The absolute fucking state of Americans

The absolute fucking state of Americans

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Get a fucking job nigger.

imagine not having free and accessible healthcare

muricans are a fucking joke

This bill is as much as a lot of people make in 6 months.

Do you mean "free" or do you mean "paid for by taxes"? Im a britbong so i know all about the NHS, and how much of our tax bill supports it. So not really free is it? These prices are a joke, but as someone who rarely gets ill i wonder sometimes why my taxes subsidize junkies having overdoses or elderly people having the sniffles.

Not if you have insurance. The billing system is set up for billing insurance.

Good country you live in. In mine, you need 42 month lol

ITT: Mad Nogs upset I won't pay for their health care

>Paying Hospital Bills
Lmao! Bro, come on!

Do the world a favor and kill yourseIf

get insurance you faggot
in canada they just bill you 80 a month but the ndp here in bc are making 100%paid for by tax

expensive, rent utilities and food are 1200 a month. even at 15$ an hour it is still difficult to pay for normal expenses let alone expensive insurance

>went to stanford hospital for a transplant
>didnt have to pay a nickel
Get insurance brah

>$2,461 for Laboratory services
Lol. You don't even have a room charge, so you were only there for a few hours. They maybe ran half-a-dozen tests, all but two of which were entirely automated. You maybe had thirty total minutes of trained laboratory techs actually looking at your blood, plasma, and serum, and they're charging you two and a half grand. Fucking hell.

>rent utilities and food are 1200 a month.
Stop trying to live in the middle of a big city. Move to a mid-to-small-sized city in the sprawl around the big cities. You'll cut that total in half.

you find that high yet say nothing about 6k for a CT scan?

>be me
>be suicidal in 2017
>brother calls 911
>they take me and hold me for a couple of hours until they deem i'm not actually a danger to myself, just really depressed
>go home
>later get the bill in the mail
>over 1,000 fucking dollars
>just for being there for a few hours in a locked room
>still haven't paid it
>credit has fucking tanked
>i'm just a student so i don't know what to do

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Just kill urself lmao

>be American
>go to Walmart to buy estrogenized processed meat rich in sugar
>get shot, but survive
>get carried to hospital
>have surgery performed on me to save my life
>have to pay for the surgery
>don't have the money
>have enough money for a gun
>buy gun
>kill myself because I can't pay my debts and my (((medications))) are making me a schizo
>my son inherits my debt
>he goes mad and becomes a mass shooter
>cycle repeats

Having top notch healthcare that's expensive is better than having rationed healthcare that's financed through high taxes, change my mind.

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>b-but world '''''terror''''' costs us ten trillion a year!

Not for loser neet tier people faggot. Delete Shinji from your hard-drive.

>top notch healthcare that's expensive
but american healthcare is not "top notch"

>is better than having rationed healthcare
there are private insurances and hospitals in "socialized" countries too if you want

> that's financed through high taxes
taxation for the NHS is very low, around 6%
No amount of "high taxes" is gonna cost you as much as a shitty basic coverage in the US
Also you in fact do pay health tax to fund medicaid etc

*cuts the tip of your dick* that will be 500 hundred shekels plus tip

>2 hours to your job and back
nice QoL

But here's the thing, precisely because it's so expensive, it's not good. The point of healthcare is keeping the population healthy.
If healthcare is too expensive that people forego using it, then people will not be kept healthy by the healthcare system. Therefore really expensive healthcare, no matter how good the quality of the service provided, is always bad healthcare.

Loser neet tier people deserve to be in debt. If you can't pull your own weight, move to a country with better social benefits where you can live the NEET life and pull a profit at the end of the month.
Also, Shinji Ikari's AT field keeps me from deleted my EVA folder

It is top notch when you compare the relative emergency room wait times and the number of doctors available to perform any number of procedures.
Also, it doesn't matter where you live, the wealthy will always have access to better insurance and exclusive medical treatment.
I agree with your point on taxes. It's still relatively negligible compared to the taxes in socialized economies.

>Dr. Schlomo recoils as he is exposed for what he really is: a filthy jew
>They found the foreskin filing cabinet, why even live anymore

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That's the first argument I completely agree with. It is important for people to support themselves financially, especially while going through medical treatment.
I think we can both agree that it's not the fault of the Doctors or nurses, but the Jewish administrative plague that has infected every aspect of the US economy.

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>the Jewish administrative plague that has infected every aspect of the US economy
The academic term for this is "neoliberal capitalism". The idea that you have to apply market dynamics in all aspects of life. Even when this may be detrimental.
I suggest you familiarize yourself with Debord and Baudrillard, classic cultural maxist thinkers who engage in precisely the sort of critique you'd be interested in.

You won't get that opportunity you boomer bait. Stop pretending to be retarded. They don't let people pretend that they were le-born in the country they choose. You are FUCKED if born in the USA and not a go-getter genetically.

Kike-enabler. People are what they are. There is zero choice in the matter so zero deserving.

Thanks user, I'm always up for a good read. I'll look into it, but I have no intention of giving in to any kind of Jewish influence, be it neo liberal or Marxist. Gotta keep an open mind tho!

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>muh Jewish influence
How do you know that you haven't been subverted by the Jews already?

Fucking THIS.
In my country 30 percent of public expenditure (ready: your taxes) are dedicated to healthcare.

I pay about 1000 EUR taxes a month, therefore 300 eur for healthcare.

How much Is a good healthcare Plan in the US?

>Boomer bait
Cool story bro, keep up the negative attitude and I'm sure someday you'll grow up healthy and strong.

>Kike enabler
Yes goyim, give in to the Marxist indoctrination and upheave your economy in favor of a socialized slave country.
I'm well aware that I've been subjected to the Eternal Globohomo's jewry since I first learned to read. I'm doing my part by shitposting anti-Semitic trash and slowly ridding myself of any and all bolkevich big nosed fuckery.

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You don't know what you're talking about as you're not a medical professional and have never had any illness requiring extended hospitalization. You are also likely a sheltered NEET so you don't know shit about taxes either.

>public expenditure
that's simply untrue
Also for the shinjifag:

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Your chart Is health spending on GDP, non on Total public spending. Try again.

What if they want you to shitpost anti-semitic trash?
You literally cannot win if your supposed enemy controls all information everywhere.

Yeah, I've only been admitted to the emergency room over 120 times before the age of 16 for severe athsmma.

You're right tho, I don't pay taxes! At least not on income. Bustabit and an early swoop on bitconnect got me set for the next 10 years. The government can't tax your crypto assets. NEET life is good when you've the cash to back it up.

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You're saying that the race that needs LAWS to prevent people from criticising them wants me to spread information about their stranglehold on the financial, educational, and government establishments?

Maybe so, but I'd rather expose the Jew in what little way that I can than be ignorant to their crimes against humanity.

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I am saying that if what you say was true, they would probably be interested in cultivating a controlled opposition of harmless idiots like yourself who wouldn't be believed by anyone relevant. After all, they have such peerless power over information.
Your conspiracy theory is self-defeating.

>their crimes against humanity
Like what, inventing capitalism?
Might wanna read some Marx, then.

People like to bitch about the NHS and how it's not really free, but our private healthcare is amazing and nowhere near the levels of the US.

I pay 1,500 a year for BUPA's completely cover and it gives me access to every hospital in the area and London. If I god forbid get cancer they completely cover me. I don't pay for private rooms and I get a better class of doctor.

jesus christ, I didn't know it was that bad
never seen such retarded pricing in my life
did you get 10 kg of gold afterwards, because if not, that bill makes no sense

>don't pay it
>they can't do shit
Fuck normies.

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It's expensive because of the white boomers trying to keep themselves alive. When they all finally die the prices will drop.

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Some people get away with not paying due to the ironic hypocratic oath thingy. It drives up the prices for everyone else due to the lack of government funding that other countries get.

It's batshit in other worlds.

>t. user who owes 3+ grand over two ingrown toenails but will never pay the ER back over that near amputation level infection ordeal due to le oath

>ironic hypocratic oath
you know, it seems like the american system is way more "kind" and altruisitc than our social healthcare here in nordic countries
meaning, there are limits to what our hospitals will do and pay for
I hope you fix your system soon
thanks for the explanation, though, made it a bit clearer
you need to go back to the old system where only people with good credit ratings would get the help THEY PAY FOR
this shit system all over the West where we pay for shitskins in every way needs to stop

>I'm English
>American spelling
Who are you trying to fool lad

Despite the slack that the NHS gets, it still slightly runs well even when it gets it's funding gutted at every opportunity. Even the last change with GPs being able to run their own budgets in an effort to be more effective, and at the same time had the funding cut is shocking, it was clearly an obvious attempt to privatise the system.

Private healthcare in the UK is brilliant however because of the lack of people on it since it's assumed that the NHS can be used for everything (since you're already paying for it via taxes), but private healthcare is absolutely incredible.

I digress, the point of having state provided healthcare is to deal with one of the five giants of society as well as avoid the irrational behaviour that Americans do (you can easily argue moral hazard makes us take more risky behaviour) but I don't see my life being very worthwhile if I live in fear that I'll have to take out a loan or pay for a more expensive insurance if my family member got a serious illness

If you look at outcomes American healthcare is near third-world levels. It sucks.

You can't inherit debt, you retard.

Hey retard, you already do. All the niggers in my state are on Medicaid. Or they'll just go to the emergency room and never pay their bill which hospitals compensate for by charging others more.

>You can't inherit debt, you retard
you actually can

Only if they we're going to try to give you an inheritance. Even then, you can just refuse the inheritance.

>harms other people
>only 'kind' when about to possibly die from x thing

Yeah, kind. Highest incarceration rates and no free health care, but making sure you can't die even if too poor to afford care sure is 'kind'.

It's christfaggot ethics that's all. It goes along with banning of literal fun.

>i dont want standardized heathcare because my boomer grandparents said no call me based

health is a human right

The utter fucking state of this, when my mother got a nasty heart condition the NHS covered us quickly and efficiently. The family didn't have to sell our house, and it's been happy ever after.

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Wrong, it is a government sanctioned liberty.

please stop moving threads from Jow Forums to here or just go back to Jow Forums and stay there, either one.

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>Or they'll just go to the emergency room and never pay their bill which hospitals compensate for by charging others more.
it boggles my fucking mind that people get away with this but dining and dashing will put you in prison

this is from reddit you fucktard

>capitalism is a crime against humanity!!1!1!!1!1
>kills half or kazakhstan
True comrade
>starves ukraine
Capitalism is
>commits tiananmen square
>kills mass amounts of chinese because of 4pests and retardation
>country cant sell oil so we reach millions of percent in inflation
>violates human rights of kulaks because i dislike them
We need
>unsheathes bike lock; straps on facemask to hide my underdeveloped chin
>kills those who want more than the necessities
>fails when stockholm syndrome wears off the citizens
>gets thrown out of helicopter uwu

Just look around, pretty everyone who is somewhat "extreme" politically, be it far right or far left is dissatisfied with neoliberal capitalism. After all, you wouldn't hold extremist views if you were satisfied with the way the world is. And the ruling ideology is neoliberal capitalism.

Hoply shit fucking based and commie killing pilled

neoliberal capitalism isn't real capitalism, but unironically

>"Capitalism doesn't work! Lets Start a revolution and starve/kill millions!"

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I just said "thing bad" and you are making bold assumptions. You might want to familiarize yourself with Mark Fisher's Capitalist Realism.

Of course it's not. But if you get to use this defense, I do too.
Real communism has never been tried.

>Real communism has never been tried.
But that isn't the same defense, real capitalism has been tried, but it is not neoliberal capitalism.

medicaid means the gov pays for it automatically (they have an 'insurance that pays 100% of costs) but since the goverment can dictate the max they are going to pay, the hospital jews can't mark it up 10x to make a killing off of it.

They then mark up other bills 15x to 20x to make back their profit.

>real capitalism has been tried
Oh, you're right.
It has. It was a complete disaster for nearly everyone.
Real capitalism is provably bad, while the jury is still out on that "real communism".

Free as in Russian healthcare: you pay nothing, doctors have no salary.

>complete disaster for nearly everyone
~1750-1914 is the period of real capitalism I'm referring too, before statist (and in particular, republican and other detestable leftist) goons destroyed the old order

Yes, I am aware. It was a complete horror for everyone who wasn't influential factory owner.

The aristocracy were the principle victims of the war, which only happened because the voting populations of france and, to a lesser extent, britain were consumed with bloodlust.

Excuse me?
I am not talking about the conclusion, but life in that period of time. Just like you are talking about life under supposedly communist regimes.

truly everything bad that has happened in the world in the past 200 years can be traced back to the french revolution

You can't just use a period of ineffective government and slavery a proclamation that pure capitalism is good

you mean industrial revolution

You mean the agrarian revolution

First, ineffective government is good, take for example the lack of strong IP laws in germany from 1870-1914 which allowed it to catch up to britain - which did have very strong IP laws - very quickly in economic output, despite beginning as an agrarian backwater stitched together patchwork of fiefdoms.
Second, slavery was abolished in the civilized world during that period of time.

>during that period of time
yes, slavery was abolished over the course of 260 years. How civilized.


Forget about cutehouse, join here - /Cute General/


They do pay in Russia, even though its should be free.

no the industrial revolution was the best and coolest thing that has happened in recorded history, fuck republicanism though, both american and french

also read Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn

into the trash it goes

>Ineffective government
>But they make intellectual property laws that are effective

Yeah, the proof of IP laws being effected in the last paper by the winner of the Nobel economics prize or whatever. I'm falling to understanding how having a lack of central authority to deal with the free market is somehow indicative of how good pure capitalism is. I cannot think of any real scenario in which capitalism seems to do well over the long term (5 years+). Any economist will agree that the private sector does economic activity well, but cannot for the life of it provide any social welfare, hence we have the public sector to do the social welfare component (and by extension, because we know the public sector is terrible at economic activity, we have an economy of both sectors)

Have you to tip doctors too?
And clap while leaving the hospital?

Imagine having a presidential candidate who wants to give Americans universal healthcare and public college and Americans say "nah that's socialism."

The solusion seems so easy:
Step 1: Learn to operate the bought scanner and do a bit of advertising
Step 2:???
Step 3:profit

Pretty much everything in America is near third world levels. Our roads look like a Whack-a-mole game, our people are drinking poisonous brown water, the citizens have no say in how our own country is run, the police are riding around like gangbangers, doing drive bys on unarmed people, our justice system locks people up to make money on them. America is the most developed developing nation on the planet. We're only marginally better than second world countries like Mexico or Brazil or Rwanda.

I have $10,000 in pointless medical charges

I just won't pay them
You don't have to pay them

It disappears in 7 years

if you've come to that point then it's best you movie to one of those "i'm a retarded child and everyone else needs to take care of me" countries like canada.

Based, listen to him anti-jew user. The real jew is capital, there's nogs and anglos in hollywood and insurance too, working aside usurers. Our society should be about helping people, most of our problems come back to the fact that people have to be literally enslaved in repetitive work to simply exist, so they turn to drugs or crime. Videos on youtube about Adorno go well with Guy Debord's Society of the Spectacle, explaining how our ability to improve ourselves like the classical roman or greek philosophers did with their spare time is impossible due to the straining work load of neo-liberal feudalism.

based femdom commie

The amount is incomparable to the US or Europe, if you are talking about insurance. I am native and otherwise extremely expensive operations and me staying in hospital for months costed me 0

it's not fair to charge the people that never even make use of the health care system

No, but it is necessary to ensure everyone is in decent health.

What's so bad about it? Americans make that amount in like a week, fucking niggers don't know actual hardship

That's literally the laziest fake invoice I've ever seen.