My god, iv'e never seen someone so mentally ill in my life

My god, iv'e never seen someone so mentally ill in my life.

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I'd still hit that, but I'm bi so I don't know if my opinion counts.

you're just saying that to cope with the fact that you're attracted to him

Really OP? There's hundreds of online trannies infinitely more insane.

eh, he's attractive by conventional feminine standards. his ideology still makes my dick shrivel up tho

The only people more mentally ill then a tranny would be the people that are fans of said tranny.

i would argue he's cream of the crop, simply due to how he's so well-spoken and cocksure of his ideas

You haven't seen the livestream debates.

i didn't know he did those, must be a shitshow

He has retarded political views. As expected from a tranny.

Just awkward. Was in a stream with Destiny and a bunch of alt-righters once. Very uncomfortable.

just because youre virgins doesnt mean you need to be transphobic too, come on guys, break the stereotype for once, prove you arent trash! i believe in you

His rationalizations are insane. He has some serious problems if he feels the need to dress as a woman constantly.

tranny faggots have a 40% suicide rate

She might be an alt-right retard but at least she's passable.

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I liked listening to her on Destiny's stream but she's one of those people who think they're funny and they're not. If she could get her points across in her videos without all the unfunny humor they would be more watchable. Is it true she was a robot at one point and used to post here?

>if she
>listening to her
>is it true she was a robot

Just stop. A faggot in girls clothes is not a woman. Stop being a cuck. You probably only say she to be PC and not actually because you believe anything you're saying.

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As if it's not the forever virgin orbiters that feel like they never will get laid with regular women so they "settle" for mutilated men.

transphobia isn't real, and neither is transsexualism.

this is what happens when people don't have available access to mental healthcare

I have no idea why people say this person is meant to "deradicalise" people.
Seeing this fucking weirdo being held up as some sort of champion made me more of a nazi than I was before.

>this is what happens when people don't have available access to mental healthcare

ironic you say this because i wouldnt have transitioned if i hadnt talked to my counselor about my gender dysphoria

>It's another conservative tells everyone and himself is not conservative but actually is and has views that want to remain in what is familiar and fears any sort of change or something they don't understand even if it's harmless.

Only virgins possess the unbridled rage required to hate on transgenders.

your counselor should be fined and barred from medicine for malpractice

bro my dad hates trannies and it's just because they're gross faggot men in girls clothes. You don't have to be an incel to dislike trannies. But even Contrapoints has said a lot of discord/Jow Forums trannies are pre-op and barely on hormones which explains why they're incredibly fucking annoying.

Jessica Yaniv is a prime example of transgenderism gone wrong. Pedophiles and fat loser predators hide behind the wig and use their identity as a shield, as they fling their dilation puss at the rest of society. Modern gender theory has corrupted feminism and birthed a monster of an ideology.

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sorry but this is the world we live in now, and now amount of screeching in online imageboards is going to change that, snowflake.

Being a transophobe is not hateful, its just what most people who have not been guilt tripped by radical gender relativists are.

The absolute state of tranny chasers.

No you're just weak and don't realize you've been manipulated by the media and what you see in your enviroment. If you didn't have access to the internet you never would have even considered being a "tranny" and because enough retards went on twitter/tumblr etc, to complain now it's considered "true" in the cultural zeitgeist. This is the future of 1984 we were warned about where absolute truths can simply be changed on a whim to whatever fits whatever narrative.

Don't worry we won fellow KEKorino LEL!!

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you mean the desecration of american values by allowing people to stray from their true selves and wander off into some fantasyland?

i'll gladly die on this hill if it means preventing schizos like you from gaining legitimacy

yes nothing is real just because you say so , god damn idiot : )

>Tazers get you raided in Canada


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>No you're just weak and don't realize you've been manipulated by the media and what you see in your enviroment. If you didn't have access to the internet you never would have even considered being a "tranny"

gonna stop you right there, i was cross dressing and trying on period pads when i was 7 years old at my baby sitters house

this shit starts with a hormonal imbalance in the womb, i was doing it long before i ever had internet access

>American values
>civil war
>the most corrupted political system in the entire world.
>Founders were rich slave owners who got butthurt about having to pay taxes

Yeah bro America is such a great country. Give me a fucking break. It was shit even from the very start. Canada is America if it didn't fail miserably.

i don't have to screech, i don't have to do anything in fact. your warped philosophy will never stand life's tests.

I doubt you're even over the age of 25 because if you were you your brain would be fully developed and you would have realized you made a terrible life changing mistake.

Why can't he just be a fag? he sounds like one and clearly likes dick. Why does he need to dress like a woman to achieve that?

i sleep so soundly at night knowing people like you will never get ahead

i'll be 26 in october actually, class of 2012

mental illness knows no bounds, age included

i feel very sorry for you

You're going to die on one of the smallest, most pointless hills in human history lol

One time he made a joke about guys messaging him on tinder and one of the degenerates that messaged him said he wanted to smell his panties and Contra was like "Not on the first date!" made me wanna fucking throw up. What the fuck is going on with this world.

cringe. dilate and kill yourself you disgusting tranny

I like Contra, she's entertaining. Though, I will admit, even as a commie myself, 97.56325901% of what I like is that fact that I'd smash her bussy until it was unrecognizable and resembled some alien geometric mass.

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obviously not too small if you're willing to try and force your twisted values on the rest of the sane world


As much as I agree with you, is right. The masses in general are incredibly stupid and this is why democracy doesn't work. It would have been better off if anyone talking about this tranny shit was stopped by force to stop talking about it. It's the most stupid thing I have ever seen and it's only within super liberal/middle class kid bubbles. And probably grew up in a middleclass home because only people with no problems would create problems as made up and stupid as being the opposite gender. Iv'e known incels who have admitted to me to cross dressing and the pattern is always the same, lonely, beta men wanting a gf but can't so they "be the gf" both for sexual fetishization or maybe to emulate some need of love that as a regular male, can't aquire.

You guys, she was released and no charges were laid. The BC human rights court does nothing but shield these predators from Justice, while punishing those who don't want to deny reality.

Blair White, (one of few trannies who I respect) is our last hope in getting this son of a bitch behind bars.

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You literally have no basis for that belief. No one is forcing anything. All of the science so far demonstrates a scientific and hormonal proof for that fact that transgenderism is a thing. You need to calm down.

Holy shit I've gone full retard

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completely agreed, it is metastasized mental illness that has become fashionable in some sickeningly perverse way.

>No one is forcing anything. KEK

smells like 1936

lol she was let go because the illegal weapons were seized. And You Jow Forums retards keep forgetting that Bill C-16 only effects the WORK/proffesional enviroment meaning you can't be doing your mcjob and call someone a "fucking tranny" just like you can't call someone a "fucking nigger" at work. That's literally all that happened, transgender people were put into the protected class of people. If you get triggered by trannies that much then you need to get a life. Faggot.

>grew up in a middleclass home because only people with no problems

nope, wrong, i grew up on food stamps and shopping at the salvation army

of course you did.

fuck off back to your bubble

It's like how every furry seems to be "gay" seriously try looking up fursuit porn where one female is involved it's impossible. Ugly,awkward, beta man can't just admit they suck so they actually convince themselves they're gay, or they're women, or whatever other stupid bullshit to cope.

sorry that it conflicts with your worldview, retard maybe you dont know as much as you think.

maybe you'll never actually be a woman

It literally does nothing to anyone in the end. You're no different than conservatives were back in the 50's calling gay people pedophiles. It's all the same bullshit. And conservacucks have always feared change. Sex is not a social construct yes, but gender is. The clothes we wear, the way we do our hair up, or what facial hair we have is different in various cultures. Also trans people were treated decently in a lot of socities in ancient times. The Native Americans and Romans embraced trans people. I understand that you do nothing but browse Jow Forums all day and get fatter and fatter but you really need to do 5 minutes of research, watch a fucking youtube video if you're too dumb to read. It's like people who blame jews on everything and say they control the banks etc, not realizing that jews became bankers originally because they were barred from doing any other sort of job because the Christians wouldn't let them. And now the neo-newgen conservacucks have infested Jow Forums and unironically talk like Also capitalism has statistically killed more people than communism.

Fuck off dude. The only people that hate liberals these days are either total white trash, or people from obsolete white collar families that have no fucking clue what's going on in the real world. Real life is obviously too complex for you to grasp, so I guess it makes sense you'd be on here crying about your myopic view of what constitutes mental illness. Now go crying back to mommy about your fucking tendies and leave the real life problems to the grown ups.

pic related is literally you

>this isn't a military occupation, just a parade :))))

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maybe not, but you'll still continue to hate me just like you hate regular women, and i find it quite affirming

So you're agreeing with me?? I don't understand what this picture has to do with my post.

>just like you hate regular women
i don't hate women, i do hate men who think they're women though. TERFs are some of my favorite people, in fact

Except when they shut you down at the bar.

Just busted a nut to a video of him/her talking about random stuff.

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I don't mind transgender people in general, it's the predators and pedophiles who use their tranny identity as a mask to trick people into treating them like victims. People are people, I couldn't give less fucks how they dress or self-identity, just so long as they don't infringe upon MY rights, and those of the most vulnerable - children.

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i can't argue with a communist

>myopic view of what constitutes mental illness
lol k. you know nothing about me but continue to project. it's mental illness, i'm really in no position to change your mind

Imagine being this triggered by a woman

i just unironically watched all 34 minutes of her "transtrenders" video and found it to be entertaining

of course you assume im trans but im really just a decent human being, but yea hAha CrinGi

i don't go to tranny bars lol

And with that kind of reply you continue to prove me right. I can't imagine what causes you to view the world the way you do, but you're going to get steamrolled with the rest of the mentally unfit in the grand scheme of things, so it's silly for you to be hating on trans people as much as you do.

It's true. Gender disphoria is a mental illness and should be treated as such. It's amazing that for over 200 scientist have settled the matter of gender as a binary option, until very recently when the Marxist indoctrination is blowing the issue out of proportion, and pushing degenerate ideologies on kids.
Also, better dead than red.

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Why would terfs go to tranny bars?

>you're going to get steamrolled with the rest of the mentally unfit

right back atcha pal

there's no hate here, i just think sooner rather than later, this mental health crisis needs to be solved.

>mentally unfit
>Capitalism has killed more than communism

Ok Rabbi

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>conflating two different posters
What a literal actual faggot. Wow.

to laugh at society's degenerates

>I can't argue with a communist

>I was only pretending to be retarded guys!!

Does it even matter? You're both NPC niggers with the same prose.

hey can I just ask are you cute.

Hey man, I'm not fighting some Great War here. Just saying transgenderism is real, that's all. You guys should be happy the process typically sterilizes the people who are treated for it, so I don't get why everyone is so against it. Literally proper treatment of the disease prevents its spread.

>Nearly 45,000 annual deaths are associated with lack of health insurance, according to a new study published online today by the American Journal of Public Health. That figure is about two and a half times higher than an estimate from the Institute of Medicine (IOM) in 2002.

>WASHINGTON -- More than 300,000 American military veterans likely died while waiting for health care -- and nearly twice as many are still waiting -- according to a new Department of Veterans Affairs inspector general report.

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I could say the same thing about you and everyone else that's replied on this thread with the exception of the commie faggot.

Sorry man, all you pinko fucks sound the same. No offense intended.

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health insurance, wars, all kinds of deaths have happened due to capatalism. Not saying communism is good but capatalism is an extremely flawed system that needs to be done away with, which would be fixed by using the gold standard and because Canada sold off all of their gold resources we'd have incredible power over them economically.

Your point? Canada is capitalist and doesn't have that problem. In fact most Western nations don't. Nobody but berniecels thinks they're socialist.

Do you even know what being schizo is like? it can be like being in a hell, like when you hallucinate on drugs except it's constantly.

i don't date people from Jow Forums

I'm a hardcore egoist. Just because I'm progressive doesn't mean I'm a communist. Is everyone on Jow Forums this brain dead? Honestly no wonder nobody wants to fuck you guys.

it's the obsession with spreading the ideology that is way more dangerous than the people themselves.
people with anxiety and depression keep to themselves, they don't try to bother or change society at large.
to use schizophrenia as an example, these people are a whole different breed. they need us to validate that the toaster is in fact talking to them, or face prosecution for not conforming to their values

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>veterans die for the country they fought for because the government they helped keep sustained wouldn't give them healthcare.

You're an idiot. Americans truly are brainwashed holy fucking shit visit another country and not some conservative meme talking point like Venisuala.

weird, it's almost like it depends on the country and the countries leaders and not the financial system itself

I just wanna know if you're cute is your hair long yet and do you have boobs grown yet.

Ok buddy, let me know how things are going for you in Venezuela. You killed enough feral dogs to avoid starvation this week?

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America has nearly infinite lobbying. It's a joke. Other countries generally have better systems in place to limit lobbying. America is a shithole because money is literally the god mode cheat IRL.

>brown shitholes ran by brown people are bad


I wish communism would kill more Chinese, there's a billion idiots over there, their country is shit, and they have pretty much absolute control over trade and our technology. Muslims are not the real enemy it's the chinese. If half of their population went down they'd have less pollution to. Chinese are literally brain washed communist retards anyway and should be eradicated.