When will the mods start silencing this Jow Forums shit...

When will the mods start silencing this Jow Forums shit? I'm getting tired of all these fox political debate threads masquerading as discussion. I've been reporting a lot of them but only like half of the threads get purged.

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Because some mods have an agenda. Like a certain mod in /a/ that deletes anything that isn't pro trum/hard right propaganda.

Why should it be?
Better silence YOU

because not everything needs to be some stupid debate about politics.

This, not everything is a battle to be won.

Thankfully never. You sick fucks already have twitter, facebook, reddit and pretty much every other platform. No need to be this greedy

The fuck you mean? We gave you your own board. I just want the bait to stop being spammed on every board that isn't Jow Forums.

You have the entire internet for globohomo. Gtfo with your crocodile tears. You really think a board full of young men disenfranchised by the feminist system will be on board with "leftism"? I believe you are mistaken, friendo.

Yes it does. Times are turbulent, and every person on the sideline is a person who will be used to someone else's agenda, or subsumed by whichever faction wins.

If you care about life, you should care about the political climate.

Cry more dude

why are you guys so retarded? Why does every place need to be a soap box for your political views? You realize you're killing actual good threads everything you want to shitsling whatever you're against. I don't give a fuck about any side of the political spectrum because all of you have autism for not being able to shut up, you're worse than the mlp fags.

We didn't start this, the left did with the rise of political correctness. Its 2019 not 1995 dude, get with the times. Every single corporate cartoon, movie, tv show, band, and even fucking razors are politicized.

>fox political debate
Kek. I agree completely though.

>Every single corporate cartoon, movie, tv show, band, and even fucking razors are politicized.
Guess we should just ruin here too then. Fuck having any sort of refuge to just talk without any of that bullshit.

Or maybe you're a paranoid faggot that reads too much into everything.

>I don't give a fuck about any side of the political spectrum
Then you will die poor and miserable, your masters laughing as they pull the last few coins they can from your shriveling body.

Politics is always on the mind of everyone even somewhat concerned about the future because there is unrest all over the world. The lower classes are oppressed, and their oppressors work to shift blame onto anything but themselves. No one knows who their true enemy is and in the effort to find them all resources must be expended and all possible time spent to find them.

Every man who sits on the sidelines actively works for those who want to usurp his labor, and destroy the lives of him, and those around him. If you are annoyed by this, work hard to make sure it ends sooner. If you are too weak to work towards its end, then meet your own.

No youre just insecure dude.

I don't think you really count as a man if you're "disenfranchised" by feminism. You're a beta male pussy. Fucking rightists are such losers.

>don't question anything! Just consume product and get excited for more product

You realize trump is president right? You sound like a retard.

Your problem is now consumerism? That literally isn't what you were talking about, and is also a right wing thing. Make up your mind.

Where the fuck do you think you are lmao. Fucking summerfags

It's like I'm looking at the same post, when will you fags fuck off to your board?

>Then you will die poor and miserable
So shitposting on a cartoon image-board is the key to success and happiness? That's literally all it takes? Wow! Thanks for telling me man! Who would have known? warau

The left still has the vast majority of corporations, which is where the real power lies.

It is a simple part of the whole. One must realize and accept that there is a problem before steps can be taken to address it.
>You realize trump is president right? You sound like a retard.
What is the relevance of his presidency to what I said?

You're literally addicted to being offended and go out of your way to actively look for things that make you angry. That aint healthy

Forgot to tag you in my post.

Nothing if you didn't understand what you said.

That is the modern right. They turned into the babies

What were you implying, user?

>One must realize and accept that there is a problem before steps can be taken to address it.
I'm too lazy to do one of those Drake memes, but essentially:
>Petitioning, voting, campaigning, protesting, rallying? Nah
>posting memes on an anime imageboard? There we go!
Yeah. Nah. You're an idiot. A complete and utter imbecile. A total fucking moron. Get the fuck outta here.

Not really. Unless watching any media at all made in the past 5 years is going out of your way.
>easily offended
no.u boomer tier shit. I bet you say snowflake unironically in 2019

>watching any media

Maybe you should watch less media, leave the house, and interact with living, breathing people

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No one cares just please fuck back off to you're containment board when you get triggered or want to discuss useless politics. Stop shitting everywhere and go use the toilet.

>silencing political oponents cause you dont have any actual arguments
you probably even still believe in the holohoax lmao

>i-its your fault because you go to the movies every couple of months
another no u shit. And this is coming from the guy who made the thread or agrees with its premise? Why dont you go back to twitter if you dont like us?

>Jow Forums = Jow Forums
yeah the only one that sounds like they're from Twitter is you bud.

>>Petitioning, voting, campaigning, protesting, rallying? Nah
When did I say that this should not be done?
This is used to raise awareness. More and more people will realize what is happening as memes are spread, bringing more and more people to petition, vote, campaign, or fight if need be. It is a simple part of the whole, but it is still necessary. Only a fool would disparage the small process required to make the larger whole. Discussion breeds awareness, awareness breeds activism, activism creates a better society.

>I deliberately watched a movie I didn't like. Why does this keep happening to me? This is a great injustice!
Also, you don't get to say "we", you're the fucking outsider here.

>Jow Forums
>Make society better
Kek, please fuck off back to Jow Forums kid

Insult me all you want. You know something needs to be done. The seeds can be sown anywhere. Why not start with those who have nothing better to do?

you spend so much time screaming about politics that you can't even make a real argument outside of political discussion. I don't think you're right and I think you're killing OC with your stupid Jow Forums spam.

Nobody here cares about whatever the fuck you're peddling. I'm not going to kill my indian neighbors just because they're brown, I'm not going to kill the guy that actually owns their house for being a landlord, I don't give a single shit if you saw a gay guy in some capeshit movie, I don't give a single shit if you think there aren't enough gay guys in capeshit movies, I don't care. They're not my problem. Nobody cares.

I hate pol, I hate the constant endless obsessive politics that is rampant on almost every board, the constant derailing of threads and all these new cringey meme phrases. it's not just right wing fags but also lefties, it's a constant shit show that is endless and hurts all the boards.

it's kind of the price you pay for freedom, but honestly, I enjoy their presence. it's fun baiting them, watching cringey self righteous retards argue with each other for hours and I'd honestly rather see it than neutered normie reddit shit.

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>you spend so much time screaming about politics that you can't even make a real argument outside of political discussion
And just what makes you say this?
>I don't think you're right and I think you're killing OC
You know something needs to be done, unless you are completely braindead, That said, I don't spam OC threads about it unless it is brought up. Besides, political discussion in and of itself is largely original... When it takes place between two intelligent people.

>I'm not going to kill my indian neighbors just because they're brown
Good. I have never advocated this.

>I don't give a single shit if you saw a gay guy in some capeshit movie
What about when they appear in every single movie, vastly over represented, and push to normalize pedophilia in your society? Google "Desmond The Great."

>They're not my problem
Maybe not right now, but they will be. Their ideologies spread when not combated, and it may end up being your child who gets taken from you when you cry out against the pedophile who molests them.

>what makes you say this durrr uhhh but what about hurrr and?
you know what I said retard I was mocking you, deconstructing my sentences doesn't do anything. Also saying "you agree with me" over and over again isn't going to magically make me agree with you. My Statement stands the same, fuck off to Jow Forums.

>What about when they appear in every single movie, vastly over represented, and push to normalize pedophilia in your society?

But that isn't actually happening outside your diseased mind

Bullshit twitter is your home.

>you know what I said retard I was mocking you
So you're admitting that you don't actually have any substance to what you are saying?

>saying "you agree with me" over and over again isn't going to magically make me agree with you
I am not saying that you agree with me word for word, however, unless you are a complete mongoloid retard who spends all day eating glue and shoving his fingers in his ears, you know that something is wrong with our world, and political activism is desperately needed to save it.

> fuck off to Jow Forums.

And what have you to back that up?

>I can't read and respond to something at face value so I need to break it down into bullet points to seem smart and right

>And what have you to back that up?

Reality, you schizo

Perhaps it's not the most aesthetically pleasing form of discussion, but he is leaning toward the highest form of argument.

>muh representation
I do not give a single shit. Not one. The last movie I even remember actually seeing in theaters was Hunter Killer, and it had no gays at all. Shit, if you wanna go on about "muh representation", there actually should have been MORE gays, blacks, mestizos, asians, etc. But here's the thing: I saw that movie because I wanted to see submarines doing cool submarine shit, not to make pie charts about the racial, cultural, and sexual preference makeup of the fucking cast, you mongoloid.
>if you don't derail every thread in an anime imageboard into irrelevant politics, your kid will get kidnapped and raped
This is your mind on Jow Forums, Jesus Christ

>make claim
>don't back it up
>"that's not actually happening though"
>hur dur wheres da proof

No he's trying to derail the subject and find footing, so he can eventually find a line of text he can easily latch onto, so he can "win." Retards guide to discussion 101

All you're doing is resorting to ad hom. I'll tell you some reality though.
"Desmond the Great" is considered a highly popular and "revolutionary" LGBT activist. He is also an eleven year old boy whose antics have include being paraded around in drag in public around numerous grown men, doing a strip dance in a gay club while much much older men throw money at him, talking on TV about his sexuality and how other small children should be free to explore their sexuality, and other such morally dubious and outright disgusting acts driven by his parents because he is a child who would not naturally come to do these things. He's like a Jackson 5 child.

Also, with homosexuals comprising roughly 2% of the population, they have a slot in almost every mainstream TV show, movie, video game, book, and any other forms of media. Every streaming service I have ever used has an entire section for "LGBT" movies, shows, etc...

They even have an entire month and many marches every year in every major city in the US about their lifestyle in an attempt to publicize and normalize it.

It would seem to me that the only point you can possibly make is ad hominem. You call it simplicity, I call it a lack of substance and footing. Do you actually have anything worthwhile to say with which to defuse my argument or not?

What claim are you referring to?

>when you're too low IQ to even follow a conversation

yeah here you go, Your beliefs are stupid and I want you to go back to your board. You can't argue with me on reason because I believe your reason is fundamentally wrong, which is a valid belief. I don't care about the world at large, all I see is a bunch of assholes spamming bullshit and I want them gone. You people and Christcucks just don't get it do you? people are allowed to not give a shit.

Never saw Hunter Killer so I don't know much about it. However, as for representation, you should note that most populations stick together, hence why Europe is (or was) mostly white, Africa is black, South America is Latino, etc... That's why no one complains about representation in all black movies.

Despite this, most Hollywood movies and TV shows have "diversity quotas" that they must meet because if they don't faux activists will crawl out of the woodworks screeching about a lack of representation and they will attempt to shame the director/producer/actors for not caring about diversity, which is very stupid because it actively destroys the quality of the movie. These people work for others who work towards the normalization of negative societal constructs because it weakens the society they seek to control, or it creates division and causes the lower classes to blame each other and fight amongst each other, shifting blame off of themselves and making their society easier to control. It is subtle, but it is happening, and you absolutely should be worried about it because it will hurt you and your family down the line.

Just because something hasn't hurt you YET doesn't mean that action is unnecessary.

>When it takes place between two intelligent people.
unfortunately, it is never intelligent and never will be. politics is the one thing everyone has a stake in, and unfortunately, everyone is profoundly fucking stupid. it only naturally follows that all political discussions are fucking stupid.

I'm a psued, you're a psued, every one is a psued. better to keep anonymous imageboards on the internet on topic and generally comfy instead of ruin it with even more stupidity than necessary.

Nice ad hom. Do you actually have anything worth saying, user, or are you going to continue eating glue and pretending to win arguments on the internet because you called someone stupid?

>Just because something hasn't hurt you YET doesn't mean that action is unnecessary.

>dude down the street might shoot me in the future so better shoot him first


Wasn't the whole reason Jow Forums was created an attempt to contain all that shit? You can't stop assholes from being assholes.

God just shut the fuck up and go to Jow Forums, no one cares

> You can't argue with me on reason because I believe your reason is fundamentally wrong
You absolutely can argue on these grounds. If you can explain correctly why your reasoning is more valid than mine there is a good chance that you could change my mind. It has happened before and it will happen again. Giving up just because you disagree with someone strongly is kind of stupid if you're trying to change someone's mind or get them to do something that you want.

>which is a valid belief
It is valid to disagree with me, yes, but if you want to change my mind you can't just say "I disagree with you and you should think like me because I said so."

>I don't care about the world at large
Then you are doomed. The world at large will consume you because that's what it does. Society constantly changes, for the better or worse, and people get left behind. Fifty years ago the word "nigger" was completely acceptable to say in normal, every day conversation. Nowadays famous and well meaning people lose their entire livelihoods for saying it. Paula Dean, for example. Racism and dislike of the homosexual community was fine too, but now they have worked to shame anyone with this mindset. Some day soon, unless something is done to stop it, telling your child there only two genders exist and teaching them to use "he and she" when referring to other people will bring you utter condemnation from everyone around you, because it is "insensitive." The world will affect you, whether or not you do something to affect it.

>all I see is a bunch of assholes
We simply have convictions, and want to make the world a little better, or at least keep it from getting worse, and we are doing what we can with what we know.

> You people and Christcucks just don't get it do you
Ah, le R*ddit Atheist eh? Let me upvote your comment.

Seriously though, why should you be allowed to despise an entire religion for their beliefs and (assumedly) complain about them while I can't do the same?

>people are allowed to not give a shit.
No, you aren't. As much as I wish this were the case, our society has galvanized to the point where neutrality is no longer an option.

If there is probable cause, such as that mean being a convicted murder who just escaped prison, and he's brandishing a weapon and pointing it at you, then yes.

>hold on guys let me just write my essay after I was told to go fuck myself

>where neutrality is no longer an option.

But Im still managing to be neutral

>convicted murder who just escaped prison, and he's brandishing a weapon and pointing it at you, then yes.

Yeah having a bunch of fags in movies is totally on that level

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I don't want to change you're mind I want you gone, preferably dead but I'll settle. Also I compared you to religion because you shill as hard as one.
>Repent Repent For the Spooky Other will get you But we can save you
can you please just fuck off to your board in not arguing with you in telling you. I don't believe in debate.

Why, yes, it happens that I am in an argument an am attempting to illustrate my point.

No opinion is neutral anymore. Believe in the male/female dichotomy? You're a homophobe. Don't like racemixing/won't date a black girl? you're racist. Want a black man arrested for a crime he committed? He dindu nuffin, and you're a filthy cop supporter. Want equal rights? Blacks deserve reparations and you should feel guilty about your skin color. Dislike a person that has an ounce of intersectional victimhood points? You are (Insert -ist/-phobe here). I used to be neutral, but I can't take it any more. I don't like being shoved around, or watching people around me be shoved around.

>normalizing pedophilia
>retracting laws that make it a felony to knowingly spread HIV because it "stigmatizes the gay community"
>Pushing for laws that ban speaking out against homosexuals
I can give you more if you want.

>No opinion is neutral anymore. Believe in the male/female dichotomy? You're a homophobe. Don't like racemixing/won't date a black girl? you're racist. Want a black man arrested for a crime he committed? He dindu nuffin, and you're a filthy cop supporter. Want equal rights? Blacks deserve reparations and you should feel guilty about your skin color. Dislike a person that has an ounce of intersectional victimhood points? You are (Insert -ist/-phobe here)

Did you personally experience anything of this outside the internet IRL

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Just shut up retard and go back to Jow Forums

Not an argument
>I want everyone who disagrees with me dead, fuck civil discussion
Like pottery
I'm a fag and I'm against all of those things

>I don't believe in debate.
Are you legitimately retarded, user? Debate is what created your society, your laws, your media, and pretty much everything in your life. Intellectual debate is one of the most powerful forces in the world, and to "not believe" in it is to wish yourself a caveman without laws, morals, technology, or any of the benefits of the world in the last 100,000 years.

>>Repent Repent For the Spooky Other will get you But we can save you
Pretty gay strawman, but I'm not here to argue theology, and I can acquiesce that a lot of people are too pushy about religion, which inherently requires the consent of the people who wish to take part in it.

>can you please just fuck off to your board
No. There's no rules forbidding discussion on this board, and the people on Jow Forums are already where they need to be.

>Silencing Jow Forums shit
>When pinkpill/hrt/tranny/sissy threads Popping up everywhere in the catalog

Fucking weak minded cumbrain faggot i swear to god

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I'm not saying every single homo is for them, but MOST push those agendas. It is the popular belief and the effect that they are having on society at large.

I want people who bring discussion where its not needed dead. we could honestly have the same political views but it doesn't matter.

Yes. All throughout highschool for example. I had people threatening me with physical violence for not standing for the flag, disliking homos, got called a homophobe for disliking a specific homo because he groped girls in public and palyed the "I'm gay so there's nothing wrong with it" card and always talked with an obviously fake lisp, some lesbian girl saying I should go die for being a Christian, once had an entire group of people call me racist for saying I don't find black girls attractive, and I could go on and on and on and on.

Here's something for you, by the way. This is a legitimate belief in a lot of corners of the LGBTQ movement

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I won't argue with that
I think it's stupid. The people who tell straight white males that nobody is entitled to sex are usually the same people that call you a bigot if you're not attracted to trans people.

That's my big problem. I wouldn't care about the gay community if they left me and mine alone, but if this isn't stopped then some day it will be absolutely socially unacceptable not to sleep with another person because you have preferences or morals, which means that our society will, in essence, enforce rape.

I wouldn't hate Jow Forums if they stayed on there board.

Fuck right off, this is not a thing. Talk to any sane person in that community and they'll tell you as much, and they by far outnumber anyone who actually thinks this.

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I have been lurking this whole time because this is fun to watch, but I have a feeling you were one of those kids that probably was endlessly edgy and pushed as many buttons as possible.
>inb4 no I wasn't
yes you were don't worry, once you mature you'll realise it
>I had people threatening me with physical violence for not standing for the flag
I feel as if this being threatened for not standing for the flag is very bipartisan

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Lets make a deal then, traps and trannies go to /lgbt/ and Jow Forums go to their board and us lonely robots can have our board back that for some reason became a battlefield between disgusting people

Just as soon as all you queers die in hellfire.

These beliefs are getting more and more common and are espoused by the loudest of their people.

By the way, google "Desmond the Great" if you don't think they are pushing for the normalization of pedophilia.

>yes you were don't worry, once you mature you'll realise it
Don't worry, I'll acknowledge that from time to time I messed with people for the Hell of it. Got in a couple fights for that, but I still didn't really bring up my politics that often unless prompted.

>I feel as if this being threatened for not standing for the flag is very bipartisan
What's your point?

I would like this, can everyone fuck off to their respective boards?

It's as you said, it's loud people. A vocal minority. And I never denied there aren't people trying for this, but again it's not the whole community or any shit like that. Epstein is the biggest nonce at the moment, and he's got his buddies which definitely aren't LGBT people.

>A vocal minority
Just like the ones who pushed for gay marriage, and sued a Christian bakery shop for not making their cake...etc...
Even a minority can make pretty big waves unless denounced by the majority, and unless you are actively fighting against it you and your people will be blamed for it because they hide behind YOUR banner.

Oh, the fucking bakery, grow up. There are people fighting against it, people doing much more than the US government and so forth. You're delusional if you think it's the LGBT community fostering pedos, and no one else. I'd see them all roped, but it's not right to blame gay people.

This belongs in Jow Forums

Jow Forumstards are cringe but so are the SJWs. They're the same thing. Both of them have had their brain ruined by identity politics.

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Holy shit. It's Jow Forums. There is no dedicated topic. Just hide and salvia political threads if you do not like them. I don't care for them either.

I can hide them but the problem is they kill other threads, I feel we should treat Jow Forums the same way we treat /mlp/.