why not get qt irl user?
living in the middle of nowhere sucks

There is literally not one woman on this planet that would date me. objective fact

because the girls who are in my league are just as socially stilted and retarded as me and they're difficult to talk to.

>in your league gf
I don't really care about her looks, I just want someone who share my mindset.
Which is really hard to find

Because their league in best case scenario is 3/10, and neither them nor the people in the same league would accept each other.

Ive tried to go after every type of girl around. Really fat ugly girls, really boring ones, etc. Some how a 9/10 younger girl is the one that keeps coming back and talking to me. It's a very odd feeling

I'm attractive enough that a 10/10 wouldn't be out of my league, the reason I'm single isn't what's on my face, but behind it.

What if im a normie cruising through this board looking for an Jow Forums gf?

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I'm a mentally ill 27 year old NEET

I have no interest in relationships anyways. That's cuck shit because women just want a money slave and they act like bitches all the time

Is that why most men are not virgins? Because only 20% can get laid?

alright now where do I go to meet ugly women who don't go out and-

oh wait

>pic not related
My league doesn't exists in female form.

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Would you d8 this, robots?

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If you think you are in any kind of league, you're too normie for this site

Or at least it used to be so, god I miss the good old days

typically they have to have a vagina to be considered a woman, fake ones with no uterus don't count

Typically ugly women look a bit like men though.

Because the guys you tell that to literally don't comprehend that statement.

That's below average. Does nothing with her hair, is obviously unfit and has no make up on. She looks like me if I stopped caring and grew my hair out. Fucking gross.

fat girls hate me and i'm skinny and average height

Yeah most fat girls i've met are actually cunts and have higher standards than skinny girls.

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no women out there good enough to be in my league bro