I'm feeling bad, bros. I feel like my only choices are to go back to drinking or suicide. And the former is a fate worse than death. But I'm scared to die. How do i summon the courage?
I'm feeling bad, bros. I feel like my only choices are to go back to drinking or suicide...
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I bet some good whiskey would give you the courage to... oh. Uh. This is a problem.
Tried it a few weeks ago lost the nerve to go through with it. Also tried to stop drinking made it 3 days before I bought another bottle I drink every night idk how to stop either
find the biggest spook you know and tell him hes a smelly nigger. that will work
It is a problem.
I'm on to day 126. It gets easier until it doesn't and then it feels like the world is ending.
But, user, I am black.
Look, you've made it along time. That shows a ton of will power, man. You're a strong person. The hope that you can overcome this thing should give you some hope to live, too.
Yeah I drink every fucking night I cant even imagine having the will power to go 126 days. That is something to be proud of user why do you wanna an hero
If you kill yourself, you go to hell. Even if your an atheist just consider the possibility of going to hell.
Should be a decent enough deterrent.
Because he's been doing it for 126 days you fucktard
You can always do more to take care of your health and the intensity of the addiction will go down over time. There is still reason to be optimistic.
As time goes on the suicidal urges will not quite leave but they will fade and go further and further apart. More of your time will be consumed with happy moments little by little. It is a good future to look forward to.
I hate being sober and conscious. But thanks. I find it hard to accept compliments.
>why do you wanna an hero
Because I feel unloved and stressed and that life is hopeless. The further I get in life, the steeper the hill becomes. I can't take it anymore.
That's assuming christianity is correct. Even if you believe in yahweh, there's no reason why it's more valid than jew or muz.
Have you ever considered dropping everything you consider important in life, and moving to a foreign country? Sometimes a change of scenery can affect your entire outlook on life. I'm rooting for you OP.
I can relate to that feeling op i genuinely feel dead inside. I hope you dont ever do it tho life has to get better at some point. I believe in you bro. Try to keep your head up
My problem is I can't appreciate the happy moments. I genuinely dislike them. For a short time I feel okay, and then once the joy has passed, it's a huge comedown to the depressive baseline. That drop in the function is killer. I started therapy a month ago. It has helped, but stress and hopelessness still increase.
I feel like life would be the same or worse, if I did that. I live in Australia. It's a pretty good country. Moving houses is stressful enough. Imagine moving countries. Am a povvo, too. I wouldn't have the guts to McCandless my way somewhere, either. Thanks though.
Thanks. I'll try to seek more help. But I'm 27 and this is the worst I've felt. So, my expectations for improvement are quite low.
I'm 28 now user and I feel the best in my life.
At 27 I felt the worst. I had moderate depression constantly and episodic severe depression/suicidal urges for about... well probably that entire fucking year of my life. In some cases I experienced unfair hardships and in others I shat 4 leaf clovers. I followed a solid plan to improve my life focused around health and career growth ignored every fucking person who told me to do something different. I ignored several people who called me a piece of shit for not having my life in a better place. I shut those people the FUCK up.
Not the same issue suicidality aside but it's amazing what willpower motivated by not wanting to return to the hell you escaped from can do to improve your life over time. If you can do this and live to tell the tale you have a hell of a tale and a lot to be proud of.
I'd love to move to Australia. We could swap places for a year and you could find out what life is like in Canada's frozen wilderness.
Keep trying new things, there is literally no reason to let your life be consumed by the opportunity cost of not knowing what your true calling is.
God knows I'm still trying to figure it out.
alway rember, fren
I started microdosing alcohol and it seems to work for now
Just don't start chasing the buzz
>microdosing alcohol
how does this work?
do you get better mood by doing it?
Had just one beer in the afternoon because I was sad and panicky, made me feel happy for an hour or two and at ease for the rest of the evening
Then again I've been sober for a whole year so maybe my tolerance has lowered significantly
how is that microdosing?
i thought u meant u took little sips throughout the day
It's nothing in comparison to how much I used to drink
And drinking around the clock is a stupid idea
Personally, I make time for a hard drug night every 6-8 months or so. Shack up in a motel and party/browse tinder.
It's a good confidence boost. Like taking a hot shower in the dead of winter.