How come you never see mixed blacks date out as opposed to regular blacks?
How come you never see mixed blacks date out as opposed to regular blacks?
What do you mean "date out? I'm mixed and blacker than most blacks I see and have a white blonde gf
Really? I've only seen mixed girls date white guys, full blacks tend to grovel at black dudes feet while they ask "where da white womenz at?"
idk but its a shame. mixed and black women are by far the most loyal women.
>black women
For black men as a group, maybe
And if the mixed girl isn't unbelievably obvious with her mixed heritage she just blends in with blacks.
why did you quote it it's true
Let's just agree to disagree I guess.
I agree when it comes to white looking mixed girls though.
I'm half black and all my girlfriends have been White or Asian.
Black men statistically have a low preference for non-black women though
Good man, contributing to whites dying out.
not him but I don't think whites are going to die out, if their numbers reduce past this point they'll just go full Natsoc and separate themselves
>they'll just go full Natsoc and separate themselves
this will never happen
Nah they're fucked and I'm happy about it.
Mixed blacks are culturally and legally black people. They usually grow up in black communities and identify as black people, so like black wo men, they feel the need to stay loyal to black men.
The dad is usually the black one and women go after dudes that look like their dad.
what. women go out of their way to make their dads angry. ie white girls fucking blacks.
Well first off, you're assuming everyone has the same issues with their dads that Stacy does. It's really only white people who care to disrespect their families like that.
Also, where do white people get this idea that white girls only fuck black guys to make their dads mad? It comes off like a huge cope. Some white girls just like black guys. They grew up on hip hop and R&B or grew up around black guys. A lot of white girls blesses with big asses end up with a preference for black guys because white guys used to think big butts were gross and blacks gave them attention.
Salty nig
Salty at what? I'm just being real. It's a cope to think that any white girl is only with a black guy to make her dad upset. It's like you need some kind of rationalization because you don't understand why a white girl would find a black guy attractive. Not everything needs an elaborate explanation and some deeper psychological meaning. Some things are just really simple.
I think a lot of mixed people suffer really bad identity crisis. So they adopt the rebellious "black" american culture and go even harder with it than actual American blacks.
This is an example of what your perspective will turn into if you only view the world through social media and porn.
Its usually fat girls or girls with absent/abusive fathers, and they end up as single mothers +90% of the time.
I've never seen a mixed woman date a white guy. They tend to only date blacks like they have something to prove. They also act the blackest like they have something to prove. I'm guessing niggers bullied them for not being black enough their whole life and now they have an "identify crisis" like the poster above said.
Mixed dudes however date mostly white women
You pulled that out of your ass though. You're just telling me your copes. Especially this "+90%" thing. Just because you see a white woman with a black child doesn't mean the father left her.
>Dating black people
>no psychological meaning to anything
Well ain't that a meme.
From my experience (america) they seem to date white guys no more than fully black woman do, maybe less if we are counting africans/carribeans who tend to like white dudes
No, they're just culturally black and stick with black men, like most black women do. Mixed girls always had it easy with black guys so they don't have anything to prove.
>A lot of white girls blesses with big asses end up with a preference for black guys because white guys used to think big butts were gross and blacks gave them attention.
what are you talking about are you retarded
Its over 90%, give me a minute to find the actual stat on google. Are you also a flat earther by any chance?
You may be too young to remember but big asses weren't always popular in mainstream America. It used to be a strictly black thing. If you were white with a big ass in the 00s and before, you were assumed to be slutty and you would be made fun of for your body. There was a 2004 Simpsons episode about it
Even on Family Guy, an unattractive trait about Meg was her big ass.
Big butts have always been attractive in black culture so white girls with big bits would get attention from black guys. Even Kim Kardashian implied that this is the source of her preference for black men.
Just find the stats. Find the ones about the majority of them being overweight as well.
>If you were white with a big ass in the 00s and before, you were assumed to be slutty and you would be made fun of for your body.
no this isn't true
My bad, i guess its technically only 80%
Yes it is true. I was alive back then user, I remember. Youre a zoomer so your memory of things isn't as good as mine.
This says married. Doesn't mean they're single. Black americans usually don't care for marriage and will stay together as a couple for decades without ever actually making it legal.
COPE. this is common knowledge and i have a stat to back it up. Just ask the average mixed child by a black man if their father raised them. You have a serious denial problem
no one was rejecting white girls for having fat asses lmao i don't care how old you are. also, the thing i was originally arguing against was white women fleeing to black men because white men thought big asses were gross not that black culture has made big asses and thick women more popular.
You don't have a stat to back it up. You have a stat that says they're unmarried. Then you have your own assumptions.
from my experience mixed girls stay away from niggas and chase whites or hispanics
t. negro
You don't have a stat to back up your "lol they really where together for 30 years but never tied the knot" theory. My evidence+overwelming social consensus>>your nothing
>a lot of mixed people suffer really bad identity crisis
I have a mixed daughter and I'm already seeing a bit of this. In her case, I think it has less to do with her being mixed, and more to do with her mother flat out abandoning her. She turned 8 this year this year and I've noticed that she's somewhat avoidant of black or brown skinned kids. She even gets quite snippy around girls like that in particular, but doesn't seem to have any issue with white or Asian kids.
White people thought big asses looked whorish user. No white guy wanted a white gf with a phat ass. Ask any white girl born before 1990
I think its regional. In portland, san francisco or brooklyn this is probably true, but in southern urban areas they all date black guys.
It's just cultural. Not everything can be measured by stats. Africans look down on us because we don't get married.
Same with consensus that white women who date black end generally end up haggard single mothers. I have met dozens that are raising their child alone, and only one happy couple (they are 50)
>I have met dozens
No you haven't. Where do you live where you've not only seen 20+ women who were in BMWF relationships but also meet them and know enough about them to know that they're raising children alone? Internet stories don't count. You don't have to lie, user.
Really not that hard if you live in an urban area on the east coast. Black supremacists always love to deny deny deny, must be a throwback to anti snitch culture. Well problems don't disappear if you ignore them.
whites didn't care about or put value in asses in the 90s. they for sure didn't actively reject women for having fat asses it just wasn't a feature anyone gave a shit about.
Interesting. What happened that made white guys change their tastes in such a short time?
I'm not a black supremacist but I just know that you're not telling the truth. You don't even know that many white women who have kids with white men. Maybe if you said you know 4 or 5 girls like that, I'd believe you, but dozens? No.
Im friends with pretty much everyone i went to highschool with on facebook. Thats where the dozens came from.
Hip hop and R&B becoming the most popular genres in America.
Name of this girl? She's a 10/10.
10/10 is average by mixed girl standards. They are so fucking hot
All blacks are mixed black, user.
African Americans in the USA are at minimum 20% white, which comes almost entirely from patrilineal descent. Plantation owners/overseers taking black mistresses i created the modern day black in America
>taking black mistresses
That's a really funny way to say "raping their slaves"
Uh they were slaves they couldn't consent. How else were they going to get sex? Do you hate Black people or something?
Women fucking their boss for a promotion is not rape.
Exactly, they couldn't consent. So they weren't mistresses, they were victims of rape. In the link you posted, it talks about the myth of the Native American ancestor in black families. The myth exists because it was easier for Black women to say they slept with an Indian man than to say they got raped by a white man.
>When I did Morgan Freeman's family tree, it was obvious through his DNA that he was descended from a white man who was an overseer on a plantation in Mississippi. And we knew the name of his great-great-grandmother and the name of this white man. So overseer, slave plantation - rape, right? Except in the next scene, I showed him their headstones. They were buried next to each other. As soon as the Civil War ended, they became common law husband and wife...
sure sounds like rape
There were no promotions. Your skin was a promotion. If you were mulatto, you maybe got house privileges. But mulattos could only be created by raping field slaves.
But many Blacks DO have native ancestory.
That's one case. In the majority of cases, it was rape. Even in that interview, they say how it was usually rape. You deliberately left out the previous sentence.
So he raped her while she was enslaved and continued to marital rape her until the Stockholm syndrome took effect.
Some do but most are just mulattos with ancestors who created a story to hide the rapings.
So you're saying that they willing fucked a overseer so their kids could have a better life?
It was rape, goy. Havent you seen any of the slave films that come out every couple of years?
Is that a fact? Or you just saw a facebook post saying it?
One half-black girl I know is pretty hot, but hates black men with a passion. Only goes after white dudes.
Also I had a stricktly long distance gf who was half-nubian, half-turkish once and I myself am white.
Seems like full black girls date black men almost exclusively over here though, which is a shame.
Most marriages in history would be considered rape by modern standards as well as modern ones in India, Yemen, afganistan etc
First one sounds like a unicorn
No because fucking an overseer didn't guarantee a better life. It just guaranteed that you were a sex slave. Mulatto children weren't even guaranteed better lives.
A large portion of AA have at least some NA genetics.
A house slave was considered a better station in life than a field slave
It is a fact. Stop reading pol and actually read up on slavery. Rape was common. Of course there were exceptions but the majority of slave women who had sex with their masters were being raped. Slave masters didn't respect slavery marriages so a lot of these slave women were married.
American slaves had better lives by every metric than Russian peasants did up until the early 1900s.
>A house slave was considered a better station in life than a field slave
You're not understanding. Getting raped didn't automatically bump you up to house slave. You still worked the fields. You were just a sex slave as well. Maybe your mulatto child would get house privileges, if the white master cared enough for the child. But even that was a maybe, because most slave owners were married with children.
I didn't know it was a contest user. Why do polfags always want to play oppression Olympics? Neither one of us are slaves or Russian peasants so neither one of us can say which was worse.
This is what happens when you have a black mom who warns you not to date niggas.
You're the one not understanding. See
>So you're saying that they willing fucked a overseer so their kids could have a better life?
I specifically said kids could have a better life.
Blacks have less than 1% Native ancestry, meanwhile they have 24% white ancestry
But that's the AVERAGE AA, meaning though it's deluted, there's still a significant amount of Black with NA parentage.
Even still, like I said, being half white didn't guarantee a better life. It all depended on the master. A lot of them couldn't give a fuck less about the kid.
White men in the 1800s are like black men in 2019
But those mullatos had a higher chance of being a sex slave which in turn raised theirs and their children's chances of promotion. Think of it as a generational thing.
>But those mullatos had a higher chance of being a sex slave
Why would a man make his own child his sex slave? I also didn't realize who I was going back and forth with. I don't talk to namefags. This conversation is over.
You'll talk to me if I want you to talk to me you little puss.
You're forgetting how often slaves were transfered to other plantations. Many slavers used breeding for profit.
You're right I'm sorry. I just couldn't continue to be proven so wrong in front of everyone. I panicked.
Fuck off dumb lying nigger quit pretending to be me
What's up with you schizo poster? You keep going back and forth about talking to me