Sister is a skinny 25 year old kissless virgin who prefers short guys and shits on height queens for being shallow all...

>sister is a skinny 25 year old kissless virgin who prefers short guys and shits on height queens for being shallow all the time
There is hope, anons

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people act cold towards what they cant get as a coping mechanism lol lol

What are you waiting for user? Marry her already!

nice larp

on pizza sauce

Any girls prefer short skinny Mexican looking guys?

not a larp, she gives her friends shit for it

she refuses to use dating apps as well

>she refuses to use dating apps as well
then how in the fuck are we supposed to date her and girls like her if she never leaves the fucking house

Wanna give me her number user?

but is she tall? this is important I don't want midget children

she was raped or will be raped and is very clearly mentally ill

Depends on where u live
she's 5 5'

Fuck oh well she's still good shit world would be a lot better place with more like her

I live in northern cali

too far m8 origiii

Eh its ok I probably wouldnt be good for her anyway Im really broken hearted and probably couldnt give her the love she deserves. Always look out for your sister user

I live in the Bay Area and am a short guy. Gimme that discord user.

Just be an English teacher in China, everything is going to be alright.

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I'm a mutt so that's not happening

>this post
inb4 she gets with a tall handsome guy for her "first" boyfriend

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thinking what women say and actually think is one and the same
virtue signaling is the name of the game user

Fuck your sister. The wisest ancients venerated incest, many brilliant Romantic poets were into incest, don't fall for the spook and just go after her. The Westermarck Effect is beatable through mental training.

Why is it always the skinny girls who have alternative preferences? I just want a chubby gf but chubby girls always want tall guys.

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