What's her name Jow Forums?
Her name was Angel. I still remember the feeling of her lips...
What's her name Jow Forums?
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>feeling of her lips
gtfo normie
Lia. Somehow, as a spergy, awkward 17 year old, I managed to make out with my crush. There is no chance of ever reaching that peak again.
Natalie. She make my heart go boom boom badoop~cardiac arrest
Just because I've had sex doesn't make me a normie. I am a fucking loser. Trust me.
>waaahhh wuz her name im sad she is gone waahh :(
Shut up fag. I'd put a bullet in her just to teach you to stop being a pussy.
>feeling of her lips
Another normie thread...
I knew an angel in my school, she is a fucking coalburner and she let me spank her ass and grabbed it in school cause I was black, didn't get pussy tho which sucked, she liked bigger tyrone black guys, if that girl your talking about mention black guys, then yeah u got cucked big time man
You're not a robot you fucking normalfag fuck, get the fuck out
Mine was named Anna, consider yourself lucking for getting to date yours
I've been here longer than you guaranteed
this will probably be a bit long but i like writing this stuff out
>be spergy social inept autist with only one asshole for a friend
>second to last year in high school
>asshole friend had a female friend in last year
>she just keeps talking to me over and over even though I can barely maintain a conversation
>asshole friend out of the picture, she finishes high school
>keep in touch with her, find out im her best friend although she has tons of normie friends
I was obviously madly in love with her after the first month we talked
>3 years later
>she breaks up with bf
>do acid together, end up cuddling
>starts flirting with me over text
>stay over at her place one night
>we sleep hugging each other
>next day we make out
it was my first kiss, at 22
>same day, got a blowjob
>tells me that she doesnt want a relationship, this just a fwb
>"yeah sure"
this was the chance of my life, i had to play it cool
>a week or so of sexting
>she comes over oen day im home alone
ffw 3 months of fwb
>find out shes fucking other guys
>lash out at her
>call her names, hurt her
>try to apologize, end up blaming her instead
>after some days, it is clear everything is over, she says something like "I really loved you user, I'm grateful for all these years together but you are too toxic and selfish, you give me constant headaches and its destroying my life"
it was obvious a bpd faggot like me couldnt take this, but damn it was heaven while it lasted
my life was her, i depended on her for so many things, so im devastated now. no friends, no passion, no hobbies, no life, no her. its just been 5 months though so i might get better eventually i dont know
>trying this hard
the absolute state of this board
He might unironically be a bigger loser than you losing his virginity doesn't mean shit
God she was beyond perfect, and she was so into me. I just wish I hadnt been such a closed up shut in
This thread made me cry desu original lol
Her name was Chelsie. I miss who she was, but it makes me happy to see she's her own person now.
Ruby. Was meant to marry her this year. Been gone 18 months and 10 days now.
Normie GTFO orginigi
Her name was Mariah. Was with her for 6 years loved her more then anything she broke my heart tho I would do anything to have her back she was really the only thing that made my life worth living
Maybe it's because she was my first (and so far only) love, but she is a complete whore. Like, not even in the typical "incel" definition of a whore. I mean her body count is well into the double digits and tried sleeping with me while she was dating someone.
I should've fucked her, but I was a moralcuck that didn't want to contribute to cheating and cuck some guy.
Can your discord server bring back my Mariah no then fuck off
>I would do anything to have her back she was really the only thing that made my life worth living
Probably a good part of why you don't have her right now. Having your own sense of self, some pride, some fucking spark of independence, life and ambition instead of being a clingy 4yo is how you either get bitches or are fine without them. This anime twue wowe uwuuuu shit really cucks people hard.
Dominique. We were best friends and married young (basically right out of high school). We had a few good years together and then she found out she had leukemia. She didn't make it and it still just feels like I'm never gonna love somebody again.
Her name was Oona. Would have loved for my first gf to have a name that was less memorable (or stupid).
You sound sound like a piece of shit to be honest.
Fuck off faggot I had a sense of pride and self I was with the girl for 6 fucking years I wouldnt have maintained that if I was some clingy faggot. I just miss her sorry for wanting to be with the person who I was going to marry.
BPD people tend to sound like that.
>she clearly defines the relationship as an FWB deal
>You catch feelings anyway
What the fuck man? There's at least two or three movies that specifically dictate why this is a bad idea
>not having any backup and depending on another person to prop up your already unstable mental condition
I almost feel bad for your fuckin' Catalina Wine Mixer now, shit
Is your name Kyle or Adam OP
>What's her name Jow Forums?
there is no her anymore.
Can't blame me for assuming r9k things about someone on r9k. I mean you can, but that would be a big dummy move. What went wrong, then?
>one of my alt Discord accounts is Angel
Her name is Max. She made me think she liked me, and she was perfect in every way
Rejected me after a pity date, made me feel like a jackass for even thinking it could have gone further, and ghosted me 6 months later
Shelby. Cute korean girl I met while stationed in Hawaii. She would come over to bang and then we'd cuddle and watch Miyazaki movies. It only lasted 2 weeks because she had to go back to Korea. Even so, it was the greatest relationship I ever had.
Xue (yes she is chinese)
But I think its best if we never see each other again desu
Kys norman faggot originally
I don't know her name yet, but i bet it will be the prettiest name ill ever hear.
dude mine was also named Anna
19yo khv. But the girls I remember liking the most were Olivia and Adeline
You're still a chad in the r9k autistosphere
I miss you
Hi Bashton, I'll laugh if it is you.
Mine was Lauren. God I miss her.
Her name was Catalonia
>two countries, one struggle