This girl has been orbiting me all summer semester, she asked me out for next week

This girl has been orbiting me all summer semester, she asked me out for next week

Whats the most funny way to break her heart??

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do it in front of lots of people c:

Act like you're In love then fuck her and ghost

This, but don't fuck her. She could trap you (even if you use a condom).
Get her to blow you and swallow the load THEN ghost her.

ask her to cook something nice for you and then tell her that you want to be pegged while watching gay porn.

Grow the fuck up and just say that you don't want to go on a date with her you fucking pussy.

go on a date with her and marry her and have white babies

By wingmannig me and introducing me to her.

What do you say Op? Partners?

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Shotgun suicide, blow your brains out in front of her face

Fuck off white knight pussy

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Raep her like the robot you are

Do a "spiderman"

It's basically where you text her like if you were about to tell her you love her except u be like "I'm Spiderman". You gotta drag it a bit to make her excited.

Girl actually has interest in OP
OP wants to hurt women needlessly because he was weened off the tit too early by his mother and is afraid of his latent homosexual tendencies illustrated by his crippling trap porn obsession

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play along and convince her to have sex blindfolded, then actually have her fuck your black friend

>I'm spider Man
Fucking keked.
OP either do this or actually go out on the date and accept.

Unless you're a FAGGOT or a LARPer.

Your a terrible person you should never break anyones heart its the worst thing you can do to someone. Just dont go out with her let her down gently it would be really fucked up to lead her on and then break her heart. Why are you such a faggot a girl who shows interest in you and you want to destroy her. I hope you die of aids

Dubs here speaks the truth. If you do shit like this user, that makes you just as bad as the hordes of Stacey's that cause so many people pain on this board.

I did this. I thought it would feel good. A girl I had a crush on who lead me on a broke my heart all through highschool after years on the cock carousel decided to try to get with me. She sincerely apologized and we started talking and she said she had feelings for her. I ghosted her. I thought it'd feel good. Sweet revenge and all that. But no, it made me the same shitty person she was to me.

Please type an example.

give her an chance and maybe smash. whats wrong with you are you gay? post pic you autist

Its so fucking hot, my ass cant stop sweating even after I take a shower, anyone know how to stop this?

It can go like this:

Hey, there's something I wanna tell you

What is it user?

Well, how to I put it. It's something I've been holding in for a long time and...
I think it's time I tell you

Go on user

Well, I'm not sure how you'll take it.. I don't want to ruin our friendship

Tell me user, it won't!

Okay, this is a bit difficult.. I'm shy about this kind of stuff

You're fine user, I want to know!

Okay so basically..
I'm Spider Man

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Go with the "Drop the Nagatoro"
1. Get way into Nagatoro
2. Like way into Nagatoro
3. Pretend to be reading it all the time and hide it from her, making her think she's got competition.
4. Talk to Alexa and pretend its Nagatoro
5. She will eventually steal your phone and either run off or become Nagatoro
6. Replace Nagatoro with your favorite Anime girl
7. ???
8. Profit!!!

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